PS3 Trophies are not locked to the cap of 50 trophies, unlike the 360 version. Also, before the introduction of trophies, Burnout on PS3 had their own system of in game trophies (still does?), which is why it seems like there is more.Brandon F said:Bleh. Just started playing bikes mode last night on 360. Lame they didn't add achievements for that mode, yet PS3 has trophies for it. Shame too, bikes are pretty fun and handle well. I guess free content does have a downside.
Also, the PS3 trophies look amazingly easier to earn than the 360 achievements, like a lot of the challenges were dumbed down instead of just copy/pasting them over. Weird.
That's the nice thing about PDLC. Don't like it? Don't buy it. I know I most likely won't for the party pack.Haeleos said:The Party Pack looks really underwhelming. I can pass the controller to my friends in single player already. So basically Criterion want me to spend money on a flashy menu system and their half ass implentation of local multiplayer?
AlphaTwo00 said:PS3 Trophies are not locked to the cap of 50 trophies, unlike the 360 version. Also, before the introduction of trophies, Burnout on PS3 had their own system of in game trophies (still does?), which is why it seems like there is more.
From the way they've added trophies on the 360 version (Including the party pack only brings it to 1050 points), there's probably going to be more updates, right up until it fills up to 1250 (MS's own imposed limit on available points per game).
It's the Burnout Time Savers Pack (aka the NFS/EA pack):AlphaTwo00 said:Awesome.
What's the icon next to the shield (4th from left)?
Burnout Store said:Pressed for time? Love the cars? Want to have them all NOW? This one's for you.
That's because the Trophy patch came very late in the life's game and wasn't retroactive, so easier Trophies meant more incentive to restart the game from scratch, because you can get most of them in around 10 hours.Brandon F said:Also, the PS3 trophies look amazingly easier to earn than the 360 achievements, like a lot of the challenges were dumbed down instead of just copy/pasting them over. Weird.
Not true.Returners said:PS3 awards are still there. The main reason why the 360 version is harder is because the achievements are directly tied to the awards. So when you get an award you get an achievement. PS3 on the other hand, is definitely easier in the trophies side, but the awards still require some heavy commitment.
And also I guess MS doesn't like companies giving away DLC achievements for free. So i'm assuming the last 200 points would be tied to all the car packs and the island (which are paid).
I bought the game in September, so I could not say, but here's what I found: 60 PS3 Awards vs. 50 Xbox 360 Achievements (from Nov. 11, 2007)AlphaTwo00 said:Not true.
The original in game awards for PS3 had 60+. There was one for every class you went up in game. This wasn't in the 360 version. When the trophies patch went through, they added more and different ones than the 360 version.
crispyben said:It's the Burnout Time Savers Pack (aka the NFS/EA pack):
Returners said:I just hope its not like the Burnout's "Time is Money" pack (aka. spending money on getting stuff normally gotten in the SP mode)
Yup. That's the list.crispyben said:I bought the game in September, so I could not say, but here's what I found: 60 PS3 Awards vs. 50 Xbox360 Achievements (from Nov. 11, 2007)
EA is bleeding money. It was bound to happen.Returners said:Bam, right on the money. But but.... even Criterion?![]()
Which will allow a lot of us to rack up the Mugshot achievement faster.crispyben said:Between not learning the map because of restarts and not knowing how the handle the cars because they were bought, this will produce some terrible online players...
I'd assume aggression cars might be better, but I did it all with Hawker Solo.Negatronic said:I'm only 10 wins away from my Burnout License!![]()
Question: For showtimes, is it better to use stunt or aggression class, or will any car perform pretty much the same as any other?
I found it way easier to do with an aggression car, they seem to have more boost than the other classes so that helps.Negatronic said:I'm only 10 wins away from my Burnout License!![]()
Question: For showtimes, is it better to use stunt or aggression class, or will any car perform pretty much the same as any other?
Negatronic said:I'm only 10 wins away from my Burnout License!![]()
Question: For showtimes, is it better to use stunt or aggression class, or will any car perform pretty much the same as any other?
crispyben said:The trailer for the Ultimate Box (watch in HD) has two more tantalizing hints... The in-game store shows content represented by a PCPD shield that wasn't there in CrashTV 21, could it be the rumoured Cops & Robbers mode? It also shows the Hawker Mech (part of the Boost Specials DLC pack, revealed through trophies) for the first time!
SolidSnakex said:
SolidSnakex said:[img][/QUOTE]
Isn't this car already in the game? Isn't it the Hunter Citizen?
Templar Wizard said:GRID is a...sim?
have you even played GRID?
Surfheart said:I was wondering if anyone knows the size of the burnout dload from the PSN?
Also it's getting a pricedrop soon? Is that in all territories?
Surfheart said:I was wondering if anyone knows the size of the burnout dload from the PSN?
Also it's getting a pricedrop soon? Is that in all territories?
Are you sure? I remember seeing this in the pause menu just yesterday, and I have all of the updates. (Not that I know that's there's been any use for it.)bune duggy said:the download doesn't include any of the previous updates so that increases the file size. though I was wondering if the "OG" download has a spot to input sponsor codes since Criterion supposedly removed that feature in one of the updates, 1.5 I think.
Would you consider spending a few more dollars so that Criterion Games benefit from your buying the game? Maybe you will buy all the DLCblackMamba1187 said:Probably gonna go and buy this for 360 if they have it used at Gamestop. There's a 20% off used game coupon this week + 10% off with edge card probably brings it down to like $12 or $13 [didn't do the math].
All GCC (Game-Changing Content) released throughout 2008 is free: Cagney Pack (2 new cars, 3 new online modes, 70 new challenges), Bikes Pack (4 bikes, 70 new challenges, 2 new licences, I don't know how many events), day/night cycle, weather... This is downloaded to your console when your first boot the game or will be available in the Ultimate Box. The UB also contains the Party Pack, the first in a series of paid DLC: Party Pack, Toy Cars, Boost Specials, Legendary Cars, Big Surf Island, mystery PCPD pack... To prepare for all this, a free update (including the restart option) will be available next Thursday and in the Ultimate Box.blackMamba1187 said:I thought the dlc was free. If not I will buy it when it is available.
This is a rumor for now, and the update is next week. Welcome backitxaka said:whoa...cops and robbers?
I got disconnected from this game like 5 months ago and I'm planning to start playing it again and I found is gonna be already another awesome update?
Strike said:I'm thinking about finally dipping in now that Burnout Paradise is really cheap and DLC is readily available, but I want to know what's going on with the Ultimate Box?
DMeisterJ said:Wow, this game is fan-fucking tabulous. And the 20 price point is perfect. I've already unlocked like nine trophies in like 1.5 hours of play, and I really enjoy it much more than revenge.
One question, How do I do crash/showtime mode?
isamu said:what would you guys say is the better racing game between this and grid?
DMeisterJ said:Wow, this game is fan-fucking tabulous. And the 20 price point is perfect. I've already unlocked like nine trophies in like 1.5 hours of play, and I really enjoy it much more than revenge.
One question, How do I do crash/showtime mode?
DMeisterJ said:Thanks! I'll try that later.
Is it really as bad as some people say it is?