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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


Dr. Zoidberg said:
- One of the things I hated in Saint's Row was the overuse of the F-bomb by everybody, but especially pedestrians. I don't have any problem with cursing, but it seems in GTA4 walking/driving around that all the peds are talking like sailors. This can be overdone, IMO, to the point where it is ridiculous and harms the immersiveness factor.

I thought the same thing until I went to a different part of the city(don't remember the exact location though).

In the area that you start the game in, everybody is offended at every little thing you do, telling you off and everything.

But in the part of the city that I was in, I tried to bump into people so that if they give me a really negative response I'll have an excuse to shotgun them to the head and couldn't for the life of me get anything remotely snarky. I pushed around men and woman until they fell and most of them didn't say anything and ran away. Some said things like "at least buy me dinner first" or "please leave me alone" or "be careful".

So I guess the responses that you get are affected by the part of the city that you're in. If it's a poor/seedy neighborhood vs something more upscaled.
scissorfight said:
i found a free armor pickup that should be helpful for the later missions. located here, near the circular drive with the bumper posts in the first island. it's next to a stairway.

Can't seem to find this.
After being underwhelmed by Cops N Robbers (Nobody knows what they are doing, mostly. Also it's way too hard to catch up to crooks that get away. And also the routes are generally much too large), I am absolutely delighted to say that Deathmatch is fucking golden. It's unbelievably satisfying, and really alot more than what I was expecting from the game. Turn off auto-aim and the mini-map tracker and it just becomes golden. My only complaint is that knifing is a more than a bit difficult as there's no runspeed change.

I am absolutely stuck on the coke retrieval mission for the black chick. I've never been able to shake 3 stars and I don't have a clue how to start now.

I think the look of the game grows on you after a while.
At first I was noticing all the flaws, but after a while I just keep playing and marvel at the little details in the environment.

It also helps that the game starts caching to the hdd and pop-up isn't ever as bad as it is for the first hour or so. Oh and bloom lighting on the fog and rain is absolutely gorgeous. I can't wait to drive through Algonquin with that shit on.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Himuro said:
Yeah uh...taxi missions similar, but the thing is:

1. Theres no timer
2. You can't do multiple fares it seems.
3. You have to drop off only one person and the mission is over.

It's really disappointing. The taxi missions aren't even fun anymore. A part of the reason it rocked was because it was Crazy Taxi-ish. No timer gives you no reason to put the pedal to the medal, you can simply pace yourself. And no multiple fares makes the missions seems flat. A part of the ownage of the old taxi missions was determining who to pick up first, and strategizing, not so much anymore!

Maybe I am getting old...but I like that way better. I might actually finish all the taxi missions this time!
fanduck said:
Dang, that really is disappointing. Such a simple thing to put in the game, and it adds so much (especially with achievements). I can only imagine what fun this mode would be in multiplayer as well!

I take it all the other modes are gone too? I wonder why...

AFAIK the taxi missions don't count towards completion, or achievements. They're just a quick and easy way to make cash. That said, the vigilante missions, drug running, and car collecting missions are way more involved now.
So some people are truly noticing next to zero pop-in on the PS3 version? I have a 60gig but as I said, there is tons of pop-in. Damn it. Now I'm wondering if I have a botched copy or the install didn't work. Is that even possible? Anybody...? I doubt I'm just being picky based off what other people are saying.


CartridgeBlower said:
So some people are truly noticing next to zero pop-in on the PS3 version? I have a 60gig but as I said, there is tons of pop-in. Damn it. Now I'm wondering if I have a botched copy or the install didn't work. Is that even possible? Anybody...? I doubt I'm just being picky based off what other people are saying.

I've noticed some pop in here and there. It's mostly if I rotate the camera though.
Also, I've noticed that on a few roads, I'll be looking behind me for cars to jack, but then look forward and suddenly cars will drive by me that weren't there in the beginning. Kind of annoying :lol
chespace said:
Biggest disappointment for me is no multiplayer mini-games!

I want to play pool with my buddies in a bar on Xbox Live. Let me!
Seriously. I was crestfallen when I found out you can't go on dates in multiplayer. I'm a mother fucking eloquant talker.


Redmond's Baby
CartridgeBlower said:
So some people are truly noticing next to zero pop-in on the PS3 version? I have a 60gig but as I said, there is tons of pop-in. Damn it. Now I'm wondering if I have a botched copy or the install didn't work. Is that even possible? Anybody...? I doubt I'm just being picky based off what other people are saying.
There is some pop-up in PS3 version. But it is only visible on grassy areas and when driving at very high speed.
Himuro said:
Powerslave: I'm not sure what you feel about my opinion, but you know how I feel about San Andreas. I like it, but it does a lot of things I don't like. IV is return to form for me.

I have over 400 hours clocked into San Andreas. People think I hate GTA or something while it's in my top 2 of longest played game franchises. And I'm not just a casual player either. I go on exploring everywhere and examine details for hours. It's only because I point out my criticisms and leave behind the good things that makes people get so mad here. No doubt that I will be playing GTA4 longer and more intensively too than most folks.


is it worth it to get the strategy guide?

