Oh you guys are starting a LOTRO version of the guild? I may join that one instead if you guys are accepting GAFers.
Yep. In Defense of the Ring(piece)! :lol Anyone from GAF or wherever is welcome to join. Got a Mumble server set up too for those that want to chat.HarryDemeanor said:Oh you guys are starting a LOTRO version of the guild? I may join that one instead if you guys are accepting GAFers.
TruePrime said:Sounds really cool actually. Love the sound of the End game stuff as well as the Vanity clothes, after play WoW for so long at endgame I saw mostly the same shit on every class.
On ething though, I love playing a Melee DPS character, can any LoTRO players give me a good suggestion?
I am doubting they have anything like Death Knight but that was the class I played in WoW and I like being able to get into the fray and DPS the hell out of stuff.
TruePrime said:Sounds really cool actually. Love the sound of the End game stuff as well as the Vanity clothes, after play WoW for so long at endgame I saw mostly the same shit on every class.
On ething though, I love playing a Melee DPS character, can any LoTRO players give me a good suggestion?
I am doubting they have anything like Death Knight but that was the class I played in WoW and I like being able to get into the fray and DPS the hell out of stuff.
Spire said:Roll Champion. Heavy armor, best AoE DPS in the game (and pretty damn good single target DPS as well), can tank in a pinch and if that weren't enough to make them a must-have in every group, they have the best interrupt in the game.
BooJoh said:Been wanting to play this for a while... someone said this game stealth-installs Pando. Is this true and can it be easily removed once the game is installed?
Unless you've ever subscribed in the past, then it has already started.Shambles said:Is there a faster up to date torrent than the d/l client from the official site?
edit: Nevermind, didn't realize it wasn't F2P until Friday. Doesn't matter how fast it loads![]()
Alex said:Does Mirkwood have like, everything in it? Or would I still need Moria too? Confused about their expansion packaging and the new system.
teacupcopter said:Actually pretty pumped for this. Going to play it a bit and see if I like it, what would be the good things to 'buy' though to get premium? It seems gold cap removal would be a good one. Is there a price list?
Ignignort said:Just logged into my account says I'm premium! huzzah!
Does this mean I can participate in the early access?
Spire said:If you had a previous subscription or were in the F2P beta you can, I think.
Revolutionary said:Okay, what exactly am I doing that's earning me Turbine Points? I'm doing random shit and every once in a while I get a notification stating "You've just earned 5/10 Turbine Points!"
For what??
Anyway, I'm happy to report that all my stuff is safe and sound and that I was premature in the shitting of my pants prior to release (haven't been a paying customer in over a year). Kudos, Turbine.![]()
Revolutionary said:Okay, what exactly am I doing that's earning me Turbine Points? I'm doing random shit and every once in a while I get a notification stating "You've just earned 5/10 Turbine Points!"
For what??
Anyway, I'm happy to report that all my stuff is safe and sound and that I was premature in the shitting of my pants prior to release (haven't been a paying customer in over a year). Kudos, Turbine.![]()
BlueTsunami said:Started a new character as a Burglar. Its cool to know that I've got this whole world I can jump into without having to pay a monthly fee. I also looked at the Turbine Store and dig that I can, on a whim, decide to add a feature to my account when I feel I need it.
notworksafe said:Cool OP! I can't wait to get this started. My game should be delivered tomorrow, so I can get it installed under CrossOver and start my Dwarf Runekeeper. Anyone have any experience running it on Mac? It got a gold medal on their site, so it should run just as well as on Windows.
You can also add KefkaTaran and ShallNoiseUpon to Silverlode. We're all in the same WoW guild and are starting up a guild (Fellowship?) on there.
EDIT: For those that want to get a jump in without having to buy quest packs for a while, Mines of Moria (which includes the main game as well) is available on Amazon for $8. That gives you all the classes, and extra crafting tier, two extra character slots, and all the quests from 1-60. It also gives you a Premium membership right away!
Also anyone who was a former subscriber is Premium right away as well.
Dr. Acid Avatar said:Thanks for adding a link to some UI mods Spire. Could you recommend any? Also does anyone have a link or screenshot showing the store prices? I saw there was one on the official forums but it had not been updated in quite some time.
Okay, what exactly am I doing that's earning me Turbine Points? I'm doing random shit and every once in a while I get a notification stating "You've just earned 5/10 Turbine Points!"
For what??
rhfb said:Anywhere to do a direct download? My torrent speeds were not bad, but it was maxing out my upload and I just got an 80gb a month cap![]()
Wallach said:They made a class just for you friend, and it is the Champion. One of the two definitive DPS classes in the game, the Champion is designed for melee carnage and in particular AoE melee destruction.
Here's the thing I love about LotRO class design - they can give you everything you need to fulfill your class role completely. PvM (this game's slant on PvP) basically exists in its own world so it has almost no impact on what your class is balanced around. To that end the Champion gets decent defense, amazing damage, and special aggro manipulation skills that allow you to "dump" your aggro directly onto another player in your group (hopefully the guy doing the tanking). You even have the reverse of that skill if you need to be the one doing the tanking since you are equipped with heavy armor.
HarryDemeanor said:Finished downloading the game and made a Champion on Silverlode named Vikham. I just got him to level 10 and so far the game is fun. I've played it here and there but I was also in the beta for SoA and the F2P version though never got far at all. It's nice to see the changes they made to the starting areas. Now I just need a guild and I'll be set.
WinFonda said:So I don't know where I stand with this game and what I need to do. I have a free trial account from like a year back.
Do I need to download a special client to play? I spent the day downloading the standard client and I can't play yet. Says I have no active subscription. Maybe I need to wait 2 more days?