Thanks dudes, next time I will RTFM. (The fact that most slices of deli turkey are thicker turned me off a bit.)
Inside the time vortex!DoctorWho said:Bah, 34/35 Drive-Thrus found. 118/120 events found! I've been through the whole bloody city... where could they be?
DoctorWho said:Bah, 34/35 Drive-Thrus found. 118/120 events found! I've been through the whole bloody city... where could they be?
doogles said:Inside the time vortex!
BenjaminBirdie said:Damn it, I'm like poring through my library to try and scrounge up enough junk to buy this.
Damn you all.
I haven't even been to the country club yet. :lolDoctorWho said:... or they could be on that mysterious island I heard the DJ mention. Apparently you can jump to it from the country club area. It is probably nothing but I don't think I've been there yet.
PjotrStroganov said:Sell Crackdown. Lol.
DeadGzuz said:Fixed.
My friends have never mentioned there scores or achievements, ever. We play games for entertainment, like reading a book or watching a movie. Then again we are over 30 and have more important things to bitch about.
he's talkin about jumps. Cameras watch the jumps.Tiduz said:Did anyone else hear DJ Atomika mention that "there are 50 camera's in paradise city and if you manage to get on them all theres a special surprise, but i wont ruin it"
I didnt even see 1 camera. is he being funny and making up stuff? :lol
Iamthegamer said:he's talkin about jumps. Cameras watch the jumps.
So what's the deal with the country club? Is there anywhere where I can get into it or is it just a landmark behind a fence?
And i finally found out what car parks are for. I never actually knew you could go into them, less alone there being a ton of sweet ramps (which are hard to jump off of with so little space). Thanks for that info, DJ Atomica! /not
Nice, where'd you pull that off?Gowans007 said:FIVE BARREL ROLLS![]()
Gary Whitta said:Nice, where'd you pull that off?
There's a join game feature in the game. If your friend is playing online, just bring up your friends list (in-game, not the XMB one), press right on your friend's name, and beneath the Invite option there will be an option to join the person's game.Aladuf23 said:Do any of you guys know if you can join a friends game in the PS3 version without being invited? Because I lost connection to a match with a couple of guys a few minutes ago and I couldn't find any "Join Session In Progress" type of thing, and it was pretty annoying since we were doing some challenges.
atomsk said:i was racing against the number 1 guy for a bit, and then he kicked me out of the room :lol
devilchicken said:Were you winning at the time? He could be one of *those* guys..
Gowans007 said:the ramp above the quarry
I was in a GAF room, QVT was bragging as he equaled my last greatest of 4, phft! 4 is for loosers, 5 is the challenge :lol
I was soo happy it landed, also round there you can get your 360 flat spin achievement so easily.
Gaf room in 45 if anyone wants in again
I will add you immediately, fellow Tim and Eric disciple (and that barely saved you from calling the Pushing Daisies cast "uninteresting").BenjaminBirdie said:Haven't tried any online (sorry, Robut) so I know I've only scratched the surface. The best 8 Old Games I'd Never Play Again I've ever spent!
I know it's thin but it does have some useful info.bune duggy said:OR you could check out the paragraph in the manual that explains it.![]()
daw840 said:I got this game (360 version) from GF the other day and so far I am about half way through my Class A license. However, I have not done a single "Showtime" event. Am I just retarded? Where are these located?
You and I can be the Retard Brothers, together not reading manuals since 2008.daw840 said:I got this game (360 version) from GF the other day and so far I am about half way through my Class A license. However, I have not done a single "Showtime" event. Am I just retarded? Where are these located?
Wait till you get to 375-399 Smashes. The last few will drive you insane.DoctorWho said:Bah, 34/35 Drive-Thrus found. 118/120 events found! I've been through the whole bloody city... where could they be?
Felix Lighter said:The Walmart car is ridiculous. It is unbelievably fast and it sucks to the road like no other car. You can take just about any corner at full speed. They must have given them a huge chunk of change to put their name on that beast. I'm flying through the racing events for my Elite license.
AlphaTwo00 said:Wait till you get to 375-399 Smashes. The last few will drive you insane.
bridegur said:Is it possible to turn off the announcer? I'd be a bit more interested in this if that's a possibility.
I've come to a full stop after 375. It's just insane.DoctorWho said:I'm at 350 now and while they aren't too difficult to find yet, I know it is going to be hell soon.
I did find all the Drive-Thrus and Car Parks finally. Those two events still elude me though. I've tried the freeways... :/
Bebpo said:Any point in ever using the SPEED cars? I can't find any so I've been sticking with agression.
In a race with a speed car if I'm boosting and a turn comes up so I have to drift, now I can't boost coming out of it and everyone passes me until I get my boost meter full again. If I get wrecked everyone passes me for a while until I get my boost meter full. Just doesn't seem worth it.
BenjaminBirdie said:Goodbye Crash Mode.
Fuck that shit RULES!!
Nightz said:There's a join game feature in the game. If your friend is playing online, just bring up your friends list (in-game, not the XMB one), press right on your friend's name, and beneath the Invite option there will be an option to join the person's game.
WHOAguitarninja said:Some of the later speed cars are very fast. Driving on the wrong side of the road also fills up the boost meter on speed cars much faster than other types. Also, why don't you boost while you're drifting? It's not any harder than boosting while not drifting.
Breaking and boosting can be done together...I think the only thing that'll cancel the boost is when you spin your car all the way around 180 degrees. 90 degree turns can definitely be done while boosting though.Bebpo said:So if you have to make a 90 degree right turn, you can let go of gas, tap brake, and then hit on the gas again all without having never let off the boost? I thought the braking wouldn't work if you were boosting.