Im thinking about getting it but dunno if its worth it, never bought a guide before.
Son of Godzilla said:
After being underwhelmed by Cops N Robbers (Nobody knows what they are doing, mostly.

As always it's all about who you play with to some degree. I played a bunch of different modes yesterday and some of the most fun we had was in the Cops & Crooks mode. Mafiya Work is also pretty great.
borghe said:
Really? Do you live in a big city? Even in just Milwaukee, WI that is pretty much how people b ehave on the street when you bump into them/hit their car/inconvenience them.... just wondering, but yeah... pretty much how it goes here at least.

Actually, I live in the sticks, but that's not important.

I don't doubt that in real life, when hit, bumped, etc. that people curse. But in GTA, due to the nature of the game, this happens all the time, so you end up hearing f-bombs constantly. Hell, even just walking around people are constantly cussing it up. I know it happens in real life but honestly I think it happens a bit too much. It's gone a little overboard. I'd like to hear more normal conversations sprinkled in with my vulgarity.

Each game has gotten progressively worse in this regard, it's like they want to push it a little farther each time. When Saint's Row came out a lot of folks on here criticized it for going overboard but now GTA4 is right there in this regard as well.

I'm no prude. I understand what they are doing but I think they have pushed it into ridiculousness. They've done the same things with the commercials and such. Each game they are progressively less clever and more overtly sexual or political. It's just personal preference, but a little class never hurts.

So I guess the responses that you get are affected by the part of the city that you're in. If it's a poor/seedy neighborhood vs something more upscaled.

Hmmm. Interesting. I'm still on the first "island" I guess.

You know, when I first started playing I walked up to the police blockade on the bridge, didn't even get that close and they opened fire, killing me pretty quickly. Then I stole a bike and rode through the subway tunnels to the skyscraper area. Made it through the subway station and up onto the street (couldn't get my bike out of the subway track area down there) before I was gunned down. So you can make it to the other island, but you won't live long.


forgeforsaken said:
As always it's all about who you play with to some degree. I played a bunch of different modes yesterday and some of the most fun we had was in the Cops & Crooks mode. Mafiya Work is also pretty great.

We did a big GAF game of Cops and robbers and it was hilarious. People jumping out of helicopters, exploding cars flying all over the place, last minute saves, etc.

The last game we literally gunned the boss down as he was getting in the boat to leave.

That said, I think Turf War is probably better for large numbers of players, especially when you split into three teams.


Talking about Guides I won one during launch. They had some raffle and gave out two guides and I won! :lol Too bad I'm not going to use it until I finish the game.

MaizeRage25 said:
Best Bowling Score: 194.

I hate bowling argh. I lost to my date. :lol
MaizeRage25 said:
Can't seem to find this.
set a waypoint on schottler where the x is on the diagram, you wind up nect to a gated apartment. go around the side and behind it is another entrance that looks exactly the same. the armor pickup is by the door.
CartridgeBlower said:
So some people are truly noticing next to zero pop-in on the PS3 version? I have a 60gig but as I said, there is tons of pop-in. Damn it. Now I'm wondering if I have a botched copy or the install didn't work. Is that even possible? Anybody...? I doubt I'm just being picky based off what other people are saying.
Havent noticed any pop in, although i honestly havent been looking for it. If i'm actually getting any (20gig btw, dunno if it matters), it's probably minor.

Now, framerate, on the other hand... -_O
Not that i was expecting something super smooth, but it's been putting a damper on my enjoyment of the game.


Has anyone else noticed that in multiplayer (specifically free roam) cars, people (pretty much any object) just disappear right in front of you?

I was playing free roam with a friend last night and we went to the exotic car dealership to get some cars. You could see the cars through the windows while approaching the shop, but once we entered the shop they all disappeared. We walked around the corner and re-entered the shop (this time cars weren't visible through the glass windows), and upon entry they re-appeared right in front of us--1 vehicle at a time. This has also happened multiple times with police responses; a bunch of police vehicles show up and they start disappearing as units got out of the vehicles.
I got the Gooble Gooble achievement (3 strikes in a row) by following the instructions someone else posted earlier.

Take TWO steps to your left. Bowl as straight as possible. You want to have your speed be about 18-20 MPH. This is dictated by the length of pause between pulling the stick back and then pushing it forward. After you bowl your speed is displayed on the score screen, so you have to play around to get it the right speed.

Just got my turkey and a 213 game.


Just took Michelle on a date, come out and the car I had jacked was gone and I was really drunk (took her to a bar), so, I had to jack another car. She actually helped me jack it by throwing the passenger side person out of the car. :lol She was like, "oh my goodness, thought we were going to get arrested their."



Jugendstil said:
AFAIK the taxi missions don't count towards completion, or achievements. They're just a quick and easy way to make cash. That said, the vigilante missions, drug running, and car collecting missions are way more involved now.

Care to elaborate on those, or point me in a direction to read more? I'm bored to death at work, and I won't know if my copy came in the mail for a couple hours. Desperation is setting in...


