So many people are already playing this. Not fair.
;_;TimeEffect, thanks for posting this beautiful drawing.
It was for sale at Walmart I was just atSo many people are already playing this. Not fair.
this is really sad but your cat is beautiful. RIP <3
TimeEffect, thanks for posting this beautiful drawing.
Your drawing captures my feelings toward this game. I had a great cat in my life named Babe, who is pictured sitting on my lap on the right. Ever since I first saw the trailer back in 2009, Trico's movements and mannerisms reminded me of Babe (my cats, Babe and Ruth, were born in 2008 and named by a woman at the animal shelter). And, the more that I heard about how you couldn't control Trico in the game, because he had a mind of his own, I would smile at how this reminds me of me of her (Babe).
Sadly, Babe passed away suddenly this April shortly before her 8th birthday. I apologize for such a sad picture, but I wanted to post this along with your drawing because this brings me great joy.
I was listening to the IGN review earlier today, and this point of "criticism" just caught my attention:
"The problem here is that there were countless times where Id mentally solved a puzzle and knew exactly what to do, only to find that Trico stubbornly refused to go to the spot I needed him to get to. Whether he was facing the wrong direction and refused to turn around or was just a few steps to either side of where he needed to be to initiate a jump, I became exhausted by his refusal to heed my commands. A little bit of this obstinance added to Tricos charm, but it happened far too often, so most of the time it just bombarded me with frustration and made me lose any feeling that I existed in this world."
While I see his rationale point as a video game reviewer, his description of this reminds me of my numerous failed efforts to try and help my cat when she passed away. Babe stopped eating and would withdrew to places in my house where the light wouldn't bother her - despite my desperate attempts to feed her and give her medicine. I was always comforted though by the thought that she was going out on her own terms, and that my attempts to keep her going were simply not what she felt like putting up with anymore.
Man - it's going to be awesome to play this game. I miss that obstinance and all that charm. I'm actually looking forward to getting stuck multiple times in the midst of a difficult puzzle that I could easily solve if Trico would just do things my way.
Thanks again for the drawing TimeEffect.....
I'm trying to avoid gameplay as much as possible but can anyone confirm if Trico is actually AI driven or is he scripted?
I'm talking about AI driven like the Alien from Isolation.
This is always a good sign.I wish I could wipe my brain and play again.
Extremely unscripted.
I wish I could wipe my brain and play again.
Extremely unscripted.
Love this story. These games always make my imagination fly and i kinda feel like Ueda when he wanted to find a way to make something memorable, and i feel like videogames are the answer. But i don't know where to start. How do you get into game design?
Damn his games are truly inspiring.
Thank u for sharing that![]()
You sound like you were a very loving owner and I'm sure your cat appreciated that.
I want to clarify that I did not draw that picture. It was found online and I wish i knew the exact source
So much better than other AAA games out there. Truly a diamond in the rough.The animation is simply incredible WOW![]()
Y2Kev's impressions made it sound like the level design here is like Ico on steroidsYou play as much as you can, take any base idea and try and figure out how to make it playable and then run with it - it's one of the most liberating things you can do. I started mostly by mapping out the level design in ICO and the world map in Majora's Mask and seeing how they fit into place and "worked".
His games are so inspiring and I'm sooo certain I'm gonna cry when I get this in the post lmao
How long is this Y2Kev?
Y2Kev's impressions made it sound like the level design here is like Ico on steroids
Is there any where to listen to the OST?
The game is the perfect length. I think it's probably around ~12 hrs. Any more and you'd lose interest. Any less and you'd feel unfulfilled. It's really a lot.
I want to replay ICO and SotC before I dive into TLG. But I'm out of the loop, I have the "remastered" copy of ICO and SotC (2 games in 1)disc for my PS3.
My question is, is there a newer re-remastered version of those game on the PS4? Basically what's the best way to play the original two Ueda games?
I want to get this so bad but then I remember I have to do Christmas shopping....
4k for me. Framerate doesn't bother me
Treat yourself!
Definitely have your first playthrough on the Pro if possible. I'd honestly wait till you can get the best experience possible for your first playthrough.I should get my copy tomorrow, but now considering waiting until I get a Pro till Christmas to play it.
I'm genuinely frustrated that Ueda's first two games aren't on PS4. There's really nothing I want more than all three of his games on the platform. Hopefully Bluepoint is given the opportunity to port over their incredible set of remasters to the system someday.
Is there any where to listen to the OST?
TimeEffect, thanks for posting this beautiful drawing.
Your drawing captures my feelings toward this game. I had a great cat in my life named Babe, who is pictured sitting on my lap on the right. Ever since I first saw the trailer back in 2009, Trico's movements and mannerisms reminded me of Babe (my cats, Babe and Ruth, were born in 2008 and named by a woman at the animal shelter). And, the more that I heard about how you couldn't control Trico in the game, because he had a mind of his own, I would smile at how this reminds me of me of her (Babe).
Sadly, Babe passed away suddenly this April shortly before her 8th birthday. I apologize for such a sad picture, but I wanted to post this along with your drawing because this brings me great joy.
I was listening to the IGN review earlier today, and this point of "criticism" just caught my attention:
"The problem here is that there were countless times where Id mentally solved a puzzle and knew exactly what to do, only to find that Trico stubbornly refused to go to the spot I needed him to get to. Whether he was facing the wrong direction and refused to turn around or was just a few steps to either side of where he needed to be to initiate a jump, I became exhausted by his refusal to heed my commands. A little bit of this obstinance added to Tricos charm, but it happened far too often, so most of the time it just bombarded me with frustration and made me lose any feeling that I existed in this world."
While I see his rationale point as a video game reviewer, his description of this reminds me of my numerous failed efforts to try and help my cat when she passed away. Babe stopped eating and would withdrew to places in my house where the light wouldn't bother her - despite my desperate attempts to feed her and give her medicine. I was always comforted though by the thought that she was going out on her own terms, and that my attempts to keep her going were simply not what she felt like putting up with anymore.
Man - it's going to be awesome to play this game. I miss that obstinance and all that charm. I'm actually looking forward to getting stuck multiple times in the midst of a difficult puzzle that I could easily solve if Trico would just do things my way.
Thanks again for the drawing TimeEffect.....
Between that post and your avatar, you are the most adorable man on the god damn planet.I got my copy today from Best Buy and started playing. My 5 year old son knew I was excited for this game and he asked to watch so of course I said he could. His bedtime rolled around (it is a school night afterall) so I paused the game to tuck him in. He looks me straight in the eye and asks if we can play more tomorrow so I said of course, we own it so we can play anytime. I turn to leave his room and I hear, "Dad?" I turn around and ask, "Yeah?" "Can you not play anymore tonight without me? I want to see what happens to Trico." I smiled and said, "Of course." I go back to my paused game, select return to title and close out of it.