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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


Just like to say how amazing this game is. I haven't done a single mission. I haven't even left the apartment. I've been chilling on the couch watching the in-game tv and loving it. The Men's Room was funny b/c of Bas. The standup is a nice surprise. I've seen Gervais and Katt Williams so far. The Republican Space Rangers is the best so far though. Holy shit! Looking at the music credits, I have to say this is the A/V product of the year. Amazing in-game soundtrack, and I've already been watching 40min of in-game tv and no repetition in any of the content, not even the ads. I could literally lose myself in this game. I'm forcing myself to get back to playing now b/c I could easily zone out for a few hours watching this. :D In R* We Trust. PEACE.

EDIT: Speak of the devil. Just as I post this, the tv spots start repeating. I'm guessing 40-45min of total playtime. Still pretty fucking cool. I'm glad I waited on the missions. Time to go run some more people over. :D


Pimpwerx said:
Just like to say how amazing this game is. I haven't done a single mission. I haven't even left the apartment. I've been chilling on the couch watching the in-game tv and loving it. The Men's Room was funny b/c of Bas. The standup is a nice surprise. I've seen Gervais and Katt Williams so far. The Republican Space Rangers is the best so far though. Holy shit! Looking at the music credits, I have to say this is the A/V product of the year. Amazing in-game soundtrack, and I've already been watching 40min of in-game tv and no repetition in any of the content, not even the ads. I could literally lose myself in this game. I'm forcing myself to get back to playing now b/c I could easily zone out for a few hours watching this. :D In R* We Trust. PEACE.

Just wait until you get
CNT on tv and get to watch Im Rich $! a parody on those VH1 fabulous life of the...
that is some funny shit right there.
Okay I'm seriously getting pissed off here. This game is a buggy piece of shit and I'm tempted to call shenanigans on ALL the reviewers who hyped this into the stratosphere.

Here's the most recent glitch/problem pissing me off:

I call this girl to arrange a date. She says pick me up in an hour. I've picked her up. She comments on my new clothes, what my cousin is doing, etc. Seems like things are going good. I'm supposed to take her to a place she might like. Multiple points show up on the map. I set a waypoint for the "Cabaret".

I drive toward the Cabaret, and when we're still like 2 or 3 blocks away, the game forces us out of the car and my date comments on the Cabaret. I get us back in the car and drive us teh rest of the way there. When we get there, there's nothing to do. No markers to walk to or any way to trigger the next event. Nothing. We just stand in the cabaret with no place to sit down or anything. Its totally retarded.

I reload the game and try everything again. Same result. I reload once more and decide maybe its related to the Cabaret, so I take her to a bar. 2 blocks from where the bar was supposed to be, we are forced out of the car again. Now my point on the map is lost and I can't find the goddamn bar. We walk around for like 10 minutes and I can't find it. I reload the fucking game again.

I'm desperate now. I've decided to take her to the Cluckin' Bell. Not my idea of a hot time and the feeling of immersion has long since passed, but oh well. Again, we're stopped before we get there and when we go in, nothing happens.

I gave up on dating and did like 2 missions for somebody. I try the dates again, same result.


This irritates the shit out of me. I've only been playing the game for like 3 and 1/2 hours and I've had shit like this happen again and again. When I took my cousin to the club he wanted to visit, as soon as my "event" was over, the girl runs off and suddenly the bouncers are all over my ass. No idea why.

Just a few examples of why this game is pissing me off. Little help?


Pimpwerx said:
Just like to say how amazing this game is. I haven't done a single mission. I haven't even left the apartment. I've been chilling on the couch watching the in-game tv and loving it. The Men's Room was funny b/c of Bas. The standup is a nice surprise. I've seen Gervais and Katt Williams so far. The Republican Space Rangers is the best so far though. Holy shit! Looking at the music credits, I have to say this is the A/V product of the year. Amazing in-game soundtrack, and I've already been watching 40min of in-game tv and no repetition in any of the content, not even the ads. I could literally lose myself in this game. I'm forcing myself to get back to playing now b/c I could easily zone out for a few hours watching this. :D In R* We Trust. PEACE.

