In the Ice temple, how do you break the red ice?
Thanks mate! I always get stuck during some easy stupid stuff in Zelda gamesPut some blue fire in a bottle and use it to melt the red ice.
Hey Zelda-GAF something I'm not quiet clear on. I know it was talked about for the 3ds remake that they might do a new OST for OOT 3d. Maybe even a redone soundtrack orchestrated style. Now supposedly this didn't happen correct, but we got one redone song thrown in? Does that mean the soundtrack is the direct N64 soundtrack or is it remastered midi tracks?
I swear the tunes sound wayyyy better than on the N64, but that could just be the fact that the 3d sound hardware is waaayyy better than the N64. The soundtrack itself could be exactly the same. If you had me guess though I swear things sound remastered even if they still sound like midi.
IIRC from the Iwata Asks on the game they had to re-record the music to get the timing of it synced up with the new visuals. Also the individual who was doing the music for the game was doing completely new music until Kondo sent him to his naughty place and insisted that they retain the original music [correctly, in my opinion] hence we got one new piece of music only.
Well worth a read.
Hey awesome! Thanks for that link! I'll read it later when I get back for sure!
Guys, I need a little help here : I've been stuck in Temple of Fire for so long I'm beginning to wonder if I didn't break the game...
In a nutshell, I'm able to access the big room with the cubes that move on the lava, I went to the room with the flying tiles, to the room with the emprisonned goron (which gave me a key), to the big room on the left when you come from the entrance of the dungeon (the one with the boss' door) and to the room with the central lava stream (where you have to climb on the fence and then push the block in order to access the superior level). The problem is, I don't have any keys left, and I can't open the door in the superior level, and I've been trying to explore every inch of what's accessible to me, but I didn't find anything...
Getting a 3DS XL next week and I'm going to make my favourite game of all time my first 3DS game (probably grab Tales of the Abyss aswell while I'm at it). Cant wait!
how did you like the 3D effect on the XL? I thought it was very powerful on the regular but it prevented me from keeping it on all the time - probably kept it on about half the time. I haven't even seen an XL in person yet.
I'm just about to start playing this game, but I have questions about the digital manual usually included with every 3DS game.
I noticed that every(?) USA physical version does not have the digital manual on the cart. When game icon is selected on home screen, the only option is "open". However, I watched a YouTube video of the eShop version, and on the home screen, it did have "manual". The EU website has the English digital manual posted, so I know one exists.
Anyone with a physical USA version have the digital manual? Does the eShop version include the manual?
I doubt anyone will see this, but I am going to post a request for a hint:
Where should I look in order to find the recipient of the Spooky Mask?
I'm not looking for the actual identity of the person, just a point in the right direction so I don't have to talk to everyone in the young world in hopes of running into them.
Hmm. Thanks. Let me see what I can come up with.The clue is in the name; the recipient is found somewhere spooky.
They appear in set locations in Hyrule Field when you pass by certain landmarks on horseback. If you pass by the same spot on foot a regular Poe will appear instead. There are 10 in total and nothing in the game tells you where they are so you'll just have to make a mental note whenever you see one appear. The Poe will always appear in front of you when you pass by the certain "spot" that triggers their appearance and will back away from you until it runs into an obstable or wall, or reaches a certain distance. Use this to your advantage and trigger their appearance from an angle that gives you ample space to take them out and no obstacles in the Poe's predicted path. If the Poe escapes you can always try again later in the same spot.Could someone give me a non-spoilery primer on catching Poes?
I see them appear occasionally while on horseback but they always disappear before I can shoot them. Is there a map of the routes they appear on within the game? Or any sort of in-game clues as to how to catch them? I never got them when I played through the game originally (in 1998) and, now that I am getting towards the end of this run-through, I want a little guidance on collecting them so I don't end up having to do them in one batch after I've done everything else.
The shadow temple boss is giving me trouble and is making me quite frustrated.
I know how to stun him, shoot his eye or whatever, and then attack with the sword. But I am having trouble hitting both hands every time with the arrow. And if I miss the second hand I don't have time to get another shot off and it squeezes the shit out of me or knocks me off the drum.
This is the first boss that has given me any trouble whatsoever, and what is really keeping me from going back and finishing is that it takes a long fucking time to get back to the boss if I die. No good shortcut there. It takes like 5 minutes each time. Warping all the way down to where he is doesn't seem to work.
Are you using the hover boots to prevent from bouncing on the surface of the drum? I did this fight a couple months ago (and before that 15 years ago) and my memory is that you have to toggle the boots on and off throught the fight. There might be something else but I don't think so.The shadow temple boss is giving me trouble and is making me quite frustrated.
I know how to stun him, shoot his eye or whatever, and then attack with the sword. But I am having trouble hitting both hands every time with the arrow. And if I miss the second hand I don't have time to get another shot off and it squeezes the shit out of me or knocks me off the drum.
This is the first boss that has given me any trouble whatsoever, and what is really keeping me from going back and finishing is that it takes a long fucking time to get back to the boss if I die. No good shortcut there. It takes like 5 minutes each time. Warping all the way down to where he is doesn't seem to work.
Are you using targeting?
Are you using the hover boots to prevent from bouncing on the surface of the drum? I did this fight a couple months ago (and before that 15 years ago) and my memory is that you have to toggle the boots on and off throught the fight. There might be something else but I don't think so.
Beyond that I will just say that it is a fairly hard fight. I had to make 2-3 attempts at the fight to beat it. Everything will slot into place for you if you try it a few times.
Good luck.Man. I haven't tried using the boots to prevent from bouncing around. That's a good call. Like I said, the most frustrating thing to me right now is that it takes almost 5 minutes to get back to the boss from the beginning of the dungeon. I will try again soon.
***EDIT*** Also, out of curiosity... am I starting to near the end of the game after I complete the shadow temple?
I am. I still miss some. I think what is making me miss is the hands hitting the drum, causing me to bounce.
Man. I haven't tried using the boots to prevent from bouncing around. That's a good call. Like I said, the most frustrating thing to me right now is that it takes almost 5 minutes to get back to the boss from the beginning of the dungeon. I will try again soon.
***EDIT*** Also, out of curiosity... am I starting to near the end of the game after I complete the shadow temple?
Nice work!Not that anyone cares, but I went back with the hover boots and had a much easier time with Bongo Bongo. I did run it down to 0 arrows left by the time I killed him. So rewarding to finish that.
Now here's a question maybe someone can help me with. Should I have the biggoron sword by now? I don't feel I am just rushing through without paying attention to side stuff but I don't recall anything hinting at how to receive this sword.
Nice work!
And I don't think you can get the Biggoron sword until you get through the Gerudo Village, but I don't totally remember. I switch from this game to Monster Hunter as soon as it launched and I haven't come back yet.