Having seen the making of in full, it would have been interesting to see how AVP-2 would have shaped up on the Jag-CD....that could also have been the attachment's killer app...
Wouldn't have been much different outside better audio. CD can't fix the Motorola memory issue.
The only game I know of that tried that was Iron Soldier 2(Cd version not cart version) when they streamed data from the disc and had a software on and off switch that would try to command the Motorola to turn off when in-between movements.
As the video shows, the Jaguar GPUs are quite capable, a game with destructible objects, open environments, a multitude of enemies, music, with several shots on screen, and well animated explosions.
But you can also see how some objects and buildings have textures and some do not. There are also objects and buildings that are coded to have no textures until you are within 5 feet. Each stage is a zone that appears to be acity crawling with enemies, however the city itself is not that big each stage, some are bigger than others yeah, but the surrounding area is usually nothing but flat single colored desert, or in a couple levels, water when your mission is to destroy boats. The water does not move.
You also notice that sometimes enemies that are destroyed slow the game at times.
Here was a Atari game demo during it's life that was cancelled that showed 95-97 PS1 level textures but it destroyed the frame rate
It's impressive but very slow and they had to contain it to a very small footprint. This is because they couldn't get more resources out of the GPUs, and trying to run the rest of the specifications through the Motorola isn't possible because it's a memory hog so you basically had a stalemate.
But some people have manged to get more out of the GPUs overtime.
A fan managed to make a demo really pushing the textures by having the Motorola overwritten within an area of the game map but not much outside that area, which they wisely blocked off so you don't notice, especially when you go into the building (50 seconds in)
It's impressive but as you can see it's a demo without much going on.
So as long as that Motorola can't be shut off you are going to have limitations, people have done well turning it off for during some instances but never long enough to really push the Jaguars GPUs.
That being said the Motorola usually doesn't obstruct the GPUs for 2D games, in fact you can actually run both and produce amazing results, that's why games like Raiden run so well, the Jaguar is also the original system for Rayman.
Here's a demo that is a must watch that shows what kind of 2D games people can produce with the Jaguar by combining the two
The developers have said they are considering finishing the game and it may be coming out as a homebrew soon. If they can keep the same animations, scaling, and polish seen here it will be a major breakthrough in what capabilities that Jaguar can do, at least in 2D. It's definitely a showcase title.
Atari has the wrong idea imo, they should have just stayed with shaded polygons with small textures here and there while having some amazing 2D titles. They tried way to hard to force higher polygon counts and texture mapping beyond it's resources. If the Jaguar wasn't so buggy and the Motorola was never added that may have been possible to an extent, but not with the current hardware.
Curiously, despite the 3DO being closer to the PS1 and much stronger than the Jaguar, it's chipset and slow CPU hurts it for intense 2D games, Gex is likely the best it can do, and don't get me wrong, it's a next generation amazing looking game, but the Jaguar is closer to the Saturn with 2D while the 3DO is closer to the PS1 in 3D.