EDIT: Speak of the devil. Just as I post this, the tv spots start repeating. I'm guessing 40-45min of total playtime. Still pretty fucking cool. I'm glad I waited on the missions. Time to go run some more people over. :D
there TV shows as well, so its well more than 40 minutes of stuff.


just picked mine up from CC and walked out with a $10 Gc in hand.

No hassles, no wait.

I did have a brief panic when I saw the 360 section was empty, turns out they were selling them at the Customer Service Desk only. They wouldn't sell a copy to a 55 year old in front of me, because he didn't have an ID. WOW.


So yeah I did not get my GTA IV in the mail today. And to make matters even worse, the next two days are holidays which means I won't get the game untill friday. Fuck this shit. This is the last time I pre-order a major release. Fucking bullshit...
I'm surprised at how much I prefer Team Mafiya Work to Cops & Crooks (All For One at least). I guess the racing between different objectives while trying to keep the other team/s away from them is a lot more fun.
be warned, I experienced retardation at the Circuit City I just bought PS3 SE from.

Asked for PS3 SE and the stupid customer service girl said no sorry the SE is only for for the xbox 360. I said, what there are supposed to be versions of both.

Thankfully a non retarded customer service guy interrupted and said there are. The Xbox 360 SE was just the one that was on top of the pile :lol

so I f*****g stabbed her. the end.


dallow_bg said:
And since my 60/20GB freezing thread was closed....... was there some new development or something that came out overnight?

This. Why the hell was it closed? This isn't some fanboy shit that this is happening, I am pissed but I want to know if exchanging my disc today will make a lick of difference or if I should wait for a patch...

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
cleveridea said:
be warned, I experienced retardation at the Circuit City I just bought PS3 SE from.

Asked for PS3 SE and the stupid customer service girl said no sorry the SE is only for for the xbox 360. I said, what there are supposed to be versions of both.

Thankfully a non retarded customer service guy interrupted and said there are. The Xbox 360 SE was just the one that was on top of the pile :lol

so I f*****g stabbed her. the end.
For Christs' sake do NOT show this post to Jack Thompson, ever...ever.

_leech_ said:
I played for about an hour last night on my PS3 and didn't run into any crashing issues... hope I don't end up getting any...

I'm sure like most things, there's always a % who get problems, but the majority wont, don't worry about it.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
So what's everyone's opinion for those that have the PS3 version? Are the graphics amazing?

Character models look nice, framerate dips a bit at times but not as bad as the PS2 GTAs, load times are quick, and it does have a generally soft look to it. Overall, pretty nice.


PS3 version, midnight launch, said i'd play 30 mins and turn it...turned around and it was freakin 4:59am...and that was just after like 3 missions and messing around :lol

No crashes, slowdown, glitches or anything like that yet.


Amazingly awesome. Really starts to set in once you get into the swing of things GTA style again. The cops are really brutal now though, so I wont be stirring up any trouble until I get some firepower.

TV is awesome
Didnt know Jeremy St. Ives was actually a REAL celeb in the game world
and the shows on CNT really match whats "hot" to see in real life now :lol. Radio is great as expected.

The driving does take a little getting used to. Sorta like PGR or a kinda Gran Turismo very lite edition.

Niko is now my favorite GTA character. Hes the most human, likeable, and actually fun character i've played as thus far in the series. As a matter of fact, so far most of the characters i've run into are actually believeable.

Euphoria is NUTS, best skeletal animation engine/physics/whatever else EVER. I was trying to listen to the talk radio station...but some businessmen thought it would be great to yap on his cell right next to my car. Couldnt hear the radio clearly over him...so I got out and shoved him abit. Unfortunatly he was right next a rail. He stumbled back, flipped over the rail, fell on his neck and died... standing there in a bit of shock (video game characters arent supposed to react that way to rails...it's just too real :lol ) I finally jumped the rail, took his cash, got in my car, and left before someone called the cops.

Only disappointment: The home shopping network number doesnt fit in the cellphone you're first given (dunno if that changes). I wanted to order some damn
samurai swords

Havent tried MP yet, so I havent figured how to get my info up on Social Club...havent read the manual yet either.

