I hope that's not true, besides RGB through modding it's the best you can do with an N64.Is it true that the color N64 systems cant output Svideo?
Random observation: I went by my local "mom and pop" video game store today, to pick up my copy of Bayonetta 2, and the store clerk (cool guy) and I were joking about how their N64 copies of Majora's Mask seemingly quadrupled over the past couple of weeks, with many people selling their N64 copies to that store after the announcement of the 3DS version. If I had an N64, I'd definitely pick one up.
My Wii VC version of Majora's Mask will have to do for now...
I hope that's not true, besides RGB through modding it's the best you can do with an N64.
Yeah, I forgot where I read it..but I remember seeing something about it a couple of days ago. Maybe I just misread.
I know PAL systems don't support S-Video out of the box, so maybe you got things mixed up a tad?
No. I have the "Grape" colored NTSC system, and s-video works perfectly.Is it true that the color N64 systems cant output Svideo?
Hello everybody!
The project is moving forward according to the “Plan for Project Completion”. Today we set the new project’s milestone: the first monthly beta. This topic is a kind of press-release. According to the Plan, the following two tasks ware planned to accomplish in October:
Fix stability issues
Implement missing functionality to achieve compatibility equivalent to Glide64
1 . The first task planned on October was “Fix stability issues”. My experiments added a lot of mess into original code. I made massive code rafactoring to make the code clean again. I fixed many issues with program initialization and de-initialization, and now it is possible to run several games without closing the emulator after each of them. Switch between fullscreen and windowed modes, savestates loads also could crash the plugin. It is fixed. The task can be considered as completed.
2. As you know, GLideN64 is based on sources of Orkin’s glN64 graphics plugin. glN64 compatibility was “fair” on its release time, and today it can be considered as “mediocre”. It was good enough for my experimental works, but not for a public release of the new plugin. During my experiments I made no special steps to increase original plugin’s compatibility. No new ucodes were implemented. Many bugs in legacy code were not fixed. Thus, plugin’s code on start of crowd-funding campaign consisted of:
Original Orkin’s glN64 0.4.1 code + Linux port + Shaders + New frame buffer emulation + MupenPlus 2.0 port + GL ES port.
During October I tried to eliminate the chasm between Glide64, which supports almost everything almost flawless, and GLideN64. Here the short list of completed works:
Hardware mip-mapping emulation.
Emulation of low-level triangles (used for sky/water in Golden Eye, Perfect Dark, Killer Instinct).
Implemented missing functionality in F3DDKR microcode (Jet Force Gemini, Mickey's Speedway USA)
Implemented LookAt functionality.
Implemented point lighting for Zelda MM.
Implement microcode for Star Wars - Shadows of the Empire.
Implemented Turbo3D microcode (Dark Rift)
Implemented ZSort microcode (Telefoot Soccer 2000 and other soccer games)
Implemented microcode for Conker's Bad Fur Day.
Implement Sprite2D microcode. Fixed 2D in many games.
Make new implementation for S2DEX and S2DEX2 microcodes. Fixed 2D in lot of games.
Implemented YUV textures load.
Fixed 32bit RGBA textures load.
Fixed palettes load.
Fixed bugs in Video Interface emulation (wrong aspect, flickering etc).
Implemented gamma correction.
Various fixes in all around the code.
To the end of October almost all emulation-related functionality of Glide64 was ported or reproduced in GLideN64. Users, who have access to weekly beta releases, may confirm that the plugin evolved greatly for this month. However, the chasm was too wide. Oliver found more than fifty serious issues. Thus, we decided to take one week for debugging. This week I worked hard to fix found issues, Oliver from his side opened the new ones. Most of found and fixed bugs resided very deeply in legacy code and I spent many hours to locate them. Currently the score of open and closed issues is equal.
