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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours

Papercuts said:
Can I ask how? Fly under bridges obviously, but I can't find the rest...it says all of the main bridges going over water but I still need a bunch more.

When you go under one for the first time, the other bridges pop up on your map for a couple of seconds. I just kept pausing and setting a waypoint on each one after I went under.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I have a question about three leaf clover -
Who the hell was St. Micheal? Was he part of their family or just a guy with them? I don't remember who he is.


WrikaWrek said:
Uh, i don't care about the pigeon stuff. And yes, i did everything, from being The Punisher to becoming Tom Cruise from Colateral in this game.
"Alot of MP"? What does MP have to do with anything?

No you don't have to start a new game. You will actually have quite a bit of dialog going on after you beat the story. You'll be getting calls from people talking about the stuff that happened and so on.

:lol at the movie references, yeah its definatly got that feeling in alot of places.

But no I was just wondering if you balanced MP with SP, or just went straight through the single player. Just seemed kinda fast from release to now, then again you may have been playing non-stop and just been focusing on missions than just fooling around and finding extra stuff. Thats cool about the after-game though.
This is starting to piss me off, I can't go with friends to a ranked multiplayer game. I keep getting disconnected. I thought this only happens with PS3 owners but it's happening with my 360... I hate playing with randoms.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
There is an insanely low bridge in Alderney Island, dropped into the water a couple of times to get that one

Himuro said:
Darunia: I don't see why people like Brucie so much.

And I don't see why you like Manny so much :eek:


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
TheGreatDave said:
When you go under one for the first time, the other bridges pop up on your map for a couple of seconds. I just kept pausing and setting a waypoint on each one after I went under.

Alright, I guess I'll just need to find one bridge that I didn't go under yet.
Is there any easy way to get this stupid bowling acheivement? I have gotten 2 strikes multiple times and cant get the third. It seems so broken.


there is joy in sucking dick
Himuro said:
Darunia: I don't see why people like Brucie so much.

An over the top meathead. His character is hilarious

I loved reading his first email and seeing the same personality spill into it


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
disappeared said:
I like him, but never hang out with him, lol. It's probably just his voice and dialogue that make him so stupidly funny.

He seems to call me way more than anyone else, gets kinda annoying. He's funny though, especially his e-mails.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
BlueSummers said:
Is there any easy way to get this stupid bowling acheivement? I have gotten 2 strikes multiple times and cant get the third. It seems so broken.

There is a very simple method my friend. Strikes + very high score guaranteed.

1. take two steps to the left, press A to posish yourself
2. throw the ball so that its speed is between 18-20 mph. that's not too slow and not too fast. Press Y to see how fast you threw and adjust to that.
3. DO NOT use aftertouch.
4. Profit.
Darunia said:
There is a very simple method my friend. Strikes + very high score guaranteed.

1. take two steps to the left, press A to posish yourself
2. throw the ball so that its speed is between 18-20 mph. that's not too slow and not too fast. Press Y to see how fast you threw and adjust to that.
3. DO NOT use aftertouch.
4. Profit.

It dosent seem to be working, he seems to be too far left.


slept with Malkin
BlueSummers said:
It dosent seem to be working, he seems to be too far left.

Really? You must be doing something wrong then. I almost bowled a perfect game with this method. Just stick to it I guess.

Aim the analog stick in the space between the start and x button for a good angle too.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
BlueSummers said:
It dosent seem to be working, he seems to be too far left.

hm I don't know, make sure you only press down then up on the analogue stick and leave it after you've thrown the ball. I've gotten up to 6 strikes in a row using this

btw I saw Ricky Gervais for the first time in a comedy club. It was really painful, act was about aids and monkeys. I like all his stuff, but that was just terrible


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
BlueSummers said:
I dont get it..two steps to the left is not lined up with the strike zone, and no aftertouch? I dont know what im doing wrong.

It'll naturally curve into it. If you hit the pins head on you won't get a strike.
Has anybody met the random
? Over near little Italy. The scene seemed short and relatively pointless and I was wondering if this character comes back at all..


Grimm Fandango said:
This is starting to piss me off, I can't go with friends to a ranked multiplayer game. I keep getting disconnected. I thought this only happens with PS3 owners but it's happening with my 360... I hate playing with randoms.

Party mode matchmaking is broken on 360 as well, this is happening to (almost?) everyone.

I've noticed that it seems to vary by playlist - Cops & Crooks is always broken, and GTA Race usually works.

Any interest in a multiplayer discussion thread?


I just wish the party mode would work so I could get some GAF together for a few games and try out most of the MP modes. It really doesnt help if you join a team based objective mode, then people just start running around like team DM. Sometimes randoms do work out nicely though.


WrikaWrek said:
On 2nd play through, i'm starting to think that i'm not seeing nearly enough from this city.

There's so many places that aren't used, as time goes by my hunger those DLC episodes grows bigger. There's still much to do in this city.
I definitely am in the same boat as you.

I'm in love with finding ways to get on top of buildings. So far my favorite building must have been this 10 story one. Got on top of a gas station, jumped onto a nearby fire exit and got to the top of that, then the roof, then another fire exit, and finally the roof of the building.

Sounds lame but it was awesome.


Kordos said:
Party mode matchