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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


MMaRsu said:
Been playing since my post last night, that's about alot of hours straight lol

Best game ever ftw

Hah when I got home from wal-mart at 12:30am last night you were playing and when I went to sleep at 6:30am you were still playing. And you just got off about 45 min ago. DAMN, son!! :lol
Jocchan said:
Wow @ some enthusiastic impressions here. For the first time, I'm feeling interested towards a GTA game (a franchise I've never liked).

well, the game, very much feels like previous games...so don't expect a real departure from previous games...if you really disliked them, you may also dislike this...

Having said that, this is better than previous games...there is actually some nice graphics in there now, the story seems much more interesting, and the protaganist is actually likeable.

I would say its worth giving at least a rent, even if you have not enjoyed previous installments...just realize that this still feels, plays and is designed like previous games...just more and better


Adamrogo said:
My EB did a midnight launch in Toronto, there were about 100 people in line. Luckily I didn't have to work, so I just popped in before midnight, bought the game at 12:01, then on my way out I let the first batch of customers in. :D

It's cool so far, very overwhelming.

Seriously. They say its alot more "condensed" than San Andreas, but theres still alot to do and experiment with in the initial starting area (need to get familiar with area names now).

Also yay at people from Las Venturas being mentioned. Now all I need are Vice City timeshare scheme ads.


tribal24 said:
im have mines at 1080p damn but i hate switching settings in xmb does it really look that much better? like mines is not jaggie city at all at 1080p

I don't know what it will be like for you as the TV/Monitor will be a factor as well but I know on mine which is just a 24" LCD monitor that can do 1:1 Pixel mapping and up to 1080P (which looks fine in other things) looks like crap, with like lots of Jaggies but re-enabling 720P in the xmb made it look fine again. Even with Jaggies though I was still having a blast playing it. Unfortunately have to stop now for work :(
I'll have to wait until next week to snag this next week. It was between GTA4 and FES and since FES is already becoming scarce, I figured GTA could wait another week. Wish I woould have worked more hours.:(


Teknoman said:
Seriously. They say its alot more "condensed" than San Andreas, but theres still alot to do and experiment with in the initial starting area (need to get familiar with area names now).

Also yay at people from Las Venturas being mentioned. Now all I need are Vice City timeshare scheme ads.

There's a mission in the game about some shit that's coming from Vice City. :D :D


Teknoman said:
Seriously. They say its alot more "condensed" than San Andreas, but theres still alot to do and experiment with in the initial starting area (need to get familiar with area names now).

Also yay at people from Las Venturas being mentioned. Now all I need are Vice City timeshare scheme ads.

Who from Las Venturas was mentioned besides that poker show so far? Or would telling me spoil it? :D
nelsonroyale said:
well, the game, very much feels like previous games...so don't expect a real departure from previous games...if you really disliked them, you may also dislike this...

Having said that, this is better than previous games...there is actually some nice graphics in there now, the story seems much more interesting, and the protaganist is actually likeable.

I would say its worth giving at least a rent, even if you have not enjoyed previous installments...just realize that this still feels, plays and is designed like previous games...just more and better

It should be noted that classic criminal gameplay aside, there is no better life simulator available on consoles that is actually fun.

I'm going to have some lunch then am actually LOOKING FORWARD to getting a bite to eat with Little Jacob.

The core of the game is indeed very much the same, but there atmosphere, all of it involving actual gameplay and interaction, is brand new and unprecedented.

OH SHIT, almost forgot.

For you CSI Miami fans, don't forget to check out the ringtones you can buy off the internet.

[Ringtone Spoiler]

"Scream of The Crime" theme: "YYYYEEEEEEEAHHHHHHHHHH!!!'
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


GTAIV is a terrible game...

for making me stay up till 4:30AM playing it. I only got two and a half hours of sleep and now I'm at work.


I'm really enjoying this game so far (I'm 4h in playing the

The only annoying thing is the car physics. They are a little to floaty... but I'm starting to like them, they somehow fit in the game's world.

Ranger X

Tuvoc said:
L.C.P.D. Street justice!


OMG :lol


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Why do the cars 'roll' so much? I noticed this in the videos, but in 1st person view it feels like you're on a boat.


Also to any newcomers, dont expect anything vastly different. Its still GTA, except perfected to the Nth degree....or something like that.


Hahah I love that the other cars have indicators now, and the steering from all the drivers including Nico is so realistic.


Ok, I'm over the whole graphics not being mind blowing like some reviews claimed. The game is awesome. Finally, a likable protagonist in the series. I can already tell the story is going to consume me. Great stuff so far in the first few hours.
a bit of a tangent but...my 360 broke about a week before this came out so I'll be picking mine up today but not able to play it for a while...uh...

R&R said:

....so, the Gamestop guy suggested trading in my fixed up 360 (upon it's return) for a new one with all the fancy new construction wingwangs: is this a viable strategy? He said there'd be an 80 difference in cost after the trade-in value but to be honest, I didn't buy the 360 (teehee) so between this and the hard drive the machine will have only cost me $180 bucks, IF I choose to go through with this.

Normally I wouldn't bother but if playing GTA4 gets delayed twice I'm gonna have to be on suicide watch

(and if I HAD paid full price for the 360 I'da traded all that shit in for a PSTriple in a righteous fury, for shizzle, even though the MGS4 bundle isn't out yet)


I'm doing fine with driving. I remember seeing the videos before I got the game and it looked horrible, but it hasn't been a problem so far.


You know why this game is the shit?

Because there's these dudes running away from me in an alley, and i'm with my Jeep, so i kill 2 of them by running over them, the other one sees it and starts running opposite direction, i drive rear and hit him while hitting a Trash container, my rear window breaks and the fool is projected a few meters by the impact, while the guy is trying to get up, slowly, from the impact, i get out of the car, walk to him and pop one in his head.

