Well when I play in several sessions using Rest Mode in between I get worse performance in TLG a lot of the time than I did in SotC's ps2 release. It's really bad at times. It's a longshot, but I feel like there might be something here.I have been turning my PS4 off as of late instead of putting it into rest mode, mostly to try and and be a little greener if nothing else. There are still frame drops and such but its never been anywhere as bad as SotC was on the PS2 for example. That game would go into slow motion with how bad it got.
Well when I play in several sessions using Rest Mode in between I get worse performance in TLG a lot of the time than I did in SotC's ps2 release. It's really bad at times. It's a longshot, but I feel like there might be something here.
It seems to worsen with each consecutive resume from rest mode over time.
To those of you playing on a standard PS4, would you mind trying something for me?
I've noticed variable performance in the game depending on certain external factors. The game possibly degrades in performance gradually if I play on and off for a day or two while putting the PS4 into Rest Mode in between each play session. If I fully restart my PS4 and then launch the game back to where I was previously getting horrendous performance, it will often perform better in the same scene after a full reboot.
If anyone else could test to see if they experience differences in performance after a PS4 reboot on the standard console I'd appreciate it. I feel like the game's poor performance is fixable since I get higher framerates sometimes after a reboot in scenes that were otherwise extremely choppy. Maybe if we're on to something the developers could patch in a fix.
All right, I'm actually stuck. I'm pretty sure I'm close to the end of the game but this last puzzle baffles me. Maybe I could get a hint here?
So I'm inside the white tower and now I'm in a room with an elevator. I stick the mirror into the slot and the elevator goes up and then stops because the ceiling is in the way. I don't know how to proceed.
All right, I'm actually stuck. I'm pretty sure I'm close to the end of the game but this last puzzle baffles me. Maybe I could get a hint here?
So I'm inside the white tower and now I'm in a room with an elevator. I stick the mirror into the slot and the elevator goes up and then stops because the ceiling is in the way. I don't know how to proceed.
All right, I'm actually stuck. I'm pretty sure I'm close to the end of the game but this last puzzle baffles me. Maybe I could get a hint here?
So I'm inside the white tower and now I'm in a room with an elevator. I stick the mirror into the slot and the elevator goes up and then stops because the ceiling is in the way. I don't know how to proceed.
All right, I'm actually stuck. I'm pretty sure I'm close to the end of the game but this last puzzle baffles me. Maybe I could get a hint here?
So I'm inside the white tower and now I'm in a room with an elevator. I stick the mirror into the slot and the elevator goes up and then stops because the ceiling is in the way. I don't know how to proceed.
Ok I think I got to the most convoluted part left. I figured out what I had to do pretty quickly but making it happen is a whole different issue.
I am at the part where I have to grabAny suggestions?Trico's tail and pull it into one of several holes in the white building. Right now I have grabbed it and pulled it into two different holes but the tail doesn't fall all the way into the hole it just sort of dips into it slightly and I don't see any way to get the hole tail into the hole and climb down it.
You really don't need to put the whole thing down.If you climb it to the tip when part of it is down, your weight will pull it down naturally.
Honestly, I can't even largely relate to that. I agree that his controls are imprecise. But aside from a couple of situations (jumping off chains), the imprecision isn't really much of an issue.
The boy grabs on to things quite like liberally. It's practically impossible to fall off things given that the game doesn't let you unless you jump off. And the game doesn't have a level design that punishes you for having imprecise control over the boy.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that he isn't imprecise. I just don't think the game is designed in such a way to punish you for that imprecision. I encountered a couple of minor instances where the controls detracted from what I was trying to accomplish but not much more then that.
I'm really sick of this shit
In a room where i hooked some pot to a chain to make trico get me into another room with a barrel and a ramp
Fed trico the barrel but he kees going back to play with the pot when I need him to jump up for me
Been stuck for an hour trying to get trico into the next room but idk how. Haf the frustration is getting him to stop playing with the fucking pot because the animation for him to stop playing takes forever
Then theres the physics, constantly falling over, and trying to navigate the 3 rooms to figure out what to do
Its realy wearing me down
Might be a bug. Anything taking over ten minutes often seems like it is. Restart things and try again.
