Majora said:I fear for the sales of this game already though. For the first jiggy (the burning farm one) I came 11,000th in the world on my very first try. And my first try was crap since I didn't know where I was going. For pretty much every jiggy since I've come in the top 2,000, occasionally the top 1,000, and I didn't think I did exceptionally in any of them. So yeah, I'm a bit worried about that.
Majora said:So far I've been able to get T.T trophies either with the default vehicles or very slightly modified versions so I'm really hoping that to get the T.T trophies in later challenges, you really have to start coming up with your own designs.
BenjaminBirdie said:I don't know that you have to completely come up with something fresh (although you might have to for later challenges which I am hell of far from), but you DO have to do plenty of alterations.
Woffls said:Ok i've spent like the last hour building vehicles to do this damn long jump and i'm not getting near the Trophy. Might go for a different approach.
Woffls said:There's a mission in Logbox where you have to take a shell thing up to the top, then down some pipes of water. That mission is hardcore for building something good. It's gotta get to the top quickly, then turn into a submarineI wasn't happy with my solution, so i'll have another crack at it later.
Has anyone tried the longjump on Jiggosseum yet? It's the first mission I found when I got here and i've been trying it sinceJiggy is NOT good enough for me on this one.
i agree totallygnarkill bill said:This game has some serious replay value with getting those damn Trophies. Ive only got about 7 right now and Ive clocked in a few solid hours.
gnarkill bill said:This game has some serious replay value with getting those damn Trophies. Ive only got about 7 right now and Ive clocked in a few solid hours.
EricDiesel said:Then I played the demo.
The vehicles can fall apart
a more balanced mix of platforming and vehicle challenges in the next game
Jonsoncao said:Question: how can I operate that highest crate to unlock the fourth area(colosseum or sth)?
i use the trolley flying glitch to reach the top of the crate, but I dun think thats the game wants to do here........
1cesc said:Do you get extra Jiggies or parts if you get X amount of trophies?
EricDiesel said:I dunno. It just feels like a poor substitute for Banjo-Kazooie rather than a true AAA sequel up to the caliber of the first two.
VGChampion said:Okay, after an extended break after being underwhelmed, I gave it another chance and had a blast. I'm finally into the vehicle creation and think it's wonderful. Small spoiler I guess but it's from the 4th Jiggy you get.
I could not get the coconut off of Gruntilda's vehicle. I kept making big vehicles and little vehicles with a bunch of pipes trying to get it to tip. I finally just created a giant block with two spoilers on it and got the coconut off in 2.85 seconds.
Mifune said:Yeah I just rammed my truck into her from the start and got the thing off in like 2 seconds also.
Really enjoying this game so far. It's very addictive.
BenjaminBirdie said:I have to say, I've haven't been this convinced I was playing a AAA game in a very long time. It's so polished, so innovative, so gorgeous, so deep.
It's fucking spectacular.
I agree.BenjaminBirdie said:It's fucking spectacular.
Mifune said:Yeah I just rammed my truck into her from the start and got the thing off in like 2 seconds also. First try too.
Really enjoying this game so far. It's very addictive.
BenjaminBirdie said:I have to say, I've haven't been this convinced I was playing a AAA game in a very long time. It's so polished, so innovative, so gorgeous, so deep.
It's fucking spectacular.
Mifune said:Yeah I just rammed my truck into her from the start and got the thing off in like 2 seconds also. First try too.
Really enjoying this game so far. It's very addictive.
I have no top 10s.BobFromPikeCreek said:Either no one's playing this game or I'm badass because I've got tons of scores in the top 10.
BobFromPikeCreek said:Either no one's playing this game or I'm badass because I've got tons of scores in the top 10.
Woffls said:There's a mission in Logbox where you have to take a shell thing up to the top, then down some pipes of water. That mission is hardcore for building something good. It's gotta get to the top quickly, then turn into a submarineI wasn't happy with my solution, so i'll have another crack at it later.
BobFromPikeCreek said:I got first place on the challenge where you have to cook an egg for Klungo!
Either no one's playing this game or I'm badass because I've got tons of scores in the top 10.
Kandrick said:Well been playing Banjo xbla since yesterday, and man, it still hold up well. Since i liked B&K: nuts and bolts demo, i am thinking of buying it. Though i do have a question, is the US game region free ?
Brashnir said:The game is not region free.
Fantastical said:Such an enjoyable game. Although, I wish there were other ways to earn jiggies inside levels. I miss finding a hidden jiggy or something of that nature. I wish that challenges weren't the main focus.
:O In what level did you find it?1cesc said:There actually are hidden Jiggies; well I've found one at least.
Not sure if it's the most underrated game of all time, but certainly this gen. It's extremely addictive. I played it most of today. It's just so fun and enjoyable. Lots of humor and jokes and its one of the best looking games of all time, IMO. I mean, flying over Nutty Acres and seeing the beautiful, shining water, and the volcano smoking in the distance...Oliver.S said:I am playing videogames for almost 20 years and this is the most underrated game of all time for me. I seriously can't believe it.
Fantastical said::O In what level did you find it?
Outtrigger888 said:Ya theres hidden jiggys in showdown town if you platform to certain areas.