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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


Wow. Uploaded a video of some random clips from one of my GTA4 sessions up on YouTube and it got removed like 20 minutes later. Copyright infringement my ass. Take 2 Games ungh... don't they like people promoting their games? What the fuck is wrong with companies these days?


Bad Art ™
Himuro said:
The only reason Vice City had the best soundtrack to most people was because of their nostalgia for the songs. Also, it is the most mainstream GTA soundtrack, which is why it resonates with most people. Personally, I think SA had the best soundtrack...until now.

Ding ding ding we have a winner.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Issun23 said:
Nope he just keeps on repeating he thinks he's right and Niko's wrong. Sort of the same things he said at the beginning of that scene inside the club.
You're the man thanks!


I'm dissapointed in the LCHC station. I expected a lot more song son it, but there's only 8 I believe. R* ignored two out of the three most influential hardcore bands, Minor Threat and Black Flag. I was thrilled to see Bad Brains in there though. Could R* release radio updates or anything to add new songs?


Acid08 said:
I'm dissapointed in the LCHC station. I expected a lot more song son it, but there's only 8 I believe. R* ignored two out of the three most influential hardcore bands, Minor Threat and Black Flag. I was thrilled to see Bad Brains in there though. Could R* release radio updates or anything to add new songs?

I'm thinking this will be DLC for $$$. I'm not diappointed with the song listing because it has soem popular stuff and new stuff that I've never heard before. I was really happy to see DC metro area native, Raheem DeVaughn's song in there. I just figured there would be a few more stations to choose from. Oh well TV and the Internet I can't complain.


Acid08 said:
I'm dissapointed in the LCHC station. I expected a lot more song son it, but there's only 8 I believe. R* ignored two out of the three most influential hardcore bands, Minor Threat and Black Flag. I was thrilled to see Bad Brains in there though. Could R* release radio updates or anything to add new songs?
Minor Threat I could see but I thought they were going for more NY styled hardcore which could explain Black Flag not being there.
There's an AK drop in Industrial that you can get early on. I found it when I drove off a cliff into the docks with a cop car. See the bridge that connects the two islands on the top right of the map? Go to the docks that are jutting out just west of it in industrial. Next to the docks is a couple buildings. the one closest to the docks when you go up the stairs attached to the wall has a ladder on the far side that should be pretty easy to spot, it's not leaning against anything. Climb it up, and there's an AK sitting right there.


duffey said:
Minor Threat I could see but I thought they were going for more NY styled hardcore which could explain Black Flag not being there.
Well that's true, Cro-Mags are from NY. But Bad Brains are from DC and so are Minor Threat so it would make sense to have them in there as well.


Wow, I fucking love this game. Everything about it.

Favorite line so far: No Roman, my breath doesn't smell like titties:lol :lol :lol

And WTF with everybody thinking that his name is Ramon, how many hispanic Russians do you know?:lol


daw840 said:
Wow, I fucking love this game. Everything about it.

Favorite line so far: No Roman, my breath doesn't smell like titties:lol :lol :lol

And WTF with everybody thinking that his name is Ramon, how many hispanic Russians do you know?:lol

He's not Russian damnit, he's a Serbian (although Roman isn't a Serbian name :p).
best line so far:

Vlad: What's your name again?
Nico: Big mouthed prick.

Also cracked up at a convo between Nico and Roman about bringing Nico's mom to America, and how she'll become a crack dealer if she ever came over.
This is a massive thread.... Does anybody know if playing music through the guide turns off during the cutscenes? I know they can do this, just wondered if they thought of it.


y'all should be ashamed
MotorbreathX said:
This is a massive thread.... Does anybody know if playing music through the guide turns off during the cutscenes? I know they can do this, just wondered if they thought of it.

It doesn't.


So, when I saw the name of this Mission come up I was like "Oh shit, here we go." And it didn't disappoint. The hospital shootout was totally fucking intense and totally fucking varied. There were so many ways to take the gang members out. Snipe a few. Climb the ladder for leverage, etc.

Then, the feds arrived.

And every time I tried this mission, it always ended up ending at night, which made navigating that shithole even harder. But I finally ended up at the exit and luckily it was the one facing the water. So, with nowhere else to go, I leap in the drink, hoping I can swim somewhere. But I don't land in the water.

I land on a fucking speedboat.

So I use that as the perfect fucking getaway. Meet Little Jacob. And then, well, complications as some of you may already know.

Anyway. I drilled it.

