The old EU was better. Seriously.
Well, not that New Jedi Order shit. That Yuuzhan Vong shit should never have seen the light of day.
Honestly I think the new canon comics have been overall stronger than most of the books, but there are some pretty good ones. If you're looking for post-RotJ canon novels, the most important ones are the Aftermath trilogy, Lost Stars, and Bloodline.
I really thought I was going to get into the rebooted Star Wars canon
Well, guess I don't have to worry about that now
I actually kind of hated that because it ultimately tries to paint the Emperor as a hero
Pretty damn meta lol.All the kids laughed. Then the Gungan laughed, too.
The clown, they called him Bring the clown. We want to see the clown. We like it how he juggles glombo shells, or spits fish up in the air and catches them, or how he dances around and falls on his butt.
The adults, though. They dont say much about him. Or to him. And no other Gungans come to see him, either. Nobody even says his name.
Well we all know he didn't die.
My no so sure. The Orange man makes a hmm sound. Mesa thinks it cause-o Trump Trump makin some uh-oh mistakens. Big mistakens. Der people bosses banished me longo ago. Mesa no been to hom in for-ebbers. And desa hisen America tink I help the uh-oh Russia.
Nah. Having him be a street performer people mostly ignore is fine. Kids think he's funny. He thinks he's sad. Everyone else would rather pretend he doesn't exist.
Yeah it's on the nose but it's also an "interlude" to a much larger story. It's no more important than the one or two pages it's printed on.
Which I think is kinda the point.
Plus I like the general feeling of abandonment and disrepair that goes along with this little anecdote. Makes the universe feel sorta lived in. It ain't just the spaceships that get scuffed up and dinged.
The old EU was better. Seriously.
Well, not that New Jedi Order shit. That Yuuzhan Vong shit should never have seen the light of day.
This is way sadder and funnier. Shame this isn't the way they went with it.
Is it similar to The Force Unleashed?So Jar Jar atones by getting refugee kids to smile? Yeah, ok. Better ending than I'd come up with for him.
I'm totally ok with this.
Pretty damn meta lol.
What a flaming shit heap of a character, what drugs where they on when they created him
Anyone else think this is shlocky and clichéd? The fate given to him reads exactly how you would expect someone who loathes Jar Jar to write it. It's as if the writer is gleefully waiting for a round of applause and nods of approval from PT/Jar Jar haters.
This is coming from someone who dislikes the PT but wouldn't want things to transpire neatly and predictably for my personal satisfaction.
The fate given to him reads exactly how you would expect someone who loathes Jar Jar to write it.
This is the worst kind of fanservice.
Anyone else think this is shlocky and clichéd? The fate given to him reads exactly how you would expect someone who loathes Jar Jar to write it. It's as if the writer is gleefully waiting for a round of applause and nods of approval from PT/Jar Jar haters.
This is coming from someone who dislikes the PT but wouldn't want things to transpire neatly and predictably for my personal satisfaction.
And then have a crowd of people who can't shut up about how he destroyed something they loved.This is the worst kind of fanservice.
Might as well put a "Jorge Lucasio" alien in a book and have him be a "holovid" maker who constant edits the same film over and over again.
That's not at all how I would imagine some weirdo still frothing about Jar Jar's lameness to write his fate in a canon novel.
"Sad clown making amends in his own quiet way" is not how most people who "loathe" Jar Jar would wind that particular story up, I don't think.
And again: The book isn't particularly focused on this at all. It's an aside. His fate (such as it is) is more or less a parenthetical. It's the storytelling equivalent of rushing along a busy street and looking over your shoulder at something happening in the alley for a couple seconds.
The "confirmation bias" type.The quiet, out of the way fanservice?
Nah. There's way, way worse forms.
The old EU was better. Seriously.
Well, not that New Jedi Order shit. That Yuuzhan Vong shit should never have seen the light of day.
And then have a crowd of people who can't shut up about how he destroyed something they loved.
But it's complete insignificance to the storyline is why it comes off as, "Look where this piece of shit we all hate ended up: He's a street clown now. Anyway!..."
The "confirmation bias" type.
Everyone hates Jar Jar, so let's shit on him because everyone will get off on it!
Anyone else think this is shlocky and clichéd? The fate given to him reads exactly how you would expect someone who loathes Jar Jar to write it. It's as if the writer is gleefully waiting for a round of applause and nods of approval from PT/Jar Jar haters.
This is coming from someone who dislikes the PT but wouldn't want things to transpire neatly and predictably for my personal satisfaction.
I'm just waiting on when the new canon stuff is going to start exploring the eras before the movies, as well. The KOTOR and Tales of the Jedi comics were my jams, and I'd like to think that era is ripe for new storytelling.
All the more reason I'm hoping stuff like Stig and Respawn's upcoming Jedi/Sith action game takes place in such an era.
Nah. Having him be a street performer people mostly ignore is fine. Kids think he's funny. He thinks he's sad. Everyone else would rather pretend he doesn't exist.
Yeah it's on the nose but it's also an "interlude" to a much larger story. It's no more important than the one or two pages it's printed on.
Which I think is kinda the point.
Plus I like the general feeling of abandonment and disrepair that goes along with this little anecdote. Makes the universe feel sorta lived in. It ain't just the spaceships that get scuffed up and dinged.
All three books are filled with this shit though - which is one of my bigger complaints (they get in the way of the story Wendig is telling, honestly. Bogs shit down). It only comes off that way if you take it completely out of context of the larger story being told across all three books, or hell, the single book it's in by itself.
The first book had one of these but it involved Han & Chewie, for example.
Ah, ok. I mean, I guess it makes sense that Jar Jar be exiled for starting the Empire, at least. Haha.
Hey, are these books good, ultimately? I'd be interested in reading them if they are.
Ah, ok. I mean, I guess it makes sense that Jar Jar be exiled for starting the Empire, at least. Haha.
Hey, are these books good, ultimately? I'd be interested in reading them if they are.
Ah, ok. I mean, I guess it makes sense that Jar Jar be exiled for starting the Empire, at least. Haha.
Hey, are these books good, ultimately? I'd be interested in reading them if they are.
The first was lots of setup but the second was good. Bloodline and Lost Stars are the best of the new canon books though.