Missable chapters; keep an eye out for them. Read the unspoilered parts in this post when you get to about Chapter 13, and then read the spoiler-tagged parts after Chapter 19.I'm ready to start this game now! I cleared through some backlog, and now I've got time with my Wii for The Last Story and a bit of Kirby in between.
Is there anything I should know before I begin?
That's definitely one of the problems I had with the game outside of the framerate and some little things. The game really needed more colour. You get to theCheska said:The only complaint I had was how ugly the game was, and not necessarily graphically but just bland. There was barely any color to the levels, and I felt like I was playing Gears of War all over again.
Missable chapters; keep an eye out for them. Read the unspoilered parts in this post when you get to about Chapter 13, and then read the spoiler-tagged parts after Chapter 19.
Do some of the sidequests when you're in town because they can give you stat boosts and agility boosts are always awesome.
I'm ready to start this game now! I cleared through some backlog, and now I've got time with my Wii for The Last Story and a bit of Kirby in between.
Is there anything I should know before I begin?
don't waste your time and money on upgrading armors. weapons have priority. Armor upgrades have minor influence on the game.
I think I was around level 63 at that point. All I did was use everyone's spirit moves when I could and used Zael's Gale (ha a rhyme.) on Yurick's and Calista's magic circles. Beat him my first try. Not sure if you need more levels or a new strategy. Good luck.is kinda kicking my ass. First fight of the game with any real challenge in my experience. I can actually get all the way up to his third form with all five of everyone's lives intact (we're all at around level 56), but once we get there the damage is just fucking ridiculous. Wiped out all my party's lives in probably two minutes.Dagran's last form
Also, I'd totally forgotten Uematso scored this game until I got to that fight.
Finally got back to playing after taking a break. Got to the first point last night where I was actually becoming angry with the game. I up to the part where you finally learn about the. The damn things you have to fight in this section are just way to fast. You have to gather/burst to fight them but it wouldn't be a problem I think if you weren't in the location you are. The last group was better but there were so many. First time where I've had to respawn from a checkpoint twice in a row. I really hope that's the last I see of those things.Outsider when you are under the castle
From where I'm at, to those that have beaten the game, how far am I into the game?
Finished the game a couple weeks back now I think...it was awesome. Sadly it's not as good as Xenoblade, but it's such a satisfying experience anyways. I clocked in at a bit over 19 hours.
I dunno about anybody else, but I thought the plot was completely predictable about 30% into the game. It's still enjoyable, but I'm surprised that all the characters were completely oblivious to what was happening.
I can agree that the progression for armor upgrade materials is pretty bad too, once the gold ones drop, they drop almost exclusively. The only way to get more of the lesser ones is to run around town and hope to pick some up here and there.
I'll probably end up replaying it though, it's such a fun game.
Really late response on my part, but the song from the fight withis kinda kicking my ass. First fight of the game with any real challenge in my experience. I can actually get all the way up to his third form with all five of everyone's lives intact (we're all at around level 56), but once we get there the damage is just fucking ridiculous. Wiped out all my party's lives in probably two minutes.Dagran's last form
Also, I'd totally forgotten Uematso scored this game until I got to that fight.
And unless I'm mistaken, there's no way to direct your party correct? Some sort of positioning would be nice, for mages especially.
Just finished chapter 6. I'm having fun with the battles, but everything else seems sort of average. The characters and VA are really good thus far, but the rest hasn't grabbed me or anything. Are the various quests timed? And is it worth doing most of them? It's a bit annoying because there doesn't seem to be any quest logs or whatnot. I also know of the missable optional chapters, but I have DarkSchala's post bookmarked so I should be good there.
OMG, best sidequest ever. It was the one where the guy is looking for a master archer. Naturally, Iaimed for one of the dudes with the Charm Arrow. I wasn't expecting it to actually work, but it did! I was giggling like an idiot. I reloaded since the guy disappeared, and I want to see everyone else's lines.
Guy I shot: "Hmmmm... what an attractive young man"
Arrow dude freaks out.
Guy I shot chases him while screaming: "Let's work out till dawn!" or something like that, haha.
I do have a question, actually. Are the blunt weapons just to sell? They're described as being useless, but are worth a ton. But I always keep them just in case there's some trick to them.
I'm a Lowell fan, too, pal. I like your taste.
The game really is a lot of fun when it comes to battles, but there have been some cases of frustration because of the camera and the cover system. Sometimes the camera just goes psycho on me if there are big enemies around, which doesn't let me see shit. And, of course, trying to roll during these instances and realizing you're just taking cover is annoying. Gah. It happens very rarely, though (so far), which is why it's extremely jarring.
Also, Bladenic, you should be really close to the sidequest I was talking about. Hopefully you don't miss it. Something tells me you'd enjoy it. Location, just in case you're curious (and since I'm not exactly sure when it triggers):second floor of the tavern. It's the two guys on the round table by the save point
As for me, I finished up chapter 24 last night. I could've sworn I jumped from 22 to 24, though. I really don't remember seeing chapter 23. Am I going crazy? Anyway, the boss in chapter 24 was pretty annoying, honestly. I mean, goddamn. The boss was thevampire thing that can only be made vulnerable by silver bullets. Chasing it around wasn't very fun
As for me, I finished up chapter 24 last night. I could've sworn I jumped from 22 to 24, though. I really don't remember seeing chapter 23. Am I going crazy? Anyway, the boss in chapter 24 was pretty annoying, honestly. I mean, goddamn. The boss was thevampire thing that can only be made vulnerable by silver bullets. Chasing it around wasn't very fun
So I just get to chapter 19 and end up seeking my way to the spider.
After I kill the spider, my team freezes and I no longer get the option to seek the walls.
I then reset to try it again, and it reverts me back to the save point. However, this time, I STILL can't seek a weak point on the walls. I'm trapped.
Anybody else have this problem? Is my save file glitched?
Finally finished this game. Really took my time with it. Took me 33 hours all up. Loved every hour of it. Probably the best RPG I've played since the SNES!!
The story was good and the characters... damn! Just loved them all!
End game spoilers -I really enjoyed the extra optional chapters at the end after you beat the last boss. Once that whole thing with Dagran was over I felt like the game was finished. But I could still see some of their lives go on through the extra chapters. Such an awesome game.
I'm moving onto Xenoblade now. I really hope I like it as much as this.
I don't really have any of the gameplay complaints that djtiesto voiced above, I think the battle system works pretty well. Playing with the classic controller pro (that I got with Xenoblade!), if that makes any difference.
This game strikes me as being sort of like what Resonance of Fate was trying to be (though more serious, and with swords instead of guns!), but actually good. And with terrible graphics, but it's a somewhat obviously under-budgeted Wii game, so what do you expect.
I guess it's not that much like RoF, given the qualifiers above. Maybe it's what I wanted RoF to be
I have to agree with Elfforkusu. I loved the gameplay in this game. Didn't have any problems with it. Each to his own I guess. I also used the classic controller though. I don't think I would have enjoyed playing with the Wii remote. What are you using djtiesto? Although I guess it doesn't really make much difference with some of the issues that you're experiencing.And the funny thing is, RoF was one of my favorite RPGs of this gen... Up to the final chapter now. Will probably finish this weekend then give Fortune Summoners or VLR a shot.
So i just got a sealed LE of this from Gamestop. Do I play it or do i return it?
Also, CCP or Wiimote+'chuck?
Something must be wrong with me but I'm loving this game. I'm home for xmas playing on a CRT with great color and the game looks REALLY nice.
Story is yeah, battles are a little imprecise, but the game has a lot behind it. Feels like genuine effort went into it.
Love the pacing too.