I found the Triad/Antidepressants mission a bit harder only because the enemies are so spread out and then, fucking shit, whose bright idea was it to put the lock up RIGHT BEHIND a pay and spray. Manouvering that truck when you headed into the PnS entrance and you're surrounded by cops and the triad?

Not. Fun.


Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
OMG XD :lol
I'm trying to get the evade 4 stars achievement, and I'm driving a stretch.
Right as I get the four stars and start to make my getaway an instrumental version of that Dre song "The Next Episode" starts to play. :lol :lol :lol

So awesome.
BenjaminBirdie said:
I had forgotten about that during CustomSoundtrackGate. But it really renders all imperfections about the 360 soundtrack usage pretty much moot.

Yes. It is by far one of the best features of the system.
MotorbreathX said:
Yes. It is by far one of the best features of the system.

I didn't even know about the remote trick until maybe a month ago when someone posted about it. I immediately streamed "Hallelujah" to my console.



shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Does anybody know what Brucie likes to do? I've taken him to a couple of spots, but my friendship % isn't rising that fast. I need to get from 70 to 100 quickly. Maybe races?


BeeDog said:
He's not Russian damnit, he's a Serbian (although Roman isn't a Serbian name :p).

OK fine, but still, Ramon?

Oh yeah, BTW, best perk that I've seen so far is once you
get Jacob's like percentage high enough you can call him and he will sell you guns for cheap
Darunia said:
Does anybody know what Brucie likes to do? I've taken him to a couple of spots, but my friendship % isn't rising that fast. I need to get from 70 to 100 quickly. Maybe races?

My first trip with him was something I never did before and he suggested:

Darunia said:
Does anybody know what Brucie likes to do? I've taken him to a couple of spots, but my friendship % isn't rising that fast. I need to get from 70 to 100 quickly. Maybe races?

I vaguely remember someone saying Helicopter rides.
BenjaminBirdie said:
I didn't even know about the remote trick until maybe a month ago when someone posted about it. I immediately streamed "Hallelujah" to my console.


Now that's a perfect song for the slow-mo cinematic mode in GTA on a spree. Maybe a little wrong, but so good.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
BenjaminBirdie said:
My first trip with him was something I never did before and he suggested:


oh wow, can't do that just yet. Maybe that's on the next big island? I'm doing missions for that annoying 'clean up the streets' guy with his cam friend, don't like em

Agent Ironside said:
I vaguely remember someone saying Helicopter rides.

ok... can't do that either :p
Evlar said:
Three total, they're in Algonquin and Alderney.
Ooh, I only knew about the one. Nice.

I also like how the one on Pyrite street is (I think) a clone of the VC dealership (the one run by the former football pro? "Our cars are Hot!").
daw840 said:
OK fine, but still, Ramon?

Oh yeah, BTW, best perk that I've seen so far is once you
get Jacob's like percentage high enough you can call him and he will sell you guns for cheap

What percentage is your "like" level with Jacob? I really want this perk, but he really doesn't seem to like me
Darunia said:
Does anybody know what Brucie likes to do? I've taken him to a couple of spots, but my friendship % isn't rising that fast. I need to get from 70 to 100 quickly. Maybe races?
He always calls me up for powerboating and strippers.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
tegdf said:
I love Brucie, he's so damn funny

Ditto. Got to the second safehouse last night and Brucie made me laugh every time he showed his bucktoothed face.

Best GTA character yet.

Little Jacob is also great, especially when he's clack clack clacking right alongside you.

Love this damn game.
daw840 said:
I think it unlocked after I got him over 75%...I think

Yeah I got it when my like went over 75.

It's down to 70 now and I can't buy guns, so I guess you have to keep it over 75 if you want to continue to be able to buy guns.

Also, the Snow Storm mission wasn't that bad and I actually manged to beat it on my first try. Thankfully I had enough body armor on to survive.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I'm trying to get the walk free achievement... can you not use a pay and spray?
I just did it with one, but achievement was not unlocked. :(


Gold Member
MaizeRage25 said:
Also, the Snow Storm mission wasn't that bad and I actually manged to beat it on my first try. Thankfully I had enough body armor on to survive.

The mission can unfold with either two or three stars, the former making things quite a bit less difficult. And that pickup they give you is crap. It was intense.


Wow this game looks brilliant on HD :|. Just played it for a bit at my dad's house showing him the city and stuff, and wow just wow. Gorgeous!

So nobody knows what the garage does yet? I unlocked it on the map but when I go there nothing happens at all!
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