Are the huge framerate dips happening in the latter half of the game? I've noticed some occasional issues, but just didn't think they were too bad. Especially the battles have been fluid until now.
I think I have heard an Irish accent among the guard NPCs.
He wasn't as awesome as Welsh or Brummie knight, though.
RPGFan put out their review of the game. Overall the only review I read so far that I can somewhat agree with.
He probably thinks Syrenne and Lowell are Irish because it doesn't sound like the Queen's English. This is why we can't have nice things like British voices in video games.
He probably thinks Syrenne and Lowell are Irish because it doesn't sound like the Queen's English. This is why we can't have nice things like British voices in video games.
You can't have British voices in video games because the voice actors don't have enough experience. Each and every character sounds so completely bored, and the majority sound like they're simply reading from a script.
Da fuck?
What, he didn't mention the framerate issues at all? Now I know he didn't play it!
Maybe a bit harsh, but I would still agree with him. Everyone of the mercenaries has one or two defining properties that are repeated over and over.
Target the mages and archers first. Always. In that order. They can oneshot or paralyze you given the chance.
lol There are no Irish accents in the game. That about invalidates the credentials of this particular reviewer.
That's true. No-one in my squad dies as frequently as she does. She's semi-useful in the arena, but in the field all the mages are superior and Dagran is a better melee-character.
Still, I like having her along for the laughs.
Despite the issues the game has I'm really loving it! I really like all the characters, and the voice actings is awesome imo. I guess I'm just not as picky as some? I've made it to chapter 31 or so and I haven't really been playing that long so it just feels as it the game is very short for a JRPG. Hopefully mistwalker makes a sequel and puts on PS3 so I can play in HD![]()
Despite the issues the game has I'm really loving it! I really like all the characters, and the voice actings is awesome imo. I guess I'm just not as picky as some? I've made it to chapter 31 or so and I haven't really been playing that long so it just feels as it the game is very short for a JRPG. Hopefully mistwalker makes a sequel and puts on PS3 so I can play in HD![]()
Hmm, I'm not sure if Nintendo owns the IP or not. If so I'd snatch up a Wii U just for a sequel. I bought the wii just for this game. And Xenoblade of course which I've yet to start.Isn't The Last Story Nintendos IP or co-owned? But I agree about the notion that I want to see a sequel in HD. Most of the issues with the game I had were technical in nature. The game really feels like it's held back by the hardware.
That's the biggest load of crock I've heard all day. The voice actors of Zael, Lowell, Mirania, Jirall and a bunch of others are TV/theatre actors in Britain. Just because it isn't Cam Clarke or Jennifer Hale doesn't mean they're nobodies that the producers picked off the streets.
I thought Americans would be able to discern and tolerate British dialects, but I guess I'm wrong. There is a cultural gulf despite both being English.
Awww yiss I finally picked up my copy this last weekend. Love that the wall of destruction is a move in this gameDD
On another note, I can't help but wonder how well this game sold. There seem to be piles of copies floating around my usual import stores and websites, when Xenoblade was sold out for a long time upon release. Or maybe this game just received a much larger first print run?
Sales weren't too good. The Wii is dead and Nintendo did not bother to advertise the game. The game's also already down by 10-20€, I paid 40€ for the LE.
Sales weren't too good. The Wii is dead and Nintendo did not bother to advertise the game. The game's also already down by 10-20, I paid 40 for the LE.
i just dont understand how you could possibly think this. Seriously, wii is your only homeconsole, right?Yeah. Truth is, this is a hugely impressive 1-2 punch from Nintendo, making the Wii potentially the strongest JRPG console this gen, as far as quality goes.
How the hell are you supposed to defeat the Chapter 21 boss in the tavern? The boss always heals itself and the game takes ages until it realizes (if it actually does...) that I'm pressing A...
i just dont understand how you could possibly think this. Seriously, wii is your only homeconsole, right?
Sales weren't too good. The Wii is dead and Nintendo did not bother to advertise the game. The game's also already down by 10-20, I paid 40 for the LE.
Where did u see at that price? I'm interested in buying this.
Sucks about the sales
What do I do about that boy who calls out for Mari? I keep sighting him, but don't know what to do afterwards. Some lady told me he's looking for his sister?
I just finished playing through the main story a few hours ago and I have to agree, this is by far my favorite JRPG from this gen. I havent gone into the epilogue stuff, and probably won't for a while since I'm starting up Tales of Graces F now, but the Last Story was a great game. I hope this is the direction mistwalker takes with their games going forward.stayed up till 8:00 finishing up my first playthrough. I absolutely adored this game. I can't wait to start a second playthrough and finish my remaining upgrades and side quests. I only missed like 3 but I did all the extra chapters. Easily the most fun I've had with a Jrpg in several years. My favorite rpg this gen by far, including Xenoblade, and I still haven't touched multiplayer.
started the game yesterday and got to the first boss.
One quick question: which configuration do you guys use?
Nunchuck & Wiimote or Classic Controller? Auto or Normal Attacks?
Classic Controller + Normal/Manual Attack.
Never tried wiimote combo but I would recommend Normal Attack.
Hey dudes, does anyone have some tips on armour/weapon upgrading? I've just been upgrading stuff as I go, should I be saving my materials for better gear down the line?
Also is there anything missable in the game, I've gotten to level 25 and have yet to find/see a sidequest. Looks like there's no quest log in this game?
I chose the best-looking gear and kept upgraind that. So far, I am managing all right. I wasted more material on swords, which you do have to change now and then. There are a lot of blacksmith-materials, though. No problem at all so far.
ALso, I think some chapters can be missed, like a side-mission delving into Yurick's past.
Hey dudes, does anyone have some tips on armour/weapon upgrading? I've just been upgrading stuff as I go, should I be saving my materials for better gear down the line?
Also is there anything missable in the game, I've gotten to level 25 and have yet to find/see a sidequest. Looks like there's no quest log in this game?