We should an argument about which game has a better soundtrack. Sounds more fun
Are you sure you played Skyward Sword and not some Chinese game labelled Airward Knife?-The worst boss design of any 3D main zelda except maybe for the final one. but the fight was boring.
-The dungeons were very forgettable except for the desert.
-Fi managed to top Navi in terms of being annoying.
-No challenge as the hand holding was constant. So much that everytime you turn on the game they repeat the description of common items.
-the motion controls put a lot of people off more so than TP
-no memorable item
Are you sure you played Skyward Sword and not some Chinese game labelled Airward Knife?
Twilight Princess is such an ugly game. It doesn't even deserve to be top 10 with it's hideous artstyle and boring soundtrack. It's saving grace is the dungeons are incredibly fun.
Also Majora's Mask should at least be number two in any top 10 list.
Yes, I really found some battles annoying because of the controls/camera...Got a 3DS last month and never played a Zelda game before. Decided to try out Ocarina of Time 3D, but the controls and gameplay felt too outdated for me for some reason.
Bleeding in a ditch, where it belongs.Where the fuck is Spirit Tracks
It's kinda hard to beat Ocarina of Time.We should an argument about which game has a better soundtrack. Sounds more fun
Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword should be top 3. No exceptions.
Anyone who disagrees doesn't love the Zelda games the same way I do.
Don't be sour cause Skyward Sword is trash.So it is possible to create a worse top ten than the IGN top ten.
Seven Wise Men used their powers to seal it off in the dark world forever.
I personally think the N64 ones are ranked a bit too high, but any list with TLOZ or LTTP at #1 is passable.
If you look closely at the list, SS is accurately represented.
ibn Saïd;212890833 said:it's below phantom hourglass and above spirit tracks
It's kinda hard to beat Ocarina of Time.
Also, any Zelda list with Wind Waker in the top 5 is wrong. It's literally incomplete and an average Zelda game at best.
Ironic list, especially considering IGN gave Skyward Sword a 10/10 at release. They're closer to their Godhand review roots than most people give them credit for.
Oof, I lot of people are not gonna agree with Wind Waker being above Majora's Mask.
That would be my runner up with Spirit Tracks in third. Wind Waker has strong tracks all across the board with some catchy tunes. But Ocarina is something special.Wind Waker is a great soundtrack. Sound design overall is just spectacular in that game with the way the chords are played every time you strike with the sword. Gives the game a great cinematic feel.
Skyward Sword didn't even make the list...
Worst controls.
.....that's what Zelda should be?
Screw sidequests. More dungeons. I wish OOT had 12 dungeons. I wish Windwaker had 10 dungeons.
Malo. That's all I need to say. Even then, the rest of the characters are terrible. The artstyle of the characters is nightmare-inducing.
10. The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages and Seasons
9. The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
8. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
7. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
6. The Legend of Zelda
5. The Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening
4. The Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask
3. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
1. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
I kept going down the list expecting Skyward to show up and it didn't. I personally disagree with the list. I think Majora should be higher and Skyward should be on here. But I know us Zelda fans feel very strongly about our opinions. I included some excerpts about games you don't see on these lists as much, if you want to read 'em all the link is:
P.S. I think for these lists it should be required to play through the entire series. But I'm a Zelda snob so I might be being unfair with that idea.![]()
Are you sure you played Skyward Sword and not some Chinese game labelled Airward Knife?
I'm extra extra sure. Unless the Chinese version is the one with the unskippable text craaaaaaaaawl and the padding and the stupid depiction of Zelda and the controls that don't work.
Links awakening got robbed.
As someone who had never played a Zelda game before until recently playing and absolutely LOVING A Link Between Worlds.
Would I get anything out of playing A Link to the Past? Since I really don't have any nostalgia.
Oof, I lot of people are not gonna agree with Wind Waker being above Majora's Mask.