I clicked date on a few names, and then a couple days later I checked my email and had been rejected by them all. Maybe it opens up at some point?
Damn.skip said:some, but not all. also check out the personal listings on craplist.
BobFromPikeCreek said:Damn.I wanted to date the girl who rambles about her kittens then, out of nowhere, mentions that she loves violent sex. :lol
You need to get enough Respect/Like, think it's 75%.MaizeRage25 said:Anyone know what you have to do to be able to buy weapons from Jacob?
That's where I left off during my playing.Chinner said:I just got the 'lowest point' achievement, and anyone else who has gotten it will aprecciate the gun fight that happens sometime before it.
also, i love little jacob. i mean i dont know what hte shit he is saying most of the time but god damn he is awesome.
gofreak said:Quick Q, but how far am I from unlocking manhattan?
I've got to the second safehouse, done a mission with manny..started to do a first mission for Bruce..
Darunia said:I wanted to date that one too since she's a nurse and I heard that has its advantages
MaizeRage25 said:Auto-Aim sucks in big shootouts where guys are behind cover and holding the trigger down half-way is tough.
Felix Lighter said:The first thing I did before I started was turn off the auto-aim. It sounds like more of hassle than a help from what I've heard. The aiming controls have improved so much that it is completely unnecessary. I'm convinced they only left the feature in game because people have become accustom to it in GTA games.
gofreak said:Quick Q, but how far am I from unlocking manhattan?
I've got to the second safehouse, done a mission with manny..started to do a first mission for Bruce..
scissorfight said:i thought there would be more people on the 2nd island. even in the times square area there's no more people than any other.
chubigans said:I guarantee you that you WILL need it in later missions. There is NO way of beating some missions without it, since those missions require you to clear out a room in a fast amount of time so you can be somewhere else.
gofreak said:Quick Q, but how far am I from unlocking manhattan?
I've got to the second safehouse, done a mission with manny..started to do a first mission for Bruce..
womfalcs3 said:LOL for the fun of it I called 911, and the cops came to my location. Could be useful in future endeavors.
I flipped out a phone and dialed 911. Then I found a homeless man and punched him in the face. He started punching me back, the police arrived and tried to arrest him. Then a MASSIVE ***** MOB of hobos came to his aid and took out the cops. More cops came, and more hobos came. It turned into a huge cops vs hobos fight which only ended when the cops pulled a helicopter out and peppered them all with bullets.
Once they were all dead, the cops left. A few seconds later another cop car pulls up and a cop gets out, walks up to me, and says "What's the problem here?"
womfalcs3 said:LOL for the fun of it I called 911, and the cops came to my location. Could be useful in future endeavors.
This reminds me: I LOVE the new Vigilante missions, HATE the new cab missions.Goreomedy said:Try the 'Call for backup' option when in a stolen squad car if you've got to clear out some sidewalk squatting drug dealers.![]()
Jeff-DSA said:So I spent about 4 hours with it last night and....SURPRISE! THE CONTROLS SUCK!
Rockstar is either retarded or they simply don't care. You can't tell me that after that many titles that they can't come up with a fluid control scheme. Every single other 3rd person action/shooter/adventure game out there, even those developed by sucky developers, has better controls. Running on foot is awful and driving is like trying to control whale. What kind of whale? Oh, like a beluga whale, I guess. I had to restart a mission because I beat my car up in a car chase and at the end of the mission when I had to drive back to the garage I bumped one car too many in the FINAL TURN and it totaled the car. Next thing I knew I was back 20 minutes restarting the mission. Thanks Rockstar!
Another thing that frustrates me is that you just can't save anywhere. I think in this era of gaming you should be able to save where you want, leave your console for a bit, and come back and resume your game. When I was ready to quit last night I was in the middle of a mission, so I just had to abandon it and I'll have to start over next time I fire it up.
The story so far is cool, and I love the city, but the reviewers that said that Rockstar addressed the old faults of the GTA franchise are full of crap. Moneyhats and overhype all around.
Still, I do find myself having fun, and that's a first for me in the GTA series, so I'm not ready to shelve the game yet.
Sorry, I needed to vent. A 10 for controls/gameplay? :lol
riskVSreward said:Has anyone found any of the hidden packages yet? I've yet to find one, makes me wonder how many are in here.
MaizeRage25 said:I've got two, and found them both doing package delivery missions. They were both at the drop-off location.
This game has hidden packages? I have not run into any.riskVSreward said:Has anyone found any of the hidden packages yet? I've yet to find one, makes me wonder how many are in here.
Scopebob Sniperpants said:This thread has become nothing but disappointments and moans. Why? Because 1 out of 10 people don't like GTA games to begin with and bought it due to the hype. After playing for a short period of time, they abandon the game before it heats up and they come in here.
As for everyone else, they won't post in this thread because they are too busy playing the game to excess. 5AM binges and exhausted workdays. Minutes fade into hours as they experiment with everything from toying with the AI and Physics to exploring every stoop of their brooklyn-esque virtual neighborhood.
This game is godly. But then again, I'm a huge fan of the series. I am not disappointed at all.
I once shot a chick in the face because I wasn't COMPLETELY stopped when trying to access the cop car's computer.Goreomedy said:The LB for everything system has cockblocked me twice!
Roman invites me to the strip club for the first time. Cool! I get there with him after a long-ass drive, and the LB indicator pops up, which has been to activate something the entire game, so I hit it without reading. We're ready to leave the club? What? And Roman is making fun of me for wimping out?!
Later, Little Jacob invites me to the club. Okay, let's do it right this time. I get to the club with him, he takes a seat. I don't hit LB this time, which I read now means "Leave". Then, a stripper stops in front of me and asks if I'd like a private dance. Hit LB to accept, the game says. So I press LB...
Apparently, I'm still standing close to Little Jacob, who gets priority, so instead of activiting the lap dance, he says he's ready to go home.
It's a little unclear what happened next. After the blindness from my rage faded, everyone in the club was dead.
I'll get my lapdance yet, game.
DIrtyWeasel said:This game has hidden packages? I have not run into any.
They're pigeons.riskVSreward said:Has anyone found any of the hidden packages yet? I've yet to find one, makes me wonder how many are in here.
Scopebob Sniperpants said:This thread has become nothing but disappointments and moans. Why? Because 1 out of 10 people don't like GTA games to begin with and bought it due to the hype. After playing for a short period of time, they abandon the game before it heats up and they come in here.
As for everyone else, they won't post in this thread because they are too busy playing the game to excess. 5AM binges and exhausted workdays. Minutes fade into hours as they experiment with everything from toying with the AI and Physics to exploring every stoop of their brooklyn-esque virtual neighborhood.
This game is godly. But then again, I'm a huge fan of the series. I am not disappointed at all.
Artadius said:From another forum... not sure if this is verified...but sounds awesome: "Hobo grand battle"
krypt0nian said:Or like me they love the game and are just voicing issues they see.
riskVSreward said:There's an achievement for collecting them all. But I'm starting to think theres just a "hidden package" mission set, much like the "car theft" and "most wanted" mission sets.