Haha, she is HUGE!

Looks exactly like my cat back in the days! She used to have that same "I may look relaxed but touch me and I'll kill you"-stare all the time. Cats can look pretty different but yours must be a very distant relative.
Small tipps for next time:
- Try using the direction command (R+analog stick) in most cases, it doesn't matter if Trico needs to dive or jump. This always worked for me.
- Don't use R+X unless you want to cancel an action. Also experiment with the others.
- Take your time, watch and listen to trico closely.
- There are unlockables in your second playthrough. Check the menu for them. ;D
- There are some open questions regarding game mechanics. Maybe you can find some new stuff yourself. I'll try whenever I get the chance. The power supply gave up yesterday ;_; Trico's gonna have to wait a bit.