So, how many loadout points can you get, and when do you hit the cap? I'm at 12 now, using Collector 2 (5pt), First Aid Training 2 (4pt), the bow (3pt) and the revolver (0pt). I really want to know if I can eventually squeeze another perk in there.
Sweden-GAF playing right now but we're short one player. Anyone wanna join us?![]()
add me: waypoetic
Nicely played sir
The max loadout points you can get is 13.So, how many loadout points can you get, and when do you hit the cap? I'm at 12 now, using Collector 2 (5pt), First Aid Training 2 (4pt), the bow (3pt) and the revolver (0pt). I really want to know if I can eventually squeeze another perk in there.
Here's an update on what I want from a VIP mode; suggest any changes and I'll submit it to where Evan Wells seems to hang out.
Similar to UC3/Gears:
One member of each team is "Marked". This person acts as the leader of their parties. They have (2x) armour by default, but cannot ever gain any more armour after this. They can, however, use first aid kits.
The objective of the game is to twofold:
1) Kill the VIP
2) Kill the remaining players
-Everybody but the VIP has infinite respawns. The VIP can respawn once. You can continuously spawn and make a rush for the enemy's leader or to defend your own.
-If the VIP dies, sudden death mode is engaged for his team. The VIP respawns as a regular teammate (thereby using up his only respawn). This team and him is then given a chance to kill the enemy's VIP, thereby forcing a sudden death/Survivor situation for everybody. If they are killed by the enemy team, they lose.
-The VIP must be executed to count as a kill. This further encourages teamwork to ensure that you move and act as a squad.
-Supply boxes opened up by the VIP contain greater resources than what his teammates can find. His teammates can find basic scraps, but not very many.
-The VIP cannot craft items,. Whatever he finds, he gives to his teammates. But he can have items given to him from his teammates through the Crafting booster.
-Whatever the VIP picks up in supply boxes is given to his whole team. This ensures that the VIP moves around the map instead of completely holing up in a place, and also ensures that teammates care to properly escort the VIP. Since supply pickups from the VIP go to everybody, crafting items will be common, and teammates have to determine if it's a better choice to give their VIP extra items for defense, or use those items to kill the enemy VIP.
I really think this makes use of LoU's unique features:
-Limited lives/no respawns
-Intense gameplay/thoughtful planning
I also think this is a more realistic variation using resources in the game that already exist, instead of expecting something complicated and unlikely like 2v2v2, or CTF mode.
Here's an update on what I want from a VIP mode; suggest any changes and I'll submit it to where Evan Wells seems to hang out.
Similar to UC3/Gears:
One member of each team is "Marked". This person acts as the leader of their parties. They have (2x) armour by default, but cannot ever gain any more armour after this. They can, however, use first aid kits.
The objective of the game is to twofold:
1) Kill the VIP
2) Kill the remaining players
-Everybody but the VIP has infinite respawns. The VIP can respawn once. You can continuously spawn and make a rush for the enemy's leader or to defend your own.
-If the VIP dies, sudden death mode is engaged for his team. The VIP respawns as a regular teammate (thereby using up his only respawn). This team and him is then given a chance to kill the enemy's VIP, thereby forcing a sudden death/Survivor situation for everybody. If they are killed by the enemy team, they lose.
-The VIP must be executed to count as a kill. This further encourages teamwork to ensure that you move and act as a squad.
-Supply boxes opened up by the VIP contain greater resources than what his teammates can find. His teammates can find basic scraps, but not very many.
-The VIP cannot craft items,. Whatever he finds, he gives to his teammates. But he can have items given to him from his teammates through the Crafting booster.
-Whatever the VIP picks up in supply boxes is given to his whole team. This ensures that the VIP moves around the map instead of completely holing up in a place, and also ensures that teammates care to properly escort the VIP. Since supply pickups from the VIP go to everybody, crafting items will be common, and teammates have to determine if it's a better choice to give their VIP extra items for defense, or use those items to kill the enemy VIP.
I really think this makes use of LoU's unique features:
-Limited lives/no respawns
-Intense gameplay/thoughtful planning
I also think this is a more realistic variation using resources in the game that already exist, instead of expecting something complicated and unlikely like 2v2v2, or CTF mode.
