You know why this game is the shit?
Because there's these dudes running away from me in an alley, and i'm with my Jeep, so i kill 2 of them by running over them, the other one sees it and starts running opposite direction, i drive rear and hit him while hitting a Trash container, my rear window breaks and the fool is projected a few meters by the impact, while the guy is trying to get up, slowly, from the impact, i get out of the car, walk to him and pop one in his head.
It's just badass.
Wanna hear something even more badass? This fool is at the top of the stairs, i don't have a clean shot on him aside from below the knee, i shoot him below the knee, he reacts, and as he tries to gain back his balance he trips on the stairs and comes falling down to his death.
Cmon man, you just don't get that kind of shit in other games.