Honestly, I thought it was just "okay".
Overall the atmosphere, visuals and soundtrack are pretty damn solid, although there are a few scenes where budget- and time restrictions become quite apparent.
For example, there are moments where characters in the distant background look like silly-looking blobs, akin to early Dragon Ball Super, although it's rarely that bad.
On the other hand there are plenty of other moments that looks really good, so it kind of balances each other out. For example, the scenes that take place during winter looked really good to me.
All throughout the story you get to see many aspects of Middle Earth (locations, characters, creatures) and if you're a fan, I think you'll enjoy that aspect of the movie at the very least.
The voice acting is pretty good as well, with Héra, Éowyn and Helm being the standout performances, and the action scenes are a lot of fun (and in some cases quite violent for a PG13 movie).
Having said all that, what really brings down this movie a lot is the story and its characters.
To be frank, none of it makes any sense, as characters say and do incredibly stupid things in order to make the story happen, and the whole thing just feels incredibly bland and cliche.
You can see every twist, turn, sacrifice and monologue coming from a mile away, and all throughout the movie various plot holes are staring you right in the face, to the point where I was literally rolling my eyes at how dumb and predictable it all was.
Wulf, the villain of the story, has the depth of a piece of cardboard, and can genuinely be summed up as an incel (he's mad that Héra refuses to marry him), and Héra, even though I wouldn't say she's portrayed as a 'girl-boss' per se (she has flaws, she faces losses, and she as least looks like a woman, which is nice) just isn't interesting enough as a character to carry the entire movie.
At the end of the day, I walked out of the theater thinking, 'meh'.
It's not outright bad, but unless you're really craving more LOTR, I think you can safely skip this one.