It's just badass.

Wanna hear something even more badass? This fool is at the top of the stairs, i don't have a clean shot on him aside from below the knee, i shoot him below the knee, he reacts, and as he tries to gain back his balance he trips on the stairs and comes falling down to his death.

Cmon man, you just don't get that kind of shit in other games.


So when you complete a missions and it says it's saving content, is that an autosave? Like I can turn off my console right after and resume from there when I want to play again?


BenjaminBirdie said:
For you CSI Miami fans, don't forget to check out the ringtones you can buy off the internet.

[Ringtone Spoiler]

"Scream of The Crime" theme: "YYYYEEEEEEEAHHHHHHHHHH!!!'
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol That is SO awesome.


Yeah car physics actually make you have to drive smart instead of barreling down the street. You can still do that...but you know, just not as recklessly as before.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Okay, that's the second time my PS3 has hardlocked playing GTA IV. Maybe 2 and a half hours played. Wonderful.



Spy said:
GTAIV is a terrible game...

for making me stay up till 4:30AM playing it. I only got two and a half hours of sleep and now I'm at work.

:lol :lol

I do appreciate all the stuff that is going on in the game but it feels a bit meh....

EviLore said:
Okay, that's the second time my PS3 has hardlocked playing GTA IV. Maybe 2 and a half hours played. Wonderful.


autosave ftw?

edit: I have ps3 and haven't had any troubles.
WrikaWrek said:
You know why this game is the shit?

Because there's these dudes running away from me in an alley, and i'm with my Jeep, so i kill 2 of them by running over them, the other one sees it and starts running opposite direction, i drive rear and hit him while hitting a Trash container, my rear window breaks and the fool is projected a few meters by the impact, while the guy is trying to get up, slowly, from the impact, i get out of the car, walk to him and pop one in his head.

It's just badass.

Wanna hear something even more badass? This fool is at the top of the stairs, i don't have a clean shot on him aside from below the knee, i shoot him below the knee, he reacts, and as he tries to gain back his balance he trips on the stairs and comes falling down to his death.

Cmon man, you just don't get that kind of shit in other games.

My absolute favourite kill is a guy running full pelt across my field of view, I hit him in the legs and he goes stumbling off balance into a speeding Turismo and over the edge of the bridge. Next game absolutely MUST have replay mode.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
WrikaWrek said:
You know why this game is the shit?

Because there's these dudes running away from me in an alley, and i'm with my Jeep, so i kill 2 of them by running over them, the other one sees it and starts running opposite direction, i drive rear and hit him while hitting a Trash container, my rear window breaks and the fool is projected a few meters by the impact, while the guy is trying to get up, slowly, from the impact, i get out of the car, walk to him and pop one in his head.

It's just badass.

Wanna hear something even more badass? This fool is at the top of the stairs, i don't have a clean shot on him aside from below the knee, i shoot him below the knee, he reacts, and as he tries to gain back his balance he trips on the stairs and comes falling down to his death.

Cmon man, you just don't get that kind of shit in other games.
Crysis to a degree. Less in some ways, more than others. For instance you can't jump ontop of a building and punch the roof down to have it fall on some dude and knock him down and then while he's down you grab him by the neck and toss him through a wall in GTA4.

But yeah, I love when games come together like that. Made Crysis the best game of '07.


Hey I didnt know that you really dont even need L2 with guns. You can just hold R2 lightly to bring up a weapon without crosshair, then a little harder to bring up free aim, and even harder to actually shoot.

I might stick with the whole L2 aiming, though its nice to know you can aim and shoot with one finger.
What button (PS3) are you supposed to press to quick read text messages when the icon pops up? I thought it said X, but I tried that the next time the icon was on screen, nothing happened. I had to open the phone to read it.


The game replaced one of the cars that I had saved at my parking spot with a car of a different model and colour. Has this happened to anyone else?


ThirstyFly said:
What button (PS3) are you supposed to press to quick read text messages when the icon pops up? I thought it said X, but I tried that the next time the icon was on screen, nothing happened. I had to open the phone to read it.

Up on D-Pad I think...


ThirstyFly said:
What button (PS3) are you supposed to press to quick read text messages when the icon pops up? I thought it said X, but I tried that the next time the icon was on screen, nothing happened. I had to open the phone to read it.

UP on the D-pad, that brings up the phone and then you press X to choose what you want.


Well, I guess I underestimated the demand for this game in my area. I'm a dumb fuck, I know.

*wanders off to find some GTAIV videos*

Btw, that gif is awesome.
g35twinturbo said:
UP on the D-pad, that brings up the phone and then you press X to choose what you want.

Isn't that just to open the phone though? The little training popups you get said you could quick read the message if the new text icon was still on the screen over your radar without bringing up the phone, but it went away too fast for me to fully read while I was driving at high speeds :(


Have you guys watched some TV yet? Hilarious stuff.

Not mutch of a spoiler but here you go:

- The "History of Liberty City" faux documentary is so great. Watch the entire thing and laugh your ass off :lol

- Republican Space Rangers is a bit too silly for my tastes but I think that's intended.

- The Men's Room made me cry man-tears because I laughed so hard. Bas Rutten is a psycho.

- I'm Rich is totally over the top. It's really long and it just gets better and better.

- The fake commercial for 72 (24 parody) was pure awesomeness compressed in too small of a timeframe for my brain to handle.

Do yourself a favor and watch some TV in this game. Rockstar outdid themselves. How can they possibly top the satire in the next installment?
a.wd said:
sorry once i have whistled what then I keep jumping in and jacking the dude!

you have to HOLD triangle (or 360 equivalent) to get in instead of jack

i love that you can steal a cab even if they have passengers- just get in the back and kick em out
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