Returners said:? theres an achievement for that?
hmm, I thought there was, but I just checked and I guess there isn't. What they hell was I trying for :lol
Returners said:? theres an achievement for that?
Way to put your foot down! Stick it to the man!CharpyImpact said:Pretty nice update. I wish they had mentioned the cost. I will pay 9.99 for this but not more. That is for sure.
CharpyImpact said:Pretty nice update. I wish they had mentioned the cost. I will pay 9.99 for this but not more. That is for sure.
Within the next 2 PSN Store updates I'd have to assume. I think they said that the price drop will go along with the Party Pack which comes out the 6th. It'll probably happen in 2 weeks right with the pack since to me, it makes more sense for what they're trying to go for.Dante said:When is this dropping to 19.99 on PSN?
I thought so too, but those damn casuals must ruin everythingNegatronic said:I don't think the tweak is necessary to the starting cars. For a complete novice to the Burnout style, it was still fairly easy to adapt to. Protip- don't slam headfirst into cement walls!
YesBaloonatic said:I'm considering picking this up on the PC when it comes out in a few weeks as I quite liked the 360 demo. Quick question though, will the PC version have the same amount of content as the console versions and will it receive all the future updates?
Very well put.Shearie said:The new way barrel rolls are going to work isn't really making it easier for any of us experienced BP players to land them. There are only positive effects in my eyes from the change since now beginners who usually just didn't know how to auto-land barrel rolls don't have to worry about it anymore and experienced players who don't have any trouble landing barrel rolls anyway get an unnecessary step taken out of the equation.
What do you mean? There's already an event at each stop light...VictimOfGrief said:I love the changes and my only wish is someday they put in a mode where you can have every stop light be a stunt run, road rage, marked man etc.
DRock said:hmm, I thought there was, but I just checked and I guess there isn't. What they hell was I trying for :lol
LiquidMetal14 said:Now what do all the haters who always bring the restart option in have to say now?
They showed it in the latest Crash TV Podcast and it seems to go through the PSN store. There is the whole front of it that is the Burnout store part and then when you go to actually buy something it brought up the screen that you would see if you bought something off of the actual PSN store.AnonymousNoob said:Has it been confirmed whether or not the Burnout Store is just an in-game storefront and that said content will be available for purchase through the standard PSN store as well?
I could really go without another KonamiID-esque clusterbork.
(Sure it's EA, but I's prefer all of my downloads linked to my PSN account that I know I'm going to be able to re-download from, if the need arises.)
Weve also overhauled the lighting to bring you more vibrant visuals. We wanted to make it easier to see at night and give everything a more vibrant feel with brighter, more saturated Burnout color.
On GAF? Probably not.woodchuck said:does the 360 version have an active community (both on gaf and off)? it seems like everyone here plays the ps3 version
Yeah. On GAF it seems to be smaller. I'm on it, but I haven't been playing often after the main game.Psychotext said:On GAF? Probably not.
There's always tons of people playing online though.
Ultimate Box is only coming out on the PC.Ashour said:I dont think theyre going to discount the game to $20 on the PSN, I think they only discounted the game at retail to clear the inventory for the Ultimate Box, we may see the Ultimate Box on PSN instead of the original with the same price tag.
Costanza said:Ultimate Box is only coming out on the PC.
Ashour said:I dont think theyre going to discount the game to $20 on the PSN, I think they only discounted the game at retail to clear the inventory for the Ultimate Box, we may see the Ultimate Box on PSN instead of the original with the same price tag.
New Island Content: Big Surf BeachDeadGzuz said:My local GS had no info the Ultimate Box, nothing. What is the retail price?
What happened to the new island content, I see nothing about it on the Criterion site.
Philanthropist said:It's been officially confirmed that the PSN version will drop to $20 / 20 .
Ashour said:Wow, didn't know that. Now no one has an excuse not to buy this game.
rainking187 said:No one had an excuse not to buy it before. I don't understand why anyone would wait for the PSN price drop instead of just picking up the retail version for $20 now.
It's more convenient to boot up and get into. I'm a lot more convinced to start up a game if I don't have to get up and put the disc in. It's not a huge deal, and it would take ten seconds to do, but it's just handy. And I like it.rainking187 said:No one had an excuse not to buy it before. I don't understand why anyone would wait for the PSN price drop instead of just picking up the retail version for $20 now.
bdizzle said:Got my 1st plat trophy!!!
Trophy whoring is fun
Flunkie said:Plus, you don't have to go out and get off your ass, drive all the way to the store, deal with the stupid employees, trudge through the huge crowds, risk getting your keys locked in the car, having to call the unlocker services, getting hit up by girl scouts and having to buy their cookies while you wait, paying the unlocker when he gets there, and even then you might hit someone in the parking lot and have to pay for the fender bender, then picking up some dinner because you get hungry, spill your egg drop soup all over the inside of your car when carrying out the Chinese you got, then having to drive back all the way home. So much wasted time and money by buying retail.
Digital Download: $20
Retail: $647
icechai said:yeah, and this game's online community is really helpful with all the trophies, had my online ones for plat done within a evening of attempting itJust got a few msgs on the XMB about starting a certain type of game to compensate, no biggie
They're related to the Party Pack DLC that's released next week...bdizzle said:Does anyone know how to get the trophies for doing parties? I looked on the PS Store for DLC but I didn't see any so I'm not sure where to get them from.
Brandon F said:A year later and I am hooked once more.
Surprised how many people are still playing this game online too. I had no troubles jumping right into a constant swell of 8-player freeburn lobbies. Even when I happened on a room with 2-3 people, it maxed out to 8 within minutes. (360 version).
Also kudos to the community, the dozens of strangers I played with were all mature and interested in completing challenges. Doing the 'everyone jump over each other' challenge sounded like a total nightmare initially because I figured at least one of these morons would be an uncooperative douche. Amazingly the experience was the opposite and everyone contributed as expected.
My love for this game grew exponentially and I can't believe it took me a whole year to discover how awesome doing these online challenges can be. In fact I can't stand the racing segments in comparison.
PS2 Eyetoy works fine. PS Eye looks better though.Pojo said:That wildcats trophy is killing me. I guess I need to buy a headset (and an eyetoy).
Speaking of the eyetoy, can you just hook up one of those PS2 eyetoys, or must you buy the PS3 version?
I need wildcats one too :/ fuckin sucks! lol :lolPojo said:That wildcats trophy is killing me. I guess I need to buy a headset (and an eyetoy).
Speaking of the eyetoy, can you just hook up one of those PS2 eyetoys, or must you buy the PS3 version?
A lot of GAFers are on hand to help, just plug in the GAF-signalCorran Horn said:I need wildcats one too :/ fuckin sucks! lol :lol
Flunkie said:I got the Wildcats trophy withing one minute of getting online to try. I just joined a game that had 7/8 players and they happened to all be at the stadium doing doughnuts waiting.![]()
Mar_ said:Yeah I don't fully understand how people are having trouble with this. Every other challenge requires everyone to meet up there or end there. You should get it pretty quick just playing online.
Awesome.crispyben said:The trailer for the Ultimate Box (watch in HD) has two more tantalizing hints... The in-game store shows content represented by a PCPD shield that wasn't there in CrashTV 21, could it be the rumoured Cops & Robbers mode? It also shows the Hawker Mech (part of the Boost Specials DLC pack, revealed through trophies) for the first time!
AlphaTwo00 said:What's the icon next to the shield (4th from left)?