I wrote what was ideally, hopefully, a good interlude not an end for Jar Jar, it's not like he gets shot in the head or anything but arguably a new beginning for Jar Jar, in a way. So I did that.
But what's been interesting is the response to it. I've seen so many different responses. It's almost like a mirror, that interlude. People respond to it in the way that they feel about him already. Some are people like, "Yeah, he got what he deserved," and some people are like, "Oh, you made me feel sad for him, and I love him now," and some people are like, "He should have been killed and run over with a droid tank" or something. It's all these different reactions some people thought I was punishing him, and some people thought I was redeeming him, and some people thought I was giving him his sweet moment, some people thought I was giving him a hateful moment...