For all the talk of England turning the corner, I'm not sure this tells us much more than out of form Indians can't bat in these conditions and Anderson and Broad really like it when the ball swings on a green top with cloud cover. Since Lords where England genuinely screwed up their bowling, there's not really been any point where England were under pressure (maybe the first morning in Southampton where India bowled as badly as England did first up at lords and 3 of the English top four got lives early on) which has been their downfall lately.
Well, I guess they can only beat what's put in front of them, but I agree with the sentiment - I wouldn't assume if England have turned a corner or not, because how are you supposed to tell by beating this shower?
That said, I do think some (relatively) easy games for new bowlers to develop their confidence is good news, rather than some times in the past where England have sent youngsters out to their doom against very good teams, watched them get slaughtered, and then never played them again.