Oh yes, the graphics are pretty nice, no tearing, or crazy popup. Very nice when it starts raining. The fighting system is better as well. Havent figured out any real combos yet, but the dodge and retaliate system is a nice touch. Also I like chucking coffee at people.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
I dont know whats going on with GTA4 where I live. Some people have the game, but its difficult to find a place that has it. Hopefully I'll be able to get it before the weekend though.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
How far into the single player is it before you get the rocket launcher? I only did eight missions last night before running around in free mode blowing stuff up.


nofi said:
Is there an option to view the TV full-screen on the 360?

Should be. If its just like the PS3 you should keep pressing select (or back).

EDIT: Whoops never mind.

EDIT 2: Im thinking about turning my Cell off for abit and checking out the sights. Wanna check out that comedy club/cabaret or whatever. Also
Katt Williams
is funny as ever. Heard em in a news interview on the radio.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Teknoman said:
PS3 version, midnight launch, said i'd play 30 mins and turn it...turned around and it was freakin 4:59am...and that was just after like 3 missions and messing around :lol

No crashes, slowdown, glitches or anything like that yet.


Amazingly awesome. Really starts to set in once you get into the swing of things GTA style again. The cops are really brutal now though, so I wont be stirring up any trouble until I get some firepower.

TV is awesome
Didnt know Jeremy St. Ives was actually a REAL celeb in the game world
and the shows on CNT really match whats "hot" to see in real life now :lol. Radio is great as expected.

The driving does take a little getting used to. Sorta like PGR or a kinda Gran Turismo very lite edition.

Niko is now my favorite GTA character. Hes the most human, likeable, and actually fun character i've played as thus far in the series. As a matter of fact, so far most of the characters i've run into are actually believeable.

Euphoria is NUTS, best skeletal animation engine/physics/whatever else EVER. I was trying to listen to the talk radio station...but some businessmen thought it would be great to yap on his cell right next to my car. Couldnt hear the radio clearly over him...so I got out and shoved him abit. Unfortunatly he was right next a rail. He stumbled back, flipped over the rail, fell on his neck and died... standing there in a bit of shock (video game characters arent supposed to react that way to rails...it's just too real :lol ) I finally jumped the rail, took his cash, got in my car, and left before someone called the cops.

Only disappointment: The home shopping network number doesnt fit in the cellphone you're first given (dunno if that changes). I wanted to order some damn
samurai swords

Havent tried MP yet, so I havent figured how to get my info up on Social Club...havent read the manual yet either.

Oh yes, the graphics are pretty nice, no tearing, or crazy popup.

Yes, Euphoria is the best thing ever, during a mission I ended up pushing someone off a roof into a river or something, most excellent.

Anyway, not tried the Mobile Phone for buying stuff yet, must try that, and the Social Club is easy, you sign up, hit Edit Profile and add your Gamertag or PSN ID, simple.
all the little awesome nuances in gta4 are....well, awesome.

Last night one of the commercials on the radio station had a girl saying she achieved success and respect because she had a big chest :lol :lol :lol

the cell phone is fucking awesome. i really like how you can start multiplayer games through it, it's pretty similar to burnout paradise, which handled multiplayer perfectly.

did anyone call ZiT yet?


X26 said:
Just got it and started playing, but I had to come in and say I FUCKING LOVE ROCKSTAR FOR NOT NEGLECTING SDTV OWNERS! Hud elements, text, everything is VERY readible, biggest fear is abolished.

That's good to know. Looks like I'll be packing up the PS3 and GTA when I head over to my fiance's place this weekend.


Unconfirmed Member
Jirotrom said:
.... to each their own I guess... though I was very excited about the jazz channel to be saddened that I own all the albums that each track was from:lol :lol
:lol the same.

Though I must say, evading the police while mowing down pedestrians on the sidewalk while Giant Steps wails through the speaker is going to be a surreal experience.


Stop It said:
Yes, Euphoria is the best thing ever, during a mission I ended up pushing someone off a roof into a river or something, most excellent.

Anyway, not tried the Mobile Phone for buying stuff yet, must try that, and the Social Club is easy, you sign up, hit Edit Profile and add your Gamertag or PSN ID, simple.

Gotcha, thanks. Gonna get on that right away.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Wizpig said:
Where's the option to link your GTA 4 to the website? =(
*sigh, again*
Sign up to the site, click Edit Profile, add PSN ID or Gamertag, it then reads your played games list, if you have played GTA4, it adds you up, simple.


