vote with the wallet and don't buy.
if they don't release sequels because their game bombed, it's their fault for doing this price BS.
All they'll say is that we aren't able to sell our games on the Switch and drop support.
vote with the wallet and don't buy.
if they don't release sequels because their game bombed, it's their fault for doing this price BS.
Portable tax.
The exact opposite of the mobile discount.Portable tax.
That's my solution. Thanks for worrying about me though. 😂This is hardly a solution
What if every developer out there starts charging more for the Switch version of their games compared to other platforms? Will you "wait" for price drops on every single one of them? Good luck.
All I can say is I would have bought Isaac, but I'm not paying 40 for a flash game.
Portable tax.
This is hardly a solution
What if every developer out there starts charging more for the Switch version of their games compared to other platforms? Will you "wait" for price drops on every single one of them? Good luck.
Rebirth is a huge update to the flash game, Afterbirth is a huge update to Rebirth, and Afterbirth+ is a sizable update to Afterbirth, but whatever.All I can say is I would have bought Isaac, but I'm not paying 40 for a flash game.
Random thought bought I wonder if the "Atlus tax" will increase on Switch games because of this.
What does this "portable tax" thing mean? 3DS/Vita games use carts and they never cost more than the home consoles counterpart.
They are capitalizing on the poor lineup of the Switch. This "tax" is hopefully going to disappear by the end of the year, when more games come out.
vote with the wallet and don't buy.
if they don't release sequels because their game bombed, it's their fault for doing this price BS.
Vita games cost the same as their PS4 counterparts (and sometimes even cheaper), and a lot of times you get cross-buy even.
So no, it's not a "portable tax". It's a bullshit "Nintendo" tax.
What he said. I sort of see it as a premium to be able to play literally anywhere, or for some people, who only have time away from home.
All they'll say is that we aren't able to sell our games on the Switch and drop support.
This is insane to me. With this logic, e-books should be more expensive since you DON'T have a physical book to carry around.
Luckily I had one before PS4 even came out.Vita comes included with a PS4?
Will retail for $29.99 on all platforms, but $39.99 on Switch.Wait, this isn't actually more expensive, is it? The game plus adventure pass is $40 on Steam, the same price as this complete edition, unless I'm missing something
Well, Dark Souls II right off the top of my head. The base game was easily obtainable for around $20 when the XB1 / PS4 version with all DLC launched at $50.
It was really meant to be a joke. But it is funny that people continue to make excuses for the premiums that they have to pay for Switch games and accessories.Not to defend the portable tax argument cause it's dumb, but stop pretending that remote play does what the Switch does. You know it's not even close.
Portable tax.
FDG Entertainment‏ @FDG_Games
@2_Old_4_Gaming @GameAtelier Identical prices across all consoles
Dark Souls 2 did not launch at $20.
really long, but awesome posts
I don't see how this is outrageous. Plenty of games release on new platforms in "Definitive Edition" or "Game of the Year Edition" or "Complete Edition" forms. I can rattle off a bunch of examples, like The Last of Us Remastered, Dishonored: Definitive Edition, Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin, Skyrim: Special Edition, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, etc. This isn't anything new.
As for the topic of this thread, the "Switch tax" exists because it's a new platform with a hungry install base and limited options. That's it. If the install base continues to grow and more software options become available, this issue will go away.
Its a BS tax.Portable tax.
What he said. I sort of see it as a premium to be able to play literally anywhere, or for some people, who only have time away from home.
It's only happening because Nintendo allows it.
Sony and Microsoft have policies in place to prevent developers and publishers from charging more for identical games on similar platforms, in order to prevent their customers from getting screwed over.
It appears that preventing their customers from getting screwed over is not a priority for Nintendo.
I still think it's outrageous that Nintendo are letting Binding of Isaac force you to buy all the DLC, whereas it's $15 standalone on all other platforms it's released for.
There is your justification OP.
I can play remote play on Vita for free...
True. But almost all of the above had SOME improvement over its previous edition, making it worthwhile to fans and newcomers. It's not the exact thing with a tiny difference (like Arkham City)
The two versions of one game reasoning doesn't even make sense anyway. We already paid a premium for underpowered hardware mainly for the benefit of being able to play the games portably.
You are really reaching with this argument. Complete Editions of older titles launching with no "vanilla" version on a new platform is a completely standard practice. There's a reason no one but you is talking about this.
If it is a standard practice then I'm sure you'll be able to cite some examples of the launch price more than doubling across different platforms.
For the second - I really hope that my post didn't come off as "entitled gamer,"
The two versions of one game reasoning doesn't even make sense anyway. We already paid a premium for underpowered hardware mainly for the benefit of being able to play the games portably.
Yeah, I agree. It's a horrible argument.
Why would there be a "portable" tax when the system is hybrid and the game is just ported to the system. It's not like devs are creating too versions or different control schemes. It's a completely bullshit argument
The pricing increase is ridiculous, we never saw it on Vita or DS3DS. They remained $3040 (except for that Atlus tax). Carts have always cost more than discs, but previously we didn't see an increase for retail pricing. If publishers can't justify the price on physical releases, then just do digital. By doing physical and jacking up the price with the price parity they screw everyone over.
... I have a feeling publishers intentionally want to do physical releases to use cart prices as an excuse to jack up prices for both physical and digital versions. Pretty fucked up.
This, this thread and the Rime thread is another thing some of us talked about before the Switch launched as a possible hurdle. Pricing.Then again, Switch is a home console, that is also portable.
I don't expect Vita/3DS pricing. I wouldn't balk at $40...
...However, in the case of 3DS (removing Nintendo IP) other than MH...some Square RPGs and Atlus games - 3DS didn't have strong support or prolonged western support. Part of that attributes to devs don't put high effort/profit return on $40.00.
Why bother when devs could make PS4/XB1 games and charge $60? What incentive is there to put effort and development for the same game at $40? Especially, if release date parity eventually comes along.
I want Switch to succeed and if the games come, for the standard $60 pricing, I'll bite.
I'm paying $60 for a console game, I can play anywhere.
Or could think of it like a $40 console game and getting the vita/3DS version for $10-$20 more included.