The stick controls for my Dualshock are WAAAAAY too sensitive in the menus on Unlimited.
I'd like to use the D-Pad tor those, but I can't map them at all.
D-Pad has the same problem on unlimited, it reads input faster as FPS goes higher, so unlimited is basically unplayable at the moment (I think Durante said it was a known issue, but I'm not sure how high a priority it is at the moment).
For this game, instead of using DS4Windows I switched to Steam's DS4 controller support. My issue was that the game had trouble switching between Xinput/Directinput for the same controller, and that happens in DS4Windows whenever the controller is plugged in to charge.
Try disabling DS4Windows if you were using that, and then go into Big Picture Mode and configure the controller as a basic gamepad. Everything should work fine after that (you only need to go into BPM that first time, after that you'll have that controller profile for the game whenever you launch it).
I understand japanese people asking the JP dub, but for westerns i dont get the point, is there famous Voice actors on the JP dub? The English is good, And as far as i know Makes more sense, since erebonia looks like an european monarchy with the european nobility titles, like England has.
I just prefer JP dub for anime style games. There's a couple tropes that the acting relies on with drawn-out vowels and stuff, and I think it's less awkward to hear "tsugoiiii" than "wooooooow". Or drawn out names, like "Rean-kuuuuuuuun" sounds less annoying than "Reeeeeeeean" to me. So that's just a preference in general for pretty much all Japanese games influenced by anime writing/acting.
But I don't get people complaining about no JP dub when, like, there's definitely a pretty easy to add it to the game. No need to blame Xseed for Japanese VA's weird licensing contracts.
It sohuld be patched sometimes today, Trails in the sky the 3rd was patched yesterday with the turbo mode.
Enjoy Trails in the sky, you are in for a treat !
Thanks! I was thinking about waiting for the official patch once I saw that it was coming, but I actually really like the way Cheatengine allows you to have multiple speeds assigned to different buttons. Because the game was originally on PSP, L2/R2 aren't used, so I have one set up for 2x speed (to walk faster in towns/dungeons) and one set to 5x speed (to blaze through battles). Plus, cheatengine doesn't make the music speed up like speedhacks in emulators do, so there's no jank or anything that an official patch would solve.
It'll be nice to skip battle animations completely though