Fusion Jazz channel ftw when driving around at night with Roman. It just fits. Cranked up LCHC channel for that one
Bull in a china shop
mission when looking for that one item. Thought i'd have to run through it :lol

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Wizpig said:

I thought you had to check it in-game
Sorry and thanks :D
No problem, I just feel like a answer machine now I have said that so many times :)
Danthrax said:
I just got a new achievement: "Warm Coffee" :lol

I love it!
Holy fucking shit. :lol :lol :lol


Maybe I just have to get used to the new look, but my impressions in the first 10 minutes is that the game looks pretty bad.

The scale is ridiculous, as always, but just driving around the game is dipping below 30 - I crashed into some benches at the park and it went to a crawl.

I think I need to adjust my expectations a bit, down to normal GTA levels, which is fine, but the places that have been hyping this shit up as a 10/10 in graphics are nuts.

But that's just 10 minutes in...


I think maybe my TV isn't calibrated properly or something because the game is very ugly. It's too dark, everything has jaggies all over it, and the frame rate is pretty bad.

This is the PS3 version btw. Gonna mess with the settings some. I liked the intro.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
I was just walking around and a cop pulled a gun on some random dude and started leading him away... Only to shoot him. Unprovoked, in the back of the head shortly after. 0_0


Batteries the CRISIS!
Uno Ill Nino said:
Okay I'm seriously getting pissed off here. This game is a buggy piece of shit and I'm tempted to call shenanigans on ALL the reviewers who hyped this into the stratosphere.

Here's the most recent glitch/problem pissing me off:

I call this girl to arrange a date. She says pick me up in an hour. I've picked her up. She comments on my new clothes, what my cousin is doing, etc. Seems like things are going good. I'm supposed to take her to a place she might like. Multiple points show up on the map. I set a waypoint for the "Cabaret".

I drive toward the Cabaret, and when we're still like 2 or 3 blocks away, the game forces us out of the car and my date comments on the Cabaret. I get us back in the car and drive us teh rest of the way there. When we get there, there's nothing to do. No markers to walk to or any way to trigger the next event. Nothing. We just stand in the cabaret with no place to sit down or anything. Its totally retarded.

I reload the game and try everything again. Same result. I reload once more and decide maybe its related to the Cabaret, so I take her to a bar. 2 blocks from where the bar was supposed to be, we are forced out of the car again. Now my point on the map is lost and I can't find the goddamn bar. We walk around for like 10 minutes and I can't find it. I reload the fucking game again.

I'm desperate now. I've decided to take her to the Cluckin' Bell. Not my idea of a hot time and the feeling of immersion has long since passed, but oh well. Again, we're stopped before we get there and when we go in, nothing happens.

I gave up on dating and did like 2 missions for somebody. I try the dates again, same result.


This irritates the shit out of me. I've only been playing the game for like 3 and 1/2 hours and I've had shit like this happen again and again. When I took my cousin to the club he wanted to visit, as soon as my "event" was over, the girl runs off and suddenly the bouncers are all over my ass. No idea why.

Just a few examples of why this game is pissing me off. Little help?

You're not supposed to take her to the Caberet for fuck's sakes, that's the strip club! You're supposed to take her bowling or to the pool hall -- you know, places you take girls to on a date. The chicken place is just for you to eat at, I think.

In other words, learn to date women better =P


Defcon said:
I think maybe my TV isn't calibrated properly or something because the game is very ugly. It's too dark, everything has jaggies all over it, and the frame rate is pretty bad.

This is the PS3 version btw. Gonna mess with the settings some. I liked the intro.

Yeah no jaggies here, at least not noticeable. No framerate drops or anything either. Running at 720p.

In other news...

Houston Newsradio 740 KTRH poll of the day:
The newest entry in the Grand Theft Auto series released today - Do you think video games today will make people more inclined to react violently towards people (im paraphrasing)?

Talk radio in real life is going to be really intresting these next few days.

EDIT: Who takes a girl to a STRIP CLUB on a date? :lol


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Defcon said:
I think maybe my TV isn't calibrated properly or something because the game is very ugly. It's too dark, everything has jaggies all over it, and the frame rate is pretty bad.

