fistfulofmetal said:Anyway, 117 events left until I get my Burnout Elite license!
Oh shit.
fistfulofmetal said:Anyway, 117 events left until I get my Burnout Elite license!
AgentOtaku said:well looks like I am gonna pick this up anyway....the 360 sku
- Custom soundtracks
- 360 Triggers >>>>>>>> PS3 Triggers
- Achievements (gives me something to work for...could care less about score)
...yeah Live isn't free but I don't ever really play online anyway
my son fucking loooooves this game![]()
birdman said:PS3 has them too, as has been stated before.
yeah? ....thats cool thenbirdman said:PS3 has them too, as has been stated before.
FTWer said:So what's the final word on the PS3/360 comparisons?
Any version has the advantage techinally?
IGN said:Burnout Paradise is an amazing technical feat and looks great on both systems. The absence of loading screens, the rock solid framerate, the detail on car models, and the sheer speed at which everything is rendered is a stunning achievement. That being said, there are some small but noticeable differences that make the PS3 the clear choice in this category. You'll notice that while colors seem a little more subdued on the PS3 (we were playing with identical screen brightness settings), there is generally a bit more detail in the environments, especially in town with lots of objects being rendered in a comparatively small area.
Likewise, the draw distance is a little cleaner and more distinct in the PS3 version. The 360 version also has a fair amount of pop-in, especially with distant objects. I also found cars in traffic would sometimes add-in a last layer of texture detail as I got closer to them in the 360 version. There's some pop-in in the PS3 version too, but generally speaking, it's much less noticeable, restricted to a tree or some bushes in the background. The PS3 had the slight edge in lighting effects in as well, with some interesting refraction or glint happening at almost all times on your car model, while the 360's lighting seems a little less pronounced.
While both versions of the game run at rock solid framerates, it did seem like the PS3's was a little bit faster, running silky smooth at high speeds. The 360 version is an admirable production but the framerate does seem slightly slower than the PS3's, with an occasional hitch at high speeds. This isn't something to be too concerned about as both version look and feel great at top speed, and most people probably won't ever see a difference unless switching back and forth on an HD monitor. Also, some people may actually prefer the overall look of the 360 version because colors seem to pop a little more brightly from the screen, but otherwise, the game is just a bit more detailed, smoother, and better lit on the PS3. Both versions really do look great, but the edge has to go to the PS3 here.
memecomplex said:Ok so I bought the Xbox 360 version because I read here that it's much improved over the demo... and guess what, it is. Slowdowns are not as obvious anymore, but hasn't gone away completely either. It's still there, but better disguised. For e.g when you're boosting, you can't really tell the framerate drops because screen is shaking and what not, but you do get to feel the input lag that comes with a framerate drop. But it is very slight tho, and most people won't notice. Maybe this is due to the Xbox having to stream in data from disc as opposed to having the demo installed on the PS3 hard disk. But possible streaming issues aside, there is the occasional slowdown when you try and execute certain maneuvers, such as a flatspin - as you pull the handbrake and the car starts to spin, the game will chug a little every now and then.
But there are certain spots in which you can recreate a slowdown everytime; like the building under construction at the beach area. Run up to the ramp on the opposite end of the superjump and do a flatspin at the end of the jump to see some significant chugging. There's none of this engine choking business at this same point in the PS3 demo. So yeah for all you folks who think that both version run as well; well they don't. The PS3 demo runs smoother than the retail 360 version. It's pretty much unflappable framerate-wise. And in a game like Burnout where 60fps control and feel is all important, it may be the deciding factor for you.
Lastly, the 360 version is much jaggier and somewhat blurrier - details like hotel signs can be much more aliased and hard to make out in comparison to the PS3 version. I may be wrong, but it seems like the 360 version may just be running at a slightly lower resolution. Edit: Did more tests, and some things look jaggier on the PS3 and better on the Xbox, so not a question of resolution.Both are pretty much the same.
I'm not qualified to comment on sound as my amp is not hdmi ready. But in comparing hdmi audio output through my tv, the PS3 also seems to have clearer sound and effects.
birdman said:PS3 has them too, as has been stated before.
Who doesn't love James Murphy?AgentOtaku said:yeah noticed that too :lol
....and boy do studios love LCD Soundsystem :lol
avatar299 said:Who doesn't love James Murphy?
C4Lukins said:Those are just pretend achievements. Until the PS3 gets a unified system down, the whole appeal of achievements does not really exist on it.
