Getting on now
zert, if you're not in a full party, we can send you an invite.
I'm Canadian!sup?
Lol, GGs Jakfu, tun3 and Hamburglar. Sorry I couldn't stick around too long.
You should, because all parts you earn get converted to supplies, even if you buy stuff with them. There's no downside to buying stuff.Question: should I use my parts to buy stuff in matches? Or just try to survive with stuff I start with/find/craft.
What timezone are you? Can't play now (in work) but would like to play with some gaffers sometime. I should warn you I'm pretty poor and need lots of tips though, just started playing.
What timezone are you? Can't play now (in work) but would like to play with some gaffers sometime. I should warn you I'm pretty poor and need lots of tips though, just started playing.
20% enough?jk
Krappadizzle is located on a tiny rock in the pacific - if it suits you better, add me (SilverHawaiian), i live in europe (GMT+1).(I'll be on later today, in about 8hrs)
Survivors is quickly getting all of the stealth and tension stripped away by gangs of four armoured guys running around and just overwhelming people.
Shame to see and hopefully once the newness of the game goes away we can get back to some quality matches.
20% enough?jk
Krappadizzle is located on a tiny rock in the pacific - if it suits you better, add me (SilverHawaiian), i live in europe (GMT+1).(I'll be on later today, in about 8hrs)
Watch my ass
Watch it
Was just in a game with the worst fucking random ever. I was sneaking way past several enemy players to flank them from behind. This idiot on my team saw that I needed a little healing. So he sprints over to bandage me, exposing our position, getting us both killed.
A lot of people clearly don't know that you show up on the radar when you sprint.
Yeah that is so true. Especially right after the match begins and you see these people sprinting directly to the 2nd supply point which has 4 people already there waiting for an ambush.
Why did I play with randoms? Why did I even bother lol?
From now on, I'm only playing with fellas from here or on my friends list. I thought some randoms wouldn't be too bad but...I was wrong.
I just completed a 100% challenge and am now at week 12 day 3. I'm at 92 survivors, down from 114. What are the chances that the game is going to throw another 100% challenge at me, completely voiding my chances of getting the Skull Mask? I feel like I'm going to rage so hard if that happens...
Was just in a game with the worst fucking random ever. I was sneaking way past several enemy players to flank them from behind. This idiot on my team saw that I needed a little healing. So he sprints over to bandage me, exposing our position, getting us both killed.
Official NeoGAF TLOU MP List is here.
I've saved a copy. Right now, anyone can edit it. We'll see how long it can stay in one cohesive piece.
If it get's deleted, I'm taking away global editing access and will simply add PSN tags when I see them here.
Also, I might start a thread just so we can get more people! So keep a look out.
PSN: tun3addict
Bumping. Trying to keep this relevant.
I've had some sick groups from it, hope you guys do too!
Guess what, I play one more game and BAM; 100% challenge.If you just finished the challenge then another shouldn't pop before the week finishes. From my experience the challenges pop every 3 days from finishing one
Would it be worth adding a category to say what time you're normally on?
And maybe one to say whether you're available at that moment in time. My Freinds List is full so I'd have to keep deleting people to have the odd game![]()
The only issue I see with that is that, on the list, we have people from Germany, Australia, UK, France, USA, Netherlands, Japan, etc. And all these places subscribe to different timezones, so it would take a considerable amount of effort to get that information to everyone in a form that's translated to their individual timezone.
You need at least 130 survivors at all times since week 11, 4 days is 100% risk and so is week 12, 4 days. I know your pain though, it happened to me three times in a row and I missed the skull mask by a few survivors.Guess what, I play one more game and BAM; 100% challenge.
F you, Naughty Dog. Now I either have to magically attract 16 survivors in three matches or start a new 12-week journey, hoping I don't get fucked over again, just to get the Skull Mask. Thanks Naughty Dog. Randomly punishing me for no reason is so much fun. You should have at least given me a shot at losing nothing at all if I do well enough, but I guess that wouldn't be 'fair'.