There's so much to do in these games outside of the dungeons... even using the shovel looking for 100 Rupees is fun. I love Maple duels too.
re: Seasons, outside 7th dungeon
what's the point of the secret room you can dig up one screen south of the entrance to the dungeon?
That's to come back to after you start a linked game in Ages.
"Thank you for paying to fix my door." Grrr....
Learn to use restore points.(though I have a surplus of money, anyway...)
Learn to use restore points.(though I have a surplus of money, anyway...)
I only use restore points on the old NES games that I find really hardLearn to use restore points.(though I have a surplus of money, anyway...)
Oh man, I just nostalgia'd so hard at this commercial! I was basically in your same position as a kid, although I didn't mind too much because I had Pokemon Silver and Link's Awakening...OP forgot the BEST trailer. This thing blew my mind when I was a kid.
But alas, I couldn't afford either of them and they've always seemed like this mystical, unattainable part of the franchise for me... Until now! Getting ready to boot Seasons up for the first time!
A tip about Maple: Look at her flight pattern. The more abnormal her flight pattern is, the rarer the items she is carrying are. Be sure to use a Pegasus seed if needed.
re: restore points - They are useful, but I don't like using them except for checking out if a guy will pay me or make me pay. I actually forget I have that feature sometimes...
I was going to post this after I beat that dungeon it's in, but I forgot, so I'll post it now
I was going to post this after I beat that dungeon it's in, but I forgot, so I'll post it now
I was going to post this after I beat that dungeon it's in, but I forgot, so I'll post it now
I was going to post this after I beat that dungeon it's in, but I forgot, so I'll post it now
OP forgot the BEST trailer. This thing blew my mind when I was a kid.
But alas, I couldn't afford either of them and they've always seemed like this mystical, unattainable part of the franchise for me... Until now! Getting ready to boot Seasons up for the first time!
Wow, that trailer is impressive for the time.
Did you get the diving gear? Once you do, dive under the rocks to go north and then find the portal back to Subrosia and upgrade the rod with Spring. That's pretty much where I'm at right now as well, I'm just bopping around and exploring again with the flippers/feather. Seriously awesome game.Stuck on Seasons. Past the 3rd dungeon. Where do I go now? I'm in the flood town.
I was going to post this after I beat that dungeon it's in, but I forgot, so I'll post it now
That's like half the game.It's not that long, though. You could do that in an afternoon if you powered through it.
You guys, I'm sons cared that if I start these, I won't finish Link's Awakening ahhhhhgh... I only have like 3 or 4 more instruments left to get too.
You guys, I'm sons cared that if I start these, I won't finish Link's Awakening ahhhhhgh... I only have like 3 or 4 more instruments left to get too.
Sorry if it has been asked before but I haven't been keeping up lately since I'm abroad, what's the file size of both games? Trying to see if I can download them on a shitty 3g internet.
If he doesn't get stuck =pHe will
beat LA, then play these.
Do as I say, not as I do
Sorry if it has been asked before but I haven't been keeping up lately since I'm abroad, what's the file size of both games? Trying to see if I can download them on a shitty 3g internet.
Love the Zelda series, own all the games now with the Age/Seasons release and like to go back to play them all occasionally. I never knew anyone who really had a GBA back when four swords came out so I never got to play it using the LttP GBA connection.
Fast forward, I want to play four swords, but trying to decipher what I need to buy and how many people I need to play it with is a nightmare. For reference, I own a Wii and 3DS, and managed to download Four Swords 25th Anniversary when it was free last year on the 3DS.
By my estimation, in order to finally beat the four swords games, I need to buy Four Swords Adventures for Gamecube, and I can play 25th Anniversary Four Swords, and both can be done by myself. Is that the case, or am I missing something?
Reading this makes me want to look through my old stuff and find my copy of Seasons and a GBA! I've played both, great Zelda games, those who haven't played them are in for a treat. I preferred Ages, I liked its focus on puzzles and the time travel aspect vs the season swap element more. i also quite liked the Subrosians of Seasons.
I can remember one section where I got stuck often. Seasons, the second dungeon I think, where you get? There's a seperate part of the dungeon that you can enter near the tree stump, located upwards of the main entrance. In the final room there is a chest, surrounded by rocks, some of them can be brokenbombs. Spoiler what happens in the room:iwth bombsI still have no idea with what strategy you can beat this room. Does anyone know about how to the chest.the solution seems straighhtforward, bomb the rocks to get to chest. But the chest would disappears sometimes, no idea why though. I thought about following a certain path.
Reading this makes me want to look through my old stuff and find my copy of Seasons and a GBA! I've played both, great Zelda games, those who haven't played them are in for a treat. I preferred Ages, I liked its focus on puzzles and the time travel aspect vs the season swap element more. i also quite liked the Subrosians of Seasons.
I can remember one section where I got stuck often. Seasons, the second dungeon I think, where you get? There's a seperate part of the dungeon that you can enter near the tree stump, located upwards of the main entrance. In the final room there is a chest, surrounded by rocks, some of them can be brokenbombs. Spoiler what happens in the room:iwth bombsI still have no idea with what strategy you can beat this room. Does anyone know about how to the chest.the solution seems straighhtforward, bomb the rocks to get to chest. But the chest would disappears sometimes, no idea why though. I thought about following a certain path.
So i had some money left on my 3DS and figured why not and bought both games, since I've never played either of them. What is the biggest difference between the two? Trying to figure out which one I should start with.
Ages is more puzzles and central mechanic is time travel. Seasons is more fighting and central mechanic is changing seasons. Ages has a tad bit more plot/dialogue (just a tad) and Seasons is more shut up and explore.
Man, it is so hard to go back and play older Zelda games after playing the DS ones and the 3DS Ocarina remake.
Touch screen item swapping is practically a requirement for me now.
Also, why is the strength bracelet an equipable item? Who thought that was a good idea!?!?
Man, it is so hard to go back and play older Zelda games after playing the DS ones and the 3DS Ocarina remake.
Touch screen item swapping is practically a requirement for me now.
Also, why is the strength bracelet an equipable item? Who thought that was a good idea!?!?