Still gives me a nostalgia avalanche.
sixtyforce is what I use but it hasn't been updated in years. Supposedly Mupen64 works on OS X but without a GUI I've never been able to get it to run.
Just take it apart and see what's causing the problem. More than likely the button activator has moved out of place.
Is it just me or does no one talk about Jet Force Gemini as much as they should?
I've really sat down with it for the first time since I got it for Christmas years ago. Honestly, it feels like "Halo before Halo" in a manner of speaking. Lots of tribal inspired music, not so expected sci-fi settings off the bat, enemies that bleed neon and while the story tries to be serious, there are some light comedic undertones with enemy behavior.
Sure the main character design isnt all that (the guy and the dog look fine, but they really could've made a better lady...both in uniform and facial features), but the game is pretty fun, the sound effects are rich, and the soundtrack is great.
I wonder why Nintendo never used the franchise to create another sci-fi shooter of their own aside from Metroid and Star Fox? Or even why Rare never ran with some ideas for the 360...or even Xbox One?
How do you guys get these great yard sale scores? The advertisements in our local papers are always so generic with listings such as "game" or "nintendo". Do you just haul ass to all the local yardsales and then just quickly scan for games and leave if nothings there?
I'm on a big N64 collecting kick and want to get some good deals.
More news: Cen64 author MaratonMan has been rewriting his emulator from scratch (=better) for version 0.3.So this thread reminded me to check the progress of the cycle-accurate N64 emulator, now named Cen64.
Star Soldier for N64 is a decent shooter but nothing more.Both Goemon games, Mischief Makers, Star Soldier and Ogre Battle.
Nothing major, adding Sin and Punishment, Conkers Bad Fur Day and Killer Instinct at some point. Am I missing anything major?
whats an n64 passaport plus?
Star Soldier for N64 is a decent shooter but nothing more.
I would add to your suggestions:
Top Gear Rally, Beetle Adventure Racing, Doom 64, Rayman 2, Wetrix, Star Wars Racer, Pilotwings 64, Wave Race.
Oh yeah blast corps too.
Man how'd I forget Wave Race...thats one of my favorite games. So Top Gear Rally is actually pretty good?
In my opinion it's one of the hidden gem of the N64.Man how'd I forget Wave Race...thats one of my favorite games. So Top Gear Rally is actually pretty good?
To Gear Rally on GBA is also very good for the system it is on.Anyway, the Top Gear series was great on the SNES and N64! It's too bad that the series, and Kemco, faded afterwards. It's also too bad that this Nintendo-exclusive series in the 5th gen didn't lead to even one 6th-gen Top Gear game on the Gamecube. Ah well.
The game soundtrack is low-fi in quality however if you are a fan of Top Gear OST on SNES, you need to know that the same composer worked on TGR (and some music is indeed really catchy).
I don't think Top Gear Rally is under-appreciated. It's often mentioned as being one of the better N64 racing games, after all.In the end I think TGR is underappreciated because its quality start to shine only when you are mastering the game and since the beginning is so bad many don't give a fair chance to the game.
"Strongly dislike"? Why? How odd... it's a perfectly good rally racing game! Sure, I do think it's the least good of the four N64 Top Gear games, but it's still a fine game. It's a lot better than V-Rally '99 Edition for the N64, and might be better than Rally Challenge 2000 too; it does have point-to-point races, something that game doesn't have. It's probably the best more realistically-styled N64 rally racing game.EDIT:
Don't bother with TGR2, different developer.
I strongly dislike the game.
Bah, high speeds and fun gameplay are all you need to have a good game.TG Overdrive is a looker but I find it shallow (rely too much on the cheap thrill of insanely high speed).
That's a very simple game, but sure, it's decent fun. The GBC games are sort of like that too, and they're good.To Gear Rally on GBA is also very good for the system it is on.
That's true, yes. Top Gear Downforce. It was designed as a Top Gear game, but only actually has the Top Gear name in Australia; Kemco didn't release it in the US, since they were mostly dead at that point. The game released in the US a few years later, from Majesco, as Super Speed Machines. I have that version; it's a good, but not great, game. It's kind of interesting that the only topdown Top Gear game is the last one, not one of the early ones, but it's true! The game is from Tantalus, the same developer as Top Gear Rally for the GBA, but in gameplay it's quite different from that game because of the different perspective.The last Top Gear game should be the DS game.
Both Goemon games, Mischief Makers, Star Soldier and Ogre Battle.
Good question.
Is there a list of Pal optimizated N64 games?
How playable are the Mario Party games in Japanese? The PAL prices are ridiculous however the NTSC-J versions are super cheap (I don't speak any Japanese)
How playable are the Mario Party games in Japanese? The PAL prices are ridiculous however the NTSC-J versions are super cheap (I don't speak any Japanese)
I'd get the JP Mario Party games just for this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWD88E6Arv0
what in the heck is going on in the comments for that vid?!?
Hey, I was browsing indiegogo and kickstarter and I discovered this -
It's a project to create a more modern graphics plugin for N64 emulation by the looks of it.
Anyone got more information on this? I really want more perfect N64 emulation so I can hook up some N64 controllers, connect my PC to the CRT and get lost in modern nostalgia...
I wish somebody could develop some sort of mod to, you know, "up-res" a real n64
Brighter colors, less jaggies, no configuration needed...
That is something i could really put money on...
Modding a real n64 to output at higher resolution? That's impossible. At best someone could put a small PC into a N64 shell and wire up the cartridge reader and controller ports.
There is a real GameCube mod to get digital audio, but you need an older Cube with component cables which are really expensive.
If you're good at soldering you can install a HDMI output right on the board prior to video processing but all it'll do it give one heck of a clean output at 640x480 or whatever. Short of playing around with an emulator we're stuck with what we have.
how's that going by the way? it has been a while since I heard about that mod.
Hmm, now I wonder if I should get my N64 RGB modded or wait for this.I check it from time to time. He changed the release date from Q1 2014 to Q3 2014. No other news
Modding a real n64 to output at higher resolution? That's impossible. At best someone could put a small PC into a N64 shell and wire up the cartridge reader and controller ports.