I want a map where a horde of infected swarm in at halftime. Someone will scream "Infected!!" and the shit goes down. Maybe a map in the underground sewer tunnels. I would fucking love that!
I want a map where a horde of infected swarm in at halftime. Someone will scream "Infected!!" and the shit goes down. Maybe a map in the underground sewer tunnels. I would fucking love that!
I want a map where a horde of infected swarm in at halftime. Someone will scream "Infected!!" and the shit goes down. Maybe a map in the underground sewer tunnels. I would fucking love that!
Here's an update on what I want from a VIP mode; suggest any changes and I'll submit it to where Evan Wells seems to hang out.
Similar to UC3/Gears:
One member of each team is "Marked". This person acts as the leader of their parties. They have (2x) armour by default, but cannot ever gain any more armour after this. They can, however, use first aid kits.
The objective of the game is to twofold:
1) Kill the VIP
2) Kill the remaining players
-Everybody but the VIP has infinite respawns. The VIP can respawn once. You can continuously spawn and make a rush for the enemy's leader or to defend your own.
-If the VIP dies, sudden death mode is engaged for his team. The VIP respawns as a regular teammate (thereby using up his only respawn). This team and him is then given a chance to kill the enemy's VIP, thereby forcing a sudden death/Survivor situation for everybody. If they are killed by the enemy team, they lose.
-The VIP must be executed to count as a kill. This further encourages teamwork to ensure that you move and act as a squad.
-Supply boxes opened up by the VIP contain greater resources than what his teammates can find. His teammates can find basic scraps, but not very many.
-The VIP cannot craft items,. Whatever he finds, he gives to his teammates. But he can have items given to him from his teammates through the Crafting booster.
-Whatever the VIP picks up in supply boxes is given to his whole team. This ensures that the VIP moves around the map instead of completely holing up in a place, and also ensures that teammates care to properly escort the VIP. Since supply pickups from the VIP go to everybody, crafting items will be common, and teammates have to determine if it's a better choice to give their VIP extra items for defense, or use those items to kill the enemy VIP.
I really think this makes use of LoU's unique features:
-Limited lives/no respawns
-Intense gameplay/thoughtful planning
I also think this is a more realistic variation using resources in the game that already exist, instead of expecting something complicated and unlikely like 2v2v2, or CTF mode.
Question: If you use any "parts" (gear icon) to upgrade guns and armour in game, do they get subtracted from your overall cans score? Is there any reason to hold off on buying ammo and stuff in-game?
So this whole time I've not been buying better weapons and armour and ammo for no reason. Glass half full: I should be a better player now!
Let's say I buy a shotgun for my third weapon and die, then respawn. Do I still have that weapon when I respawn, or does it only last for one "life"?
Lost my whole clan
Couldn't do the revive challenge. One game I had a disconnect. So I lost that. Then the two games I played I had overachievers in my team trying to revive everyone. Didn't give me a chance to do any reviving.
So this whole time I've not been buying better weapons and armour and ammo for no reason. Glass half full: I should be a better player now!
Let's say I buy a shotgun for my third weapon and die, then respawn. Do I still have that weapon when I respawn, or does it only last for one "life"?
216 poulation at week 10!? What's your secret?Up to 216 population at the start of week 10, the amount of supply I need to get each game is getting ridiculous. I hate how beating the other team 4-0 on survivor doesn't give you a nice chunk of supply to make up for the fact that you play less rounds and get less supply overall.
I basically have to lose rounds on purpose just be able to get more supply at this point. They need to do something about this.
216 poulation at week 10!? What's your secret?
neoGAF username - PSN-ID - Location/Timezone
* in front of an username indicates the player has a mic, sorry for anyone I missed
Doesn't include anyone who hid his PSN-ID from Lurkers.
Add me to the list, please.
US - Eastern
Max loadout points is 13. You get it at 7500-8000 supply.So, how many loadout points can you get, and when do you hit the cap? I'm at 12 now, using Collector 2 (5pt), First Aid Training 2 (4pt), the bow (3pt) and the revolver (0pt). I really want to know if I can eventually squeeze another perk in there.