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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours

This game is everything I hoped it to be.
I can't believe it actually delivered on the astronomical hype.

It might be my favorite single-player game ever.
I spent hours just hanging out with friends and doing side missions last night.

sublime085 said:
This game is everything I hoped it to be.
I can't believe it actually delivered on the astronomical hype.

It might be my favorite single-player game ever.
I spent hours just hanging out with friends and doing side missions last night.


Totally. Dare I say it might be the best game I've ever played.


Stoney Mason said:
Does Carmen's perk even work?

I read on GameFAQs that it only works when your health is in the read.

I also read that you can only use it once and if you want to use it a second time, you need to date her again.

No idea whether both of these claims are true or not.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
How do you know you have someone at 100%

Also anyone else feel like complete shit after
killing Max Goldberg


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Multiplayer zombies?!

Reader Willkiller tipped us to this WTF?!-thread in the Gametrailers forum. In GTA IV multiplayer, apparently someone's turned into a zombie wearing nothing but yellow Rockstar-logo underpants.

There are a few comments indicating gamers have seen zombies in online play, but nothing about transforming into one yet. Theories range from getting killed by a Rockstar employee, to killing a Rockstar employee, to getting the highest ranking.

They quote the official strategy guide (I don't have it) "If you see unclothed characters, look out! Only players who have reached the max ranking of 10 and a few other "special" people get the honor of shooting in their skivvies." But this player says he's only at Level 2. The user's name in the forums is GTA. I couldn't find a PSN ID for him.

More pictures after the jump. Warning, one's at a kinda uncomfortable low angle.




Just completed it, wow.... this is my favorite GTA since GTA3, game is so good, and Niko is one of my favorite game characters of all time. I need to start a new one now! I still havent even touched multiplayer lol
BenjaminBirdie said:
You may indeed so dare.

And you'd be right.

Honestly, it just does everything right. Amazing story, dialogue, gameplay, graphics. There's never a point where I'm bored or wondering what to do next. And thanks to another poster in this thread, I finally found out about hunting down pigeons. :lol


notjackbauer said:
Drunk + Cab Ride + First Person View + High Speed = :^O

All the lights have a crazy trail effect.

anyone else done this? The drunker the better. going over a bridge is crazy.
I tried to do this the other day when with Roman, but Roman had other ideas. Some guys were talking shit outside of the bar while we were waiting for a cab Roman picked a fight with them. Unfortunately, Roman didn't notice that there was a cop standing right there. o_O (Thanks, cousin!) Now thanks to Roman, we've got a wanted level and can't even walk straight let alone steal a car. :lol After 3 separate chases with the police we eventually made it home. :p
Geoff9920 said:
I tried to do this the other day when with Roman, but Roman had other ideas. Some guys were talking shit outside of the bar while we were waiting for a cab Roman picked a fight with them. Unfortunately, Roman didn't notice that there was a cop standing right there. o_O (Thanks, cousin!) Now thanks to Roman, we've got a wanted level and can't even walk straight let alone steal a car. :lol After 3 separate chases with the police we eventually made it home. :p

:lol yeah there are so many random things that can happen. There's never a dull moment.


he's Virgin Tight™
I killed Mikail, now Dimitri gang banged me. I kill all the thugs, but how the fuck do I escape? The police is outside!


Relix said:
I killed Mikail, now Dimitri gang banged me. I kill all the thugs, but how the fuck do I escape? The police is outside!

Shoot the police. There aren't that many of them.
ElyrionX said:
I read on GameFAQs that it only works when your health is in the read.

I also read that you can only use it once and if you want to use it a second time, you need to date her again.

No idea whether both of these claims are true or not.
It works whenever it just recoveres such a pitiful amount it might as well not work. Like maybe a twentieth of the health bar.


Himuro said:
Are random character missions random or are they entirely missable? I haven't found one in the longest. The last one I did, the crackhead said he was clean. I saw one later on, but I was in the middle of doing something and said I'd come back. I came back and I can't fucking find it.

How do I know when a new Random Character mission is available?

Huh, random character missions?

Also I really need to try some of the other MP modes like the NOOSE and Bomb da Base II (is there even a I?)

EDIT: Funny how I always find a pigeon when im running from the police.
disappeared said:
Has anyone found any more clothing stores besides the Russian Shop, Modo, and Perseus?

Russian shop? Where's that?

Teknoman said:
Huh, random character missions?

When you're driving around you'll see a little green dude on your minimap. Go to it and you'll get a little mission with a random person. First one I saw was of a white crack head. They have a series of missions to them. I've seen three people so far.


Okay, what the fuck just happened?

So I do the mission where Roman and Brucie
make your gay profile on love-meet.net and have you go meet that one guy at the diner.
I chase him out of the building, kill him, and as soon as I start shooting, EVERYONE on the street and everyone who is in a car gets out, pulls out a gun, and starts shooting at me. :lol I have no clue what just happened.

Russian shop? Where's that?

It's the very first one you go to.


:lol I want zombie pants guy

In dead rising i played most of the game with frank wearing nothing but underpants and a comedy robo-head which made all the cut scenes much funnier. I was a little disappointed i couldnt do the same in GTA4


In which radio station can I hear the song from the "looking for that special someone" trailer? I've been playing for over 10 hours and I still haven't heard it.


fistfulofmetal said:
When you're driving around you'll see a little green dude on your minimap. Go to it and you'll get a little mission with a random person. First one I saw was of a white crack head. They have a series of missions to them. I've seen three people so far.

Hmm...well I can barely see the icons on the minimap as is, so i've probably missed them, unless they dont start till a certain part in the game.
SpudBud said:
Should I
kill Dwayen or Playboy?
I'm not far enough along to know if it affects the story later, but I really felt bad for Dwayne. Playboy X was a thug trying to make himself look good. He deserved that execution shot through the face I gave him. Plus, you'll get his apartment, which has a nice view from the patio.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
TheGreatDave said:
You can't escape the radar though, can you? Which stops you getting the Walk Free achievement.

I just got the achievement for flying under all the bridges. So much fun.

Can I ask how? Fly under bridges obviously, but I can't find the rest...it says all of the main bridges going over water but I still need a bunch more.


If you fly under one bridge you haven't flown under it will show the others on your map. Try the on in Alderny, there are four in a row there.
Have any PS3 owners here had the freezing glitch after the initial load at the beginning? I've had it happen three times so far. I checked Gamespot for Take-Two's twelve-step program. I'm going to try some of these fixes (except for deleting my 40-hour save of course). Most of the fixes I can deal with (disabling the info bar and media server function, deleting internet cache).
disappeared said:
Have any PS3 owners here had the freezing glitch after the initial load at the beginning? I've had it happen three times so far. I checked Gamespot for Take-Two's twelve-step program. I'm going to try some of these fixes (except for deleting my 40-hour save of course). Most of the fixes I can deal with (disabling the info bar and media server function, deleting internet cache).

Yeah once or twice. It's that darn PSN trying to log in or log out but it messes up the game from loading properly.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Himuro said:
Brucie sucks. Manny rocks.

What. Get the hell out :p

Manny is the second most annoying douchebag in the game, only to be topped by Francis McGreary

I was driving around and I love how I've been hearing news reports of my crimes now.

blowing up the heli with a rocket? Reported.
. Three Leaf Clover? Reported. I hope there are more like this

Meier said:
Okay Paper Trail is pissing me the FUCK off. Shoot the god damn rocket you idiot!!

Do what the game says: stay close, on the same height.
I was driving in the Boothtunnel and came up to the part where the lanes go from 2 to 1 lane. As I was driving fast, I couldn't evade the car infront of me and hit him hard from the back.

It instantly caught fire aswell as the driver who was in it. I tried to back up, but it was a trafficjam behind so I got out, because I was afraid it would blow. The driver, who instantly caught fire came out of the car and lied down burning up. I wanted to call the fire department, but the fire was out and the car didn't blow. I got back in my car and carried on, drove over the dead burned up body and past the ambulance who past by me.

Also, later on Packi messaged me to do something with him so I called him up to do some bowling. I picked him up and went to the bowling center in the Meat Quarter. Parked on the destination spot and got out.

Now the car was parked on half the parking spot and the road, the road on the side where packi got out. I didn't see as I was already walking towards the bowling entrance, when I got a message that Packi was injured. WTH?

I think when he got out somebody ran into him. So I called 911 for paramedics a few times, yes a few times, bacause they wouldn't stop at the place where Packi was hit. And then, all of a sudden, Packi messaged me he was waiting to be picked up at the hospital, phew. Strange but still. Too bad I didn't get a raise in respect for him.

And Brucie is awesome, Alpha baby, Alpha!!

This city is so much more alive, I love it.


disappeared said:
Have any PS3 owners here had the freezing glitch after the initial load at the beginning? I've had it happen three times so far. I checked Gamespot for Take-Two's twelve-step program. I'm going to try some of these fixes (except for deleting my 40-hour save of course). Most of the fixes I can deal with (disabling the info bar and media server function, deleting internet cache).

Not yet anyway. I always leave my 60GB PS3 to log on as soon as I turn it on to avoid any wierdness.

Damn some fat guy just ordered 3 burgers from a street vendor AND told him to throw a soda in with it.

EDIT: Sure does take the cops a LONG time to come sometimes...wonder if it depends on the area?


On 2nd play through, i'm starting to think that i'm not seeing nearly enough from this city.

There's so many places that aren't used, as time goes by my hunger those DLC episodes grows bigger. There's still much to do in this city.
WrikaWrek said:
On 2nd play through, i'm starting to think that i'm not seeing nearly enough from this city.

There's so many places that aren't used, as time goes by my hunger those DLC episodes grows bigger. There's still much to do in this city.

This is why I'm very much looking forward to my own handcrafted sequel to the game:

Niko vs. The Flying Rat Army.


Can someone spoiler tag for me Paki's unlockable ability? I'm getting kind of annoyed with him and I've got to prioritize my man-dates.


WrikaWrek said:
On 2nd play through, i'm starting to think that i'm not seeing nearly enough from this city.

There's so many places that aren't used, as time goes by my hunger those DLC episodes grows bigger. There's still much to do in this city.

Did you do all the side missions, find all the pigeons, and do alot of MP?
Dont forget the social club tasks, theres still alot to do.

Just wondering because it seems like alot to do to finish that fast. Anyway, do you HAVE to start a new game after finishing the main story mode? Or is there like an after-mode where can keep playing the same game after beating it, letting you do all the stuff you missed?


So i was on a date with kiki, riding a motorcycle, blazing through the street, till there we got to a cross road, i hit a car, and kiki went flying like....let's say she started to believe that she could fly.

She got all "Oh you can't drive for shit, i'll walk myself home" and then she sent me a sms telling me to go back to my other hos, she was done with me.

Wtf, what do i do now? I want her perk back.

Teknoman said:
Did you do all the side missions, find all the pigeons, and do alot of MP?

Just wondering because it seems like alot to do to finish that fast. Anyway, do you HAVE to start a new game after finishing the main story mode? Or is there like an after-mode where can keep playing the same game after beating it, letting you do all the stuff you missed?

Uh, i don't care about the pigeon stuff. And yes, i did everything, from being The Punisher to becoming Tom Cruise from Colateral in this game.

"Alot of MP"? What does MP have to do with anything?

No you don't have to start a new game. You will actually have quite a bit of dialog going on after you beat the story. You'll be getting calls from people talking about the stuff that happened and so on.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Fifty said:
Can someone spoiler tag for me Paki's unlockable ability? I'm getting kind of annoyed with him and I've got to prioritize my man-dates.

You can call him for a car bomb.
Darunia said:
I was driving around and I love how I've been hearing news reports of my crimes now.

blowing up the heli with a rocket? Reported.
. Three Leaf Clover? Reported. I hope there are more like this
Pretty much the enitre second half of the game makes airwaves.  And the internet.
Long story, but basically my mum dosen't want me to play this game because there's too much swearing. So I have until next Monday to beat it and I've just
rescued Roman from the Warehouse
. How long do I have left roughly if I just do the main story?
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