This is the PS3 version btw. Gonna mess with the settings some. I liked the intro.
darkness and contrast could be your tv. mess with those settings in the game to see if it helps.

also on PS3, make sure you're running the game in 720p and not 1080i or 1080p. running it in a different resolution will typically add quite a few jaggies to a game.


bish gets all the credit :)
Uno Ill Nino said:
Okay I'm seriously getting pissed off here. This game is a buggy piece of shit and I'm tempted to call shenanigans on ALL the reviewers who hyped this into the stratosphere.

Here's the most recent glitch/problem pissing me off:

I call this girl to arrange a date. She says pick me up in an hour. I've picked her up. She comments on my new clothes, what my cousin is doing, etc. Seems like things are going good. I'm supposed to take her to a place she might like. Multiple points show up on the map. I set a waypoint for the "Cabaret".

I drive toward the Cabaret, and when we're still like 2 or 3 blocks away, the game forces us out of the car and my date comments on the Cabaret. I get us back in the car and drive us teh rest of the way there. When we get there, there's nothing to do. No markers to walk to or any way to trigger the next event. Nothing. We just stand in the cabaret with no place to sit down or anything. Its totally retarded.

I reload the game and try everything again. Same result. I reload once more and decide maybe its related to the Cabaret, so I take her to a bar. 2 blocks from where the bar was supposed to be, we are forced out of the car again. Now my point on the map is lost and I can't find the goddamn bar. We walk around for like 10 minutes and I can't find it. I reload the fucking game again.

I'm desperate now. I've decided to take her to the Cluckin' Bell. Not my idea of a hot time and the feeling of immersion has long since passed, but oh well. Again, we're stopped before we get there and when we go in, nothing happens.

I gave up on dating and did like 2 missions for somebody. I try the dates again, same result.


This irritates the shit out of me. I've only been playing the game for like 3 and 1/2 hours and I've had shit like this happen again and again. When I took my cousin to the club he wanted to visit, as soon as my "event" was over, the girl runs off and suddenly the bouncers are all over my ass. No idea why.

Just a few examples of why this game is pissing me off. Little help?

in the cabaret you have to walk down the stairs and there's a mission trigger light thing to the right at one of the tables.


bish gets all the credit :)
Danthrax said:
You're not supposed to take her to the Caberet for fuck's sakes, that's the strip club! You're supposed to take her bowling or to the pool hall -- you know, places you take girls to on a date. The chicken place is just for you to eat at, I think.

In other words, learn to date women better =P

Cabaret is not the strip club. The strip club is on the second island.
Danthrax said:
You're not supposed to take her to the Caberet for fuck's sakes, that's the strip club! You're supposed to take her bowling or to the pool hall -- you know, places you take girls to on a date. The chicken place is just for you to eat at, I think.

In other words, learn to date women better =P

Learn what a Cabaret is. In this game, its a Russian entertainment club where performers go on stage and do anything from magic tricks to standup comedy.

We already did bowling and since I wouldn't do 2 of the same date in a row IRL, I won't in the game either. The game clearly gives you like 5 options and none of them work.


well ive played 3 hours and the only complaint i have is that - and this is an xbox 360 fault, not GTA's - is that EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME I play the game I have to select my hard drive to save to. EVERY FUCKING TIME, its the only save device I own or have ever owned, but theres no way of the 360 accepting this.. it happens for every game but this is the most immersion breaking pain in the arse shit when in the middle of a conversation the guide sweeps up and asks to me select my hard drive.


Router said:
A legend.

:lol Touche.

Anyway if you loose your place in the game, just open the map and make a waypoint. Another gripe is that the cell text and some mission icons are just too small on HDTVs. The cell text was too until I turned it on large print. Whats up with developers making such small print and icons these days?

Uno Ill Nino said:
Learn what a Cabaret is. In this game, its a Russian entertainment club where performers go on stage and do anything from magic tricks to standup comedy.

We already did bowling and since I wouldn't do 2 of the same date in a row IRL, I won't in the game either. The game clearly gives you like 5 options and none of them work.

Bowling worked fine for me with
and Darts with Roman. I just take people where they hint at wanting to go.
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