the holder of the trombone
The cage one was pretty bad though, mostly because fuck me the cage is so finicky to control.
God damn it can this just end already! Can't remember the last time a game I was this excited about disappointed and frustrated me as much as this game.
Any other game and I would've just called it quits so long ago but now I want to wrap it up and just move on with my life.
It gets so much progressively worse (the complaints voiced by others that I am inclined to agree with) but the most recent trifecta of mindboggling puzzle design elements is making me question why I'm doing this to myself; the 'dive' nightmare, the subsequent 'cage' puzzle and finally the immediate 'helmet' '"""""puzzle""""" thereafter...Why...why why why please god make it stop I know I'm close to the end.
The cage one was pretty bad though, mostly because fuck me the cage is so finicky to control.
There's a clear disconnect somewhere between those who've had a fluid experience and the ones painfully trying to force their way to the end.
How much text is there in the game? I live in Japan, but the Japanese version has no language options.
A little more than previous games...honestly, what is there is pretty important storywise. But you should be able to finish it.How much text is there in the game? I live in Japan, but the Japanese version has no language options.
You all need patience playing the game. Try the same command 10 times, it's not that bad!
So I approched the gate was like invisible. I passed it with the kid but ALSO with Trico? How? Trico literally bassed the gate, it didn't jump or what, it simply walked.
Inside this area the game gave me a prompt to give instructions to the creature, so I did it, reached the upper part of the room and...opened the gate? So Trico could leave the area?
WTF? Is this a bug?
It's not bugged. The funny thing here is no one sees how Trico goes though because the player runs through and doesn't look back, thinking Trico simply can't do it.
Truth is... the thing opens like a one-way doggy door. There's a second door of the same type later on where you can watch him do this. Trico can push the gate open, but can't pull it.
Well, that section sucks in my opinion. Because you see a gate and you istantly think: I need to open it. And since there's a lever nearby, you think that lever will open the gate, so you waste time trying to reach it with Trico.
Don't blame the game if you try the same thing for an entire hour and it doesn't work. Listen to your inner puzzle solver. If something isn't working after about ten minutes, it probably isn't the solution. Try another way.
So were you just standing still spamming r1 while pointing or trying different things? People have no trouble speedrunning this game. AI-wise.Eh, but right before in the "pot" area I spent 25 minutes (literally) to make Trico jump and reach the next area. I knew that was the way because you can see the passage if you jump on Trico, but Trico wouldn't do the jump dunno why. So try after try, it did it in the end, but it was another frustrating part.
Yeah, made me feel really dumb especially since the solution was to retry at checkpoint a few times and spam the living shit out of a specific command. *mwah*, that's that organic design for you.
So were you just standing still spamming r1 while pointing or trying different things? People have no trouble speedrunning this game. AI-wise.
You didnt try using the face buttons to give specific commands?I looked the direction I wanted to go and pushed R1, but it didn't work if not after several tries.
Mash all the buttons.Potentially stupid question here,
I just accidentally died, and now I have a black screen with white symbols moving around, am I supposed to be doing something? This screen has been on for ages, i'm wondering if it's crashed.
Mash all the buttons.
Potentially stupid question here,
I just accidentally died, and now I have a black screen with white symbols moving around, am I supposed to be doing something? This screen has been on for ages, i'm wondering if it's crashed.
Potentially stupid question here,
I just accidentally died, and now I have a black screen with white symbols moving around, am I supposed to be doing something? This screen has been on for ages, i'm wondering if it's crashed.
Just mash the buttons. The game started that way, you should remember that![]()
Started playing this yestereday. My god is it gorgeous. Loving it so far. The environmental puzzles, the atmosphere, and Tric-bro are all amazing. Not even the shitty framerate, super obnoxious button prompts, and wonky camera can bring me down.
Honestly, I think that you only need to look at all of the complaints in this thread to understand why they felt the need to beat the player over the head with button prompts all the way through the end. The game has performance issues and the camera struggles in tight areas, but other than that I really can't relate to anyone's frustrations. The game's puzzles are natural and not all that difficult, Trico only ever needs one command to do whatever you ask of him, and I think what some people mistake for buggy AI is actually them just misunderstanding how to issue commands properly.How people are heaving issues with this game is beyond me. Yeah the camera is not the best there is, but really? That's breaking the game? Pfffff....Maybe the puzzles are too hard for some.. I loved it!! Once you realise to stop spamming commands Trico does exactly what you want him to do. It's not SOTC but it never tries to be. Just like, ICO and SOTC, it's all about the experience. No game ever made me want to pet a creature and look at his reactions like TLG does. The way you see their bond growing (as well as your own) is caputred beautifully. Sure there are issues with the game, but looking past those issues, a masterpiece is what remains. Those who remain (little nod at SOTC) are in for a lifetime experience. finished. I don't remember ever having such a love/hate relationship with any other game. There's so much that's golden in here - the animations for both the boy and Trico are simply god tier and give them so much personality, the level design is great at times and really gives the game a distinctive sense of place, some set pieces are jaw dropping, and the final 2 hours or so may just be some of my best gaming moments ever (). But jesus christ do the complaints have merit to them. Why does the boy transition from excruciating tip toe to balls out sprinting with no in-between state (especially when the game requires precise control for more than a few times)? Why does the camera move like it's being held underwater? Why the fuck does Trico NEVER EAT THE FUCKING BARRELS PROPERLY. Seriously Trico, it's not that hard. And some of those puzzles..oh boy.starting with the evil trico fight
Potentially stupid question here,
I just accidentally died, and now I have a black screen with white symbols moving around, am I supposed to be doing something? This screen has been on for ages, i'm wondering if it's crashed.
Just finished. I don't remember ever having such a love/hate relationship with any other game. There's so much that's golden in here - the animations for both the boy and Trico are simply god tier and give them so much personality, the level design is great at times and really gives the game a distinctive sense of place, some set pieces are jaw dropping, and the final 2 hours or so may just be some of my best gaming moments ever (). But jesus christ do the complaints have merit to them. Why does the boy transition from excruciating tip toe to balls out sprinting with no in-between state (especially when the game requires precise control for more than a few times)? Why does the camera move like it's being held underwater? Why the fuck does Trico NEVER EAT THE FUCKING BARRELS PROPERLY. Seriously Trico, it's not that hard. And some of those puzzles..oh boy.starting with the evil trico fight
Playing with it occasionally is fine. I'm pretty sure that barrels continually popping out of it's mouth when it'sis just shitty ai though.dying and desperately in need of food
The imprecise eating is adorable. He just whines when he misses and claws at it.
You can guarantee it hits if you throw it at his face. Hold food, call his name, and when he gets close enough, throw it at him. He'll always catch it I think.
Lollll. Adorable. I hope you get through the rest of the game okay.
You're going to be doing that a few times in the game. If you see symbols on screen, mash.
Also, read the manual! You might find some useful stuff on there about other things.
Why the fuck does Trico NEVER EAT THE FUCKING BARRELS PROPERLY. Seriously Trico, it's not that hard. And some of those puzzles..oh boy.
lol, It's not the best start is it?
I'm doing ok so far, not having any problems with Trico yet. I'm actually surprised at how he follows me, and does what I want. I tend to give a command then wait 30 seconds to see what he will do. Normally he comes to me so i'm enjoying it so far.
This game is apparently the ultimate, "nonononono the game isn't the problem, you're the problem" game.
The imprecise eating seemed realistic to me.
Did you push up the camera sensitivity?
I never felt frustrated with the controls.
I don't think so.