Rummy Bunnz
When do you unlock the final 2 Klungo stages? Do you need a certain number of jiggies?
Yep.Rummy Bunnz said:When do you unlock the final 2 Klungo stages? Do you need a certain number of jiggies?
Rummy Bunnz said:When do you unlock the final 2 Klungo stages? Do you need a certain number of jiggies?
I found level 3 to be much more difficult (because of the blind jump) than level 4. As for the boss fight... You'll seeWoffls said:Has anyone beaten level 4 on Klungo's game?
It's haarrdddI can just tell the boss will be insane.
Jonsoncao said:oh man
i found this game harder and harder.....
why is RARE always making game this hardcore.....will hurt the sales for sure....
Wiggum2007 said:Um... he's joking? He says it right there... "I've ruined my own humorous jape"
TheOddOne said:Still its funny :lol :lol :lol
I only have one and it wasMojo said:Does using Stop 'N Swop open up anything in Banjo-Kazooie that wasn't in the N64 version?
What are in the SNS item boxes?
Mojo said:Does using Stop 'N Swop open up anything in Banjo-Kazooie that wasn't in the N64 version?
What are in the SNS item boxes?
Woffls said:Has anyone beaten level 4 on Klungo's game?
It's haarrdddI can just tell the boss will be insane.
how many jiggies needed to unlock that last area?BenjaminBirdie said:Unlocked Terrarium Of Terror.
Was NOT expecting it to be like that. Sick shit, man.
Anyone know what the parody credits was supposed to be on that one? There's a lot of shitty old TV I've missed out on.
The boss is amazing.Woffls said:Has anyone beaten level 4 on Klungo's game?
It's haarrdddI can just tell the boss will be insane.
Linkzg said:So far the one thign I wish is that I could assign propellers to work on a button press and not all the time. I hope there is some way I can do that down the road.
I kind of figured as much since (minor ending spoiler)Woffls said:Apparantly the end of the game suggests this to be the case. That's all i know on the matter though.
I'm not even sure why the police are in the game, because they aren't capable of doing shit. They aren't annoying at all really.EricDiesel said:I kind of figured as much since (minor ending spoiler)Maybe they could bring back animal transformations, or use vehickles to do what transformations did in the first games. I dunno. I think less challenges and more puzzles in the level would make me happy. They need to try harder to make the game a bit more like the old ones, so everyone's happy.Kazooie gets her moves back in the ending cutscene.
I might give the full game a shot since it's only $40. I dunno, though. I really hated that demo, and I don't like the whole Jiggy bank/police chase element. Is that part annoying, or is it easy to get the jiggies where they need to go?
Jonsoncao said:how many jiggies needed to unlock that last area?
BobFromPikeCreek said:I'm not even sure why the police are in the game, because they aren't capable of doing shit. They aren't annoying at all really.
BrandNew said:This game is awesome
how did people hate on this?
Yeah, but let's just say one of the trolley upgrades makes that a joke.BenjaminBirdie said:Uh, have they started shooting at you yet?
I don't get it either.BrandNew said:This game is awesome
how did people hate on this?
BrandNew said:This game is awesome
how did people hate on this?
BenjaminBirdie said:No idea. It's fucking criminal, man.
BobFromPikeCreek said:I don't get it either.
BenjaminBirdie said:No idea. It's fucking criminal, man.
jmoe316 said:I am about an hour into Nutty Acres.
Question: Is there anyway to quickly find Jinjo Challenges? The Jiggy challenges are indicated on the map and also there's a holograph projection above the character, but I don't think this is the case for the Jinjo's. I only found 1 in the first act. Do you have to manually search each of them out?
If this game was a new IP then there probably wouldn't be nearly as much criticism. I guess I would feel a little cheated too if they finally released Killer Instinct but turned it into a Smash Bros clone.funkmastergeneral said:I would find it far more enjoyable if I wasn't spending so much time building shit. And if it was just a sequel.
funkmastergeneral said:I would find it far more enjoyable if I wasn't spending so much time building shit. And if it was just a sequel.
Oliver.S said:Did you guys know, that you can rebuild the LOG vehicles, when you jump out and press B, even in the middle of a LOG challenge..? And there are secret Mumbo boxes with extra parts. Just look at the leaderboard video from the first challenge in Nutty Acres. This guy is using one part of the vehicle to open the box.
BenjaminBirdie said:I don't understand what you're saying. You get LOG blueprints after the challenge and you just need the parts to build it afterwards. I don't understand your last sentence.
Yes.Majora said:He means that in a L.O.G.S choice game, you can hop out of the vehicle you're forced to use and rebuild it. The mobile garage pauses the timer. Very useful for when they try to force a crappy vehicle on you.
Actually it's 46BenjaminBirdie said:It's not the last, but I had 47 Jiggz.
Oh shit, that's what that is? I need to mess around with it. Wasn't that featured in a trailer... and some wings fell off or something. I remember being amazed by that.Littleberu said:I just got the detacher, and it's a whole new game.
I created an helicopter with a cage, and I can let go the cage.
I don't what it's for, but who cares, really?
Digital Limit said:Doesn't this game have a screenshot feature? Why isn't anyone posting?!