kaching said:
Oogami - that you can actually quote woe's post in its entirety and still overlook the part where he calls devs "lazy" and "jackoffs" for not supporting the GC is an amazing display of denial on your part. It's no wonder you think I'm attacking people with that much willful ignorance on display.
Okay maybe Sony fans are really that ignorant so I'll spell it out for you:
kaching said:
Not sure if I can manage to whine as loudly and bitterly as some GC fans have whenever a game passes their platform of choice by, but I'll do my best if that's what the psp non-fans want.
You DAMN RIGHT you're attacking people with that insults. Which you just denied. Also you insulted them out of the blue which has nothing to do with this thread so I questioned why you did it, but of course you still are unable to give us a response after so many replies. Not even PSP loading is that slow.
And about woe's post. I didn't overlook anything. I'll post it again since you might want to read it again.
GC burnout sold more than xbox burnout, by a fair share if i remember the numbers correctly.
The online thing is a weaksause excuse, because the single player game is fine on it's own.
Comes down to lazy developers and the gc being the scapegoat for jackoffs this generation.
He's true about that the lack of online support excuse was a weak excuse from the developers. The offline part is what makes the game anyway. Not to mention GCN CAN do online gaming, and if he's right, the GC's version sold better than the Xbox's version. So by all that, calling the developers "lazy" being one of the reasons can be true and I'm not sure exactly how's that a loudly and bitterly whine that you were talking about. And GCN IS the "jackoff" system out of the three by all developers. He's only stating the facts so how's that a loudly and bitterly whine again?
That thread asked for reasons of why the non-support from that developer, so he only did what the thread asked him to do, to state out the reasons of the non-support. So what's wrong with that again? If he stated out those reasons in other threads that have absolutely nothing to do with "Why's the non-support from that developer on GCN??", then maybe you can say that's a whining, kinda like what you did, bitching about GC fans in a thread that has nothing to do with GC fans.
So do you understand this at all?
1. I called you out to answer why your vicious attack on GC fans who have nothing to do with this thread out of the blue. If not because of your bitterness, then what's the reasons?
2. I called you out to name and quote the GC fan
s who were whining bitterly and loudly that you speak of. And you still can't do that, besides giving out a thread that is full of trolling Sony fans, and other people simply answering what the thread topic asked them to explain.