Finished it today.
What an amazing game, the ending part was so emotional it was impossible to not get moved by it.
Tons of great moments with a beautiful soundtrack and some really cool puzzles. I didn't have any problem with controls or camera.
I didn't need any guide or walkthrouh but there were a couple of bad puzzles that weren't well designed, in particular that. It was very difficult to figure out because the position where you had to put the crate didn't make a lot of sense and you could easily blame Trico for not behaving the cave with the water where you're supposed to push the crate on the opposite side until Trico breaks some axes and he can drop his tail
But overall best game I've played this year.
I hope that Ueda will continue to make these amazing games.
Guys, credits are rolling, as well as manly tears ;___;
keep watching
I'm not supposed to feelabout virtual charactersthis happy
Will I get a lot more out of this game if I play Ico and SotC first? I've played them a bit at friends' houses but never picked them up myself. But the trailers for Guardian have caught my interest.
Will I get a lot more out of this game if I play Ico and SotC first? I've played them a bit at friends' houses but never picked them up myself. But the trailers for Guardian have caught my interest.
I think the game needs some Quality of Life improvements that wouldn't be very hard to implement.
1. Being able to toggle the button prompt windows on and off.
2. Add an in game option to check out all the commands and such. Just add it into the options or pause menu or some such.
3. Being able to invert the controls of the mirror to match the camera and player preference.
4. A chapter select of sorts
I'm sure there are some things I forgot.
"Fumito Ueda: Colossus in the Shadow" (interview with Simon Parkin) →
I guess they assumed people would bother to read the digital manual that comes with the game which explains it in detail but I understand that some people aren't even aware that games come with digital manuals at all.
just ran into my first bug that required a full game restart. Checkpoints didn't help.
It's in an area a good ways into the game. Involves water and a crate (you'll know what I mean). Not really gameplay spoilers since if it's not broken t's quite obvious, but whatever:
I pushed the crate around the water for a good 10 minutes before it became clear something was wrong. The narrator started talking about things that hadn't happened yet. I eventually figured out what was happening - Trico is supposed to break a plank above you, and his tail is supposed to drop down allowing you to climb out. But in my game, his tail was getting stuck on some support beams. Restarted from checkpoint 4 times to no avail. Eventually closed the game entirely and it worked on the first try.
Would have been stuck here for a while if the narrator hadn't bugged out.
so I just started the game, is this 0.5 second input lag normal?, also where do I find the 1080p/ 4K settings for the Pro?
Noope. It eventually stops happening. Its one of my biggest gripes with the game. Its huge, ugly and obnoxious.Is there any way to make the constant button tutorial tooltips go away? I'm hours into the game, yet literally every time I try to climb anything it tells me which buttons do what. It's absurd. I was climbing straight up a series of five or so ledges and the tooltips swooped in, faded out and swooped in again on every successive ledge, like I was going to forget halfway through.
When Ueda learns that.he inspired Hidetaka Miyazaki to enter the industry... Such a gold moment.
I guess they assumed people would bother to read the digital manual that comes with the game which explains it in detail but I understand that some people aren't even aware that games come with digital manuals at all.
Hey guys, so how is the game on the standard PS4? Did they release a patch already?
The game has some slowdowns. It is nowhere as bad as SotC on ps2 but it is noticeable. It remains prefectly playable. There are 2 patches already but slowdowns are still present.
keep watching
For sure. It's crazy to think that thereif it weren't for Ico. You can tell Ueda was really taken aback by that. (In a good way, of course.)wouldn't be any Souls games
When Ueda learns thathe inspired Hidetaka Miyazaki to enter the industry... Such a gold moment.
Thanks for the share! Fantastic interview.
Spoiler tagging info from an interview, wtf
There's a button prompt that shows R1 being pressed with the face buttons, how do people miss that? It takes up a quarter of the screen and appears constantly....
I just finished. Damn it was great, the pacing was great and only a few pain points that were quickly forgotten.
There was someone in the other thread who mentioned he didn't see that once and that goes for me as well. I only ever got the press R1 to command Trico, never anything about face buttons. I kept looking out for it because I knew those controls existed, but I never once saw that prompt.
Thought it was weird because they show every other prompt 50 times, but never that one. I'm definitely doing a replay, I'll be looking out for it again![]()
Does everyone else take the time to clean up Trico after every fight/fall? Before I continue on I have to get rid of every ruffled feather and blood stain. My Trico is like a show dog.
Love, love, love this game.
Does everyone else take the time to clean up Trico after every fight/fall? Before I continue on I have to get rid of every ruffled feather and blood stain. My Trico is like a show dog.
Fix the spoilertag asapFinished the game yesterday, I swearthe game is definitely a special one and despite the technical and control issues it got, It was a really a wonderful experience.watching Trico getting beaten up was infuriating,
And I'm glad I played this game.
Finished the game yesterday, I swearthe game is definitely a special one and despite the technical and control issues it got, It was a really a wonderful experience.watching Trico getting beaten up was infuriating,
And I'm glad I played this game.
Does everyone else take the time to clean up Trico after every fight/fall? Before I continue on I have to get rid of every ruffled feather and blood stain. My Trico is like a show dog.
Love, love, love this game.
I guess they assumed people would bother to read the digital manual that comes with the game — which explains it in detail — but I understand that some people aren't even aware that games come with digital manuals at all.
this happened to me as well.
i'm not sure, but i think.pushing the crate underneath its tail will trigger it coming down after which you jump on the crate and latch on
I was not aware of this. Would have been very helpful as I spent about 10 minutes stuck on a branch not realizing the game was expecting me to use commands it had never told me about. I eventually found them just from mashing every possible button combination.
Guess Sony can't afford to print manuals. Meanwhile fucking EDF, the poster boy for budget games, comes with a full color manual. You can either cheap out on this stuff or actually explain mechanics in your game, pick one.
see, like I said I had already figured out exactly what the game wanted to do and I was trying that. After a restart of the game I did the same sequence of events I'd tried several times already, and it just worked.
Finished the game. Such an incredible experience, haven't played anything like it. Man, I'm so glad this game exists and didn't get cancelled, what a loss to gaming would that have been.
Many reasons why this game would not have been able to work on PS3 even if they worked on it for 100 years but Trico's lifelike animations and. The ending was masterful, emotional and perfect.practically the last couple of hours of the game with all the Trico-like creatures flying around and attacking poor Trico would simply not be possible
My only weak point at the game was.trying to solve the tidal wave puzzle. I honestly spent like 45 minutes exploring every inch of the cave until my girlfriend looked up to the solution online and I started asking for hints from her. There was NO way in hell I could have thought that solution. Generally good at puzzle games (Platinum'd the Witness without help, dammit!) and I feel the tidal wave puzzle was based mostly on chance
Other than that, game is one of the easiest 10/10's I could give and totally my GOTY.
Literally about 7 times throughout the game, in the top right of your screen, a massive tooltip comes up telling you to Hold R1 and press any button to command Trico. It even has an icon directly drawing attention to R1 simultaneously with the face buttons and/or left stick.
They clearly struggled with tutorials for the game either way. A big enough proportion of the user base struggled with this.
It has NEVER shown it with the face buttons. Only R1 and the left stick.