ScrabbleBanshee said:
Does anybody else find the game so dark that it's hard to even see where you're going at night? Yeah I can change the brightness level of my TV, but every other game/movie looks fine the way it is and it's calibrated.

It's a CRT Wega, perhaps they designed the game for the piss poor black levels of most LCDs? It's pissing me off that at night I have to like feel my way around walls to find entrances. The camera in the game is also driving me crazy.

Pretty cool game overall though.

I have a Panny CRT, and yes the black levels are VERY dark by default. I found that changing the contrast worked best, as upping the brightness made little details like clouds, etc totally disappear.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
MaizeRage25 said:
I got the Gooble Gooble achievement (3 strikes in a row) by following the instructions someone else posted earlier.

Take TWO steps to your left. Bowl as straight as possible. You want to have your speed be about 18-20 MPH. This is dictated by the length of pause between pulling the stick back and then pushing it forward. After you bowl your speed is displayed on the score screen, so you have to play around to get it the right speed.

Just got my turkey and a 213 game.

thanks. I found out about the 'two steps' part by myself since that was my sweet spot for wii bowling and worked pretty well here too :p. Gonna try to match that speed you mentioned now
Darunia said:
thanks. I found out about the 'two steps' part since that was my sweet spot for wii bowling and worked pretty well here too :p. Gonna try to match that speed you mentioned now

Took me about 20 minutes. Got to 2 strikes 3 or 4 times before I could nail it on the third.


these pigeons are so fucking hard to find.. I preferred the old hidden packages, its not as fun when they are so obscure.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
vilmer_ said:
I have a Panny CRT, and yes the black levels are VERY dark by default. I found that changing the contrast worked best, as upping the brightness made little details like clouds, etc totally disappear.
yeah, I had my TV calibrated by one of the best mits calibration techs out there, and the game is insanely dark. I just bumped the brightness up (quite a bit actually) and contrast just a smidge and the game looks great. night is still dark but I can see... day is not overly saturated or contrasting and looks great. though I might try changing that around a little bit based on your post and seeing if I can get it looking even better.
fanduck said:
Care to elaborate on those, or point me in a direction to read more? I'm bored to death at work, and I won't know if my copy came in the mail for a couple hours. Desperation is setting in...
Taxi missions come from Ramon after you do enough missions, or possibly rep based.
Vigilante come from Brucie.
Dealing missions come from LJ.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
borghe said:
yeah, I had my TV calibrated by one of the best mits calibration techs out there, and the game is insanely dark. I just bumped the brightness up (quite a bit actually) and contrast just a smidge and the game looks great. night is still dark but I can see... day is not overly saturated or contrasting and looks great. though I might try changing that around a little bit based on your post and seeing if I can get it looking even better.
Which version did you select?


Holy shit the TV is awesome :lol

I've sat here watching Ricky Gervais, Kat Williams and the totally awesome Bas Rutten show. "Smash his head into the lamp post, boosh boosh!" :lol
painey said:
these pigeons are so fucking hard to find.. I preferred the old hidden packages, its not as fun when they are so obscure.

I've found 2 so far, after playing about 6 or 7 hours. I haven't gone out of my way to look for them but only stumbling on 2 has me a bit concerned considering how many of them there are.
Felix Lighter said:
I've found 2 so far, after playing about 6 or 7 hours. I haven't gone out of my way to look for them but only stumbling on 2 has me a bit concerned considering how many of them there are.

I've got a whooping 0.


painey said:
these pigeons are so fucking hard to find.. I preferred the old hidden packages, its not as fun when they are so obscure.

Yea i've had terrible luck so far... haven't even seen one.

Didn't one of the previews mention that they make a sound when you're close to them kinda like Crackdown did with orbs??
MaizeRage25 said:
I've got a whooping 0.

I'm glad I'm not the only one. They do glow so they seem to be easier to spot at night.

mileS said:
Yea i've had terrible luck so far... haven't even seen one.

Didn't one of the previews mention that they make a sound when you're close to them kinda like Crackdown did with orbs??

They make the sound of ruffling feathers but it is quite faint.


mileS said:
Yea i've had terrible luck so far... haven't even seen one.

Didn't one of the previews mention that they make a sound when you're close to them kinda like Crackdown did with orbs??
All I've noticed is regular pigeon 'cooing' noises. They have a red light on them, too... Like a little red spotlight that only illuminates the area immediately surrounding.


The multiplayer is pretty shoddy. Had some comedic moments, but it doesn't look like something that's gonna appeal to me long term.
mileS said:
Didn't one of the previews mention that they make a sound when you're close to them kinda like Crackdown did with orbs??

Yes, they make pigeon sounds. You have to be fairly close. I've seen 1 (on a wooden pier post) and heard another ( on the ferris wheel) but I couldn't do anything with the one I found. I tried jumping on it and punching it to no effect. I thought they were just decorations, but I suspected it might be more. I didn't have a gun at the time. Are you supposed to shoot them?
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