Session Start (TheColdOne33

rofessaskillset): Tue Sep 02 20:17:12 2008
[20:17] TheColdOne33: had to train another day huh
[20:17] professaskillset: yup, can't play till 10
[20:17] TheColdOne33: ill play you after the shield
[20:17] professaskillset: Tivo that Shaield shit
[20:17] professaskillset: Not playing you at 11pm
[20:17] professaskillset: BEen a long ass day anyway
[20:17] TheColdOne33: its not a show you tivo
[20:17] professaskillset: Drove home from Vegas and all
[20:18] professaskillset: As a result you gotta wait till 2morrow
[20:18] TheColdOne33: do your recruiting
[20:18] professaskillset: already did
[20:18] TheColdOne33: again
[20:18] TheColdOne33: fmt advanced the week
[20:18] professaskillset: tomrorow!
[20:18] professaskillset:

[20:18] TheColdOne33: wow
[20:19] TheColdOne33: it seriously takes like 5minutes
[20:19] professaskillset: can you comprehend sometimes I can't just up and throw folks off my TV?
[20:19] TheColdOne33: you were gonna do it at 10
[20:19] TheColdOne33: so recruit at 10
[20:19] professaskillset: Nah, it can wait
[20:19] professaskillset: I've played NCAA for today
[20:20] professaskillset: SPending the time with my wife now
[20:20] professaskillset:

[20:20] TheColdOne33: she can spend it with you while you recruit
[20:20] TheColdOne33: get a blow job at the same time
[20:20] professaskillset: See you on tomorrow tonight
[20:20] TheColdOne33: it worked for fmt!
[20:20] professaskillset: Enjoy your show!
[20:20] professaskillset: ciao!
[20:20] *** "professaskillset" signed off at Tue Sep 02 20:20:40 2008.
Session Close (professaskillset): Tue Sep 02 22:14:26 2008