I'm really sick of this shit
In a room where i hooked some pot to a chain to make trico get me into another room with a barrel and a ramp
Fed trico the barrel but he kees going back to play with the pot when I need him to jump up for me
Been stuck for an hour trying to get trico into the next room but idk how. Haf the frustration is getting him to stop playing with the fucking pot because the animation for him to stop playing takes forever
Then theres the physics, constantly falling over, and trying to navigate the 3 rooms to figure out what to do
Its realy wearing me down
Idk, im still trying to figure it out
It being a bug seems unacceptably frustarting
I already died and restarted the checkpoint so its likely im just stuck
But getting trico to listen is pissing me off here
Im going to accept that he just has to do his thing and that im missing something
Idk, im still trying to figure it out
It being a bug seems unacceptably frustarting
I already died and restarted the checkpoint so its likely im just stuck
But getting trico to listen is pissing me off here
Im going to accept that he just has to do his thing and that im missing something
Trico did the same thing to me except she followed me into the next room by me luring her with a barrel but after trio ate it she went back to other room and started playing with the pot. I tried everything for good 10 minutes . I just restarted game and trico followed the barrel and we moved on. I think it's a bug bc it was very quick after the reboot
Wait..how did trico get past the damn metal gate?
if I remember correctly the point of putting the jar on the chain is to get trico to play with it and turn the gear that opens the gate than u have to lure trico into other room bc she will go back to the jar
Wait..how did trico get past the damn metal gate?
I restarted it but she just cant get through to me.
What i did before was bring her the barrel to eat bybwaiting for her to lift the gate. But in utterly at a loss as to what to do after that
Wait..how did trico get past the damn metal gate?
I restarted it but she just cant get through to me.
What i did before was bring her the barrel to eat bybwaiting for her to lift the gate. But in utterly at a loss as to what to do after that
Trico did the same thing to me except she followed me into the next room by me luring her with a barrel but after trio ate it she went back to other room and started playing with the pot. I tried everything for good 10 minutes . I just restarted game and trico followed the barrel and we moved on. I think it's a bug bc it was very quick after the reboot
Through the gate you should see a ramp on the left side that you pull a cart or something up. Then you turn the cart on its side and insert it under the gate.
I think that's the part where you are at least.
You had to pull it up the ramp because when you push it off it stands on its side.Thanks so much
For gods sake, i tried this but not where u suggested and I dont see why it needed to be so specific
That was incredibly frustrating. But thankfully, its not an a.i problem as i once thought
You had to pull it up the ramp because when you push it off it stands on its side.
Glad to hear you made it through though.
Take a better look at the elevator platform you're standing on.
There are holes in the elevator floor. Drag Telcos tail into a hole and climb down.
Put the tail in there hole.
I was stuck there too. The holes in the ground of that platform, drag Trico's tail into the hole to climb down.
Thanks guys. Except now I'm stuck again.
I'm in the room with theExplainerMaster of the Valley. I've figured out that pointing the mirror at it makes the sphere shrink until it is exposed. Then I'm lost as to what to do with it.
edit: Never mind, I just figured it out.
I cant. Idk how you guys did this part
Trico wont even pay attention to the pot now and wont let me try doing what i need to do. This is infuriating. It feels as if something is not clicking with the puzzle on the programming side
Yeah, I think the ignoring of the pot is normal once you have solved the afore mentioned puzzleWhere you tip the gear on its side and put it under the gate to prop it under. This causes the pot to spill so trico shouldn't care about it anymore and it should be on the ground. I was then able to just call Trico into the other room under the gate from in that room. Did you restart somewhere along the line and maybe there is a food barrel needed in that room still?
That being said, there are a lot of puzzle glitches. I'm at a part where a tail is supposed to drop down in the game and it definitely isn't. Seeing a lot of people having the issue so I called it a night. Making Trico gfycats instead.
Petting Trico Early Game - Maybe an environmental spoiler?
Is someone able to help me with Trico diving?
Puzzle spoilers?
I got through the first dive, but the second one just isn't happening.
I've gotten him to dive and go through, but he leaves me behind, or when I get him to dive and I'm on, he turns around when reaching the bottom (I have opened the gate).But I can't seem to get him to dive, have me on his back, and go through.
Is someone able to help me with Trico diving?
Puzzle spoilers?
I got through the first dive, but the second one just isn't happening.
I've gotten him to dive and go through, but he leaves me behind, or when I get him to dive and I'm on, he turns around when reaching the bottom (I have opened the gate).But I can't seem to get him to dive, have me on his back, and go through.
I was stuck there for a while last night. Maybe over 20 minutes. Just hold R1 and point down. Some people said to swim below Trico and then call him and he'll swim down there and hopefully grab you on his way.
Ok I finished it. Was worth it.
I'm just sad that TLG could be such an amazing game but it's hugely held back by technical problems (Camera, Clunky Controls, and mainly the very frustrating Trico AI) that largely overshadow and majorly detract from the overall appreciation and enjoyment of the experience.
To me this game would be a 10/10 without those problems. But those problems are so big that it gets knocked down to a 5 or a 6/10.
I think the frustrating Trico AI is part of what makes the game so good.
Controls are weird, but they deliver a really interesting feel.
Camera sucks hardcore
Collision detection there can be kind of poor. But you just have to hold R1 and point in the direction and he should get it eventually.
I was stuck there for a while last night. Maybe over 20 minutes. Just hold R1 and point down. Some people said to swim below Trico and then call him and he'll swim down there and hopefully grab you on his way.
You don't even need to call Trico. It seems Trico will automatically dive after the boy if he starts diving. I'd get Trico into the water, swim up close to him then start to dive for like 3 seconds then I'd swim right under wear Trico is treading water and it would dive down after the boy with a delay of like 6 seconds maybe longer and the Boy would stick to Trico in the process. The camera can get wonky so tap L1 to reset it at a better vantage point.
I've turned it off right now because I was trying for like 20 minutes and it still wasn't working but I've kind of done all these and he either leaves me behind when I dive on my own, or if I dive with the boy attached already to Trico, he turns around when he gets to the bottom of the pond.
Might need a hard restart. I'm hoping Sony is paying attention and attempt to release a patch for these continued bugs though it sounds like their might be an issue similar to when Bloodborne first released where leaving your console in sleep mode instead of turning it off can lead to weird issues. In BB it caused bosses to be much easier to beat as their attack patterns and such would get thrown out of whack. Sounds like TLG might have a similar issue.
I tend to turn my PS4 off now instead of using rest mode and I've not had serious FPS issues except for a few set pieces and a couple other fleeting moments where others are constantly having issues.
If I had to guess, Trico may be too close to the wall if he turns back.I've turned it off right now because I was trying for like 20 minutes and it still wasn't working but I've kind of done all these and he either leaves me behind when I dive on my own, or if I dive with the boy attached already to Trico, he turns around when he gets to the bottom of the pond.
I have suspend applications disabled and I often turn my PS4 off and I had the same issues with Trico diving.
Might need a hard restart. I'm hoping Sony is paying attention and attempt to release a patch for these continued bugs though it sounds like their might be an issue similar to when Bloodborne first released where leaving your console in sleep mode instead of turning it off can lead to weird issues. In BB it caused bosses to be much easier to beat as their attack patterns and such would get thrown out of whack. Sounds like TLG might have a similar issue.
I tend to turn my PS4 off now instead of using rest mode and I've not had serious FPS issues except for a few set pieces and a couple other fleeting moments where others are constantly having issues.
If I had to guess, Trico may be too close to the wall if he turns back.