Don't let the naysayers get you down.
You can write, good. Now perfect it. I'm not talking about novel writing, but work on screenplays, as they are the bread and butter of a video game storyline. You have to know how to work dialog.
Also, download CryEngine, Havok, and Hammer. They're all free. Now work on modding custom maps for some games (UT3, HL2, TF2, CS:S, etc etc). If you can't get in via programming, your next bet is to get in via level design. If that's not your cup of tea, try character modeling. You'll need something like Maya (also a free version available) to do this.
Also visit and try making games with GameMaker. It's an extremely powerful tool that can make full fledged games. (the Metroid 2 remake is being made with it, for example)
If all you can do is write, well, you're SOL. Unless you have a friend in a high up place or you get extremely lucky.
Best of luck! I'm currently working on designing my own games and hope to open an independent, small games studio once I graduate.
For more inspiration track down 'Inside Game Design'. The book covers a lot of independent studios making solid games (Darwinia, LittleBigPlanet, Portal, etc). It helped me decide that an independent route was the best way into the industry.