More and more the DS3 seems like one of the best gaming purchases I did last year, its so good in the game.Mrbob said:I just figured out showtime tonight. It is very cool.
Oh and the Dual Shock 3 is very nice with the game. Even nicer is the fact I don't get any controller drops anymore, woo!
Oh so *thats* why you parked there, lol. I thought you were just waiting for whoever else needed to contribute to the challenge, so i parked right next to you.Anyhow, here's the video I caught of CJ's sparks glitch. Insert PS3/more sparks joke here.
Gary Whitta said:Also, landed a 444-degree flat spin off a cliff this evening. It felt gooooood.
Remy said:That's the second time I've had my game ended for a nebulous "you lost connection to the Burnout servers" error; sigh. Apologies to those I was playing with.
Anyhow, here's the video I caught of CJ's sparks glitch. Insert PS3/more sparks joke here.
strange_booj said:Ugh this game was great until you get to the final events to get your burnout elite license. I just want to retry sooo badly![]()
Label said:IMO the Best burnout game in the series, and I have loved and completed every burnout game since the series started. Holy shit it is just so much fun just driving around doing nothing.
So many challenges (though the game is a bit too easy..)
My favourite part is having no retry, because normally I always retry races till I comlete them, but having no retry makes the game flow so damn well. I am always hopping around from one event to another and then taking down the new cars racing around the city!
You can quit races by just stopping your car for two seconds, and that instantly quits the race or challenge.
JasonMCG said:Holy shit...! I've actually been entering Showtime or just shutting the game off completely b/c I thought you had to drudge through events you knew you were going to lose, regardless. :lol I knew there wasn't a "Restart", but I was seriously getting so frustrated at the lack of a "Give Up" option.
I thought it was an oversight. Thanks for the (probably well-known) tip!![]()
Remy said:That's the second time I've had my game ended for a nebulous "you lost connection to the Burnout servers" error; sigh. Apologies to those I was playing with.
Anyhow, here's the video I caught of CJ's sparks glitch. Insert PS3/more sparks joke here.
Sean said:Are the takedowns inconsistent for anyone else?
I'll hit someone and it just says "<gamertag> crashed" (like my car somehow doesn't do shit but their car magically crashes on its own). But when they hit me it shows up as a takedown.
OatmealMu said:Are you boosting when you smash into them?
DevelopmentArrested said:25 hours played.
40% done.
500/1000 achievement points
Woo-Fu said:Oh, you mean the part where you rub e-peens together before measuring them? Whatever.
I am 13 wins from an Elite license. Unfortunately all of them are stunt runs.
There are no events, since you can do it anywhere. Yes, ANYWHERE.Munin said:Uhm, question. Where are the Showtime events? I think I've just upgraded my license to B and I haven't come across a single Showtime event. Is there any special place for them or anything? :/
Pharmacy said:I've gotta say this is an awesome way to start 2008 videogame wise
C4Lukins said:Who said anything about rubbing penises together? Is that what you think happens on Live? I certainly would not pay 50 dollars a year for that feature. And hell, I just got my A license. My penis must be half the size of yours, if even.
Woo-Fu said:You did. You were talking about how the PS3 achievements weren't real. Well the only practical difference between the two is the ability to compare achievements outside of the game.
If you aren't rubbing e-peens then you would find the achievements on ps3 just as fulfilling as those on 360...
Kolgar said:If you want to call it an e-peen war, fine, but part of the allure of gaming for kids is competition--bragging rights--and that's what achievements are about.
DeadGzuz said:Anyone know how to quit out of a race that you start and don't want to finish?
OR you could check out the paragraph in the manual that explains it.Munin said:Oh! Alright, thanks. Will try that.
But yeah things like this and the give up thing through stopping kinda remind me of Mass Effect. There seems to be quite a bit of stuff you are never told or can easily miss. :/
Just press RB or LB (or both, I'm not sure) (on 360) to start Showtime mode anywhere. I agree, soundtrack is pretty good so far.doogles said:Every year should start off with an awesome open-city game. Last year we had Crackdown, now we have this. I just spent 15+ minutes on a race because I got "distracted". Nailed a ton of Super Jumps and Billboards though.
so how I play showtime? Do I have to be online? I've got my C-license and I haven't come across it yet.
EDIT: Also, I dig the soundtrack.
doogles said:so how I play showtime? Do I have to be online? I've got my C-license and I haven't come across it yet.