Just got this sweet ass baby
One Man Army 40G
Survive 5 minutes on 6 star wanted level.
How it all went down...
So I'm in South Bohan, and there is this HUGE crane over there..I climbed all the way to the top, maxed out with guns and armor bought from my good friend Little Jacob. I call 911 and wait for the cops to arrive, I pull out my sniper rifle and shoot these bastards in the face, they both die right away.
So three stars right off the bat, this is going to be sweet I'm thinking to myself. Choppers are flying over, I shoot a pilot in his head and the chopper goes down, right onto a cop car with 3 or 4 cops surrounding it at the same time. Now it's 4 stars! Things are getting crazy, swat vans pulling up and trying to take me down. I throw down some grenades and wipe the swat out with my carbine assault rifle..things are getting heated and they are sending out more and more choppers. I keep killing the fuckers untill I get the achievement, by this time I'm down to three quarters of my health, with no armor.
I climb down, and get in the Banshee I parked right beside the crane for the getaway. At this point I'm determined to escape these bastards, so I hightail it out of there. On the way out I do a stuntjump which totally goes right..and I'm like this is the most awesome shit ever. I'm getting shot at and the Banshee only has 2 working weels at that point. I drive over to my safehouse which is pretty nearby, because I always have 2 great cars parked there..so I get in my other Banshee ( haha bitches

) and try to get the fuck out of there.
Choppers are coming in hot, shooting at me and not letting go. I pull up my mobile phone and give brucie a call, I tell him to get me a fucking chopper! I was already driving to the point where he normally lands when in South Bohan, right near the exit of the freeway. At that point I've got three cop cars on my tail so I jump out, Brucie just landed like 20ft away from me. I jump in the chopper and he says " Hey NB lets get the fuck outta here man!" ..Haha crazy Brucie, always brings a smile to my face.
We head over to the big city and land on a building, and now I've only got three stars. I'm thinking I can outrun that, so I go down to streetlevel and jack a car. Going over the bridges smashing through police blockades I finally escape the cops, and right now I'm in my car outside a Pier near the carnival.