I am not a big Jaguar guy, more of a 3DO guy, but I've been paying attention to the message boards over the years, including homebrew threads, and there's nothing that comes close to WTR as a total package. Having a fan demo where you have a single room with nice looking wall textures doesn't tell me anything. Can you make a whole game with that texture quality? Nope.
Honestly I don't even consider WTR to be impressive, I feel like it's more of an apology for Checkered Flag.
I think we can settle the Jaguar power debate with this, I was looking through my collection and I found a budget 3DO racing game called F1GP. It's not very demanding, doesn't push many polygons, and was clearly done on a budget. So let's compare this game graphically to World Tour Racing:
Don't get me wrong, the developers tried really hard with WTR (Right) but even a game that was done on a budget, barely pushing power on the 3DO, can give it a run for its money (Left).
- In F1GP(Left) The Frame Rate is clearly better than WTR (Right). WTR is clearly suffocating the Jaguar, but no one is calling an ambulance!
- The building textures are rushed in F1GP but still are cleaner and cover the whole structure unlike in WTR. IN WTR, if you look at the buildings closely, only one side of the buildings are textured, the other 3 sides are just blocks.
- F1GP draws faster than WTR.
- Both have a track where you go under a tunnel, the textures inside the tunnel are much cleaner and have less pixelation in F1GP than in WTR.
- While one could argue whether it counts or not, F!GP has less clutter on screen.
- F1GP also seems to have slightly better draw distance than WTR.
Keep in mind that developers had to dig in the mines to pull off WTR on the Jaguar. Yet it doesn't beat a rushed budget game on the 3DO, let that sink in. The Jaguar is extremely weak and while it may have had bugs and poor tools we have yet to see anything better than WTR in decades, so I no longer blame the tools for the Jaguars failure, it was just a weak machine period.
Maybe if the Jaguar was released a year earlier we would be having a different conversation.