No, names are on a per server basis. Your problem is that Brandywine is basically the most popular server on LOTRO.Zakkath said:I started a Dwarf Champion last night on Brandywine. Name is Greywarrior. It literally took me an hour JUST to find a name. Every single name I was picking was already taken, even modifying it. That was crazy. Do they have a single database for all their servers ? Anyways, I'll be trying this on and off. First impressions, this is a lot more enjoyable than FF14.
legend166 said:Can we get a list of who's who on Brandywine? Just add your name to this:
legend166 - Yandy
ACE 1991 - FunaGDGF said:legend166 - Yandy
GDGF - Dagrad
Spire said:Just gotta retry. Queue's and lag are fine now, but the login servers are acting funky. If you can get through, you're golden.
all day longjersoc said:anyone stuck on loading datacenters on the launcher splash screen?
ACE 1991 said:I've never understood why people count this kind of thing as a plus. Why make an MMO then? (Not attacking you in anyway, I'm honestly curious)
Reluctant-Hero said:Can't speak for others, but I don't have the time to commit huge organized raids/leveling/etc. I want to enjoy the game, and it's story at my pace and on my own, while still getting the social aspect and connecting with other players.
Suikoguy said:Yeah, I'm the same way.
I still like being able to trade with other players, and maybe group If I have time, but I still prefer to solo most of the time.
I'm hoping FF14 goes this route too, with the story quests at least having a solo option.
Teknoman said:So far thats how the story quests (or at least the early ones) seem so far in XIV.
That being said, if I like this, I guess i'll attempt to play both LOTRO and XIV.
Reluctant-Hero said:The copy I received did. I'll post photos tonight.
Baloonatic said:Are you not really bothering with XI any more?
Dreavus said:Tempted to try this out... especially since I still have an unopened copy of Mines of Moria from PAX last year!
I can still use that for something, right?
W1SSY said:Installing this on Crossover games for my Mac to give it a try. I am patching the game right now which is taking forever. This is all after having to download the full 9GB game to install. I hope this is worth it.
I think for mine I wasn't able to download the newest client because for legal reasons they can't post what I needed so it has to download a lot of other things.Teknoman said::lol man I thought I just had to download the 10gb client...hopefully the patches wont hit too hard.
GDGF said:I just saw a LOTRO Free to Play commercial on TBS during Family Guy.
They're probably gonna need a few more servers:lol
glaurung said:Since the European F2P launch was delayed in a rather dick move, I resubscribed instead.
Then I felt kind of sad and decided to buy the special edition triple pack as well.
I now have a new main Ninus on Laurelin (English roleplaying server), he's a level 12 or 13 hunter and he now wears the most god-awful medium armor that any man can think of. It makes him look like either a Russian tank commander or an insane male ballet dancer.
Have some other alts on the back burner as well.
Freyjadour said:Was noticing some rubberbanding earlier, is this common?
The 14 day trial is actually gimped, you cannot do crafting and there are probably some other limitations as well.Baloonatic said:I'm doing the 14 day trial as I'm in the UK. What are the roleplaying servers like? Do people stay in character absolutely all the time?
glaurung said:The 14 day trial is actually gimped, you cannot do crafting and there are probably some other limitations as well.
As for the roleplaying bits: people do not take things too seriously. The RP servers do however have some hardcore RP guilds and some people do stay in character all the time. The good thing about the RP server is that people do not heckle the RP players.
So it's a lot like WoW in that aspect.
VoteForPedro said:These kind of games have a weird effect on me, so I'm not the best person to judge but I'm liking it so far.
The only thing that really grates on me are the animations but that must be because I spent so much time playing WoW.
I played this all weekind, leveled a Hobbit Guardian to 10 an Elven Hunter to 14. Would be cool to play with all you cats so shoot me an invite if you catch me online. I'm on Brandywine playing Elvil (Hunter) or Scavo (guardian).
GDGF said:legend166 - Yandy
GDGF - Dagrad
ACE 1991 - Funa
grate - Woodywilson
BlueTsunami said:Can you trade money for items between players when your Free to Play? I tried to unload 91 Planks of Treated Rowan Wood for 120 Silver and the dude tells me he can't trade money 'cause he's Free to Play. Seems like a silly restriction to impose. He then goes on to say that if I give him the wood he'll make me stuff so I can sell, I was like "Yeah, ok buddy, no thanks" :lol
Nolimit_SS said:I dont like some restrictions on f2p so I'd like to maybe upgrade but what should I do? Buy one or both expansions? Buy gamecard, set up subcription etc? What do you recommend?
Really liking the game, refreshment after pos ffxiv![]()