What does it means? The goal of the first phase is not reached. Functionality of the plugin is close to the target, but existing bugs spoil the impression. Thus, the further plan needs correction. Next goal is high-res textures support. Since existing bugs must be fixed, this work also will be continued and will be done in parallel with the main task. The second phase is planned to accomplish in November and new monthly build with high-res textures support has to be released in the beginning of December. I already lost one week on debugging, so most likely the second monthly release will be delayed, probably to the end of December. If I will finish with bug fixes before high-res textures will be ready, I’ll release an update. Also, I want to remind you that you still may support the project.
I’m planning to make new videos which show the work in progress. So far, I can only show you the WIP screen shots (click to see full size image):
o...m...g...... those screens are just gorgeous!
This is really creepy. Especially the disconnect between the already-creepy smile and the dialog.
o...m...g...... those screens are just gorgeous!
I haven't tried N64 emulation in years. Can someone post comparison screens to show off the improvement being made via this new project?
Look at my post a few pages back, or look through his blog.
Next step: "retro" console to run this plugin on cartriges and original controllers
Please do it
Does anyone sell Retrode stuff anymore? When I found out about them they were already out of stock and it seemed there weren't any more being made.
On another note, Super Mario 64 with rumble is ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh-mazing!
I snagged one off ebay, was a stroke of luck.
And also, off topic, my mightyape order shipped! Hooray! Its on its way to me now. Phew.
Didn't see this posted.
Going back to the discussion of inverted vs. noninverted analogue aiming controls, I just realized something:
When the aiming is done via my left thumb, e.g. Star Fox 64, OOT in first person, Wind Waker first person (GCN version uses the left stick to aim), default controls in Sin and Punishment, Rez, Panzer Dragoon, etc... I prefer it inverted.
When the aiming is done with my right thumb, e.g. WWHD first person (which uses the right analogue), modern FPS games, Sin and Punishment's alternate controls, and anything else I can think of, I prefer non-inverted.
It's kind of weird. I noticed this on sin and punishment because I typically hold the controller with my left thumb on the D-Pad and my right thumb on the analogue stick (which is rare for N64 games) and like the way it feels non-inverted. Then when I tried the default scheme, non-inverted felt totally upside down when I was controlling the analogue stick with my left thumb.
I used think my preference was game dependent. But now I see with WW vs. WWHD, it's hand-dependent. So it's kind of weird.
So, Bomberman 64: The Second Attack is pretty cheap complete nowadays...
No thank you, sir.
Fuck you.
Haven't owned an N64 collection in many years. Just went on a shopping spree and ordered a good chunk of games I've always wanted back. I'll be back to post my pick-ups by the end of the week. I pro-cured some pretty gnarly stuff!
That's the same with me. I figure it's due to being forced to play inverted during the n64 era with Turok controls and then needing to re-learn how to play when I got Halo and I assume that was non-inverted.
So, I received my N64 in the mail today and I'm a bit concerned. I cannot seem to get a picture to display. I tried hooking up the system to both a Trinitron and an HDTV and I get nothing. I have two sets of AV cords and neither seem to work. I don't think it's a power cord issue as the system clearly turns on (as indicated by the solid red light). So, here's the odd stuff I discovered. When I first boot the system I get a weird green-like fade/wash on the screen that ultimately fades-to-black (only on my Trin; I get a No-signal on my HDTV). Does this mean something could be wrong with the unit itself? Also, as I was fiddling with the different inputs on my Trinitron, at one point I actually did get a picture. I turned the system off and couldn't repeat the situation again. Anyone know what's going on here?
How clean is the game you're testing?
also many HDTVs now won't display 240p so that could be the porblem with that tv at least
It's not only okay, I'd actually recommend it. I recall being told the higher the concentration of alcohol, the better, though. I think 70% should be okay, at least?
Ergh I hate cleaning N64 games. The metal shielding makes them a pain in the butt to take apart for a proper clean.
Ergh I hate cleaning N64 games. The metal shielding makes them a pain in the butt to take apart for a proper clean.
Beats the hell out of cleaning Famicom games though.
A PC, HTPC or laptop with retroarch, the new gliden64 accurate graphics plugin and a retrode.
Sorted. Retroarch is amazing for a retro console setup:
All controlled via any gamepad you wish.
The worst games to clean? Game gear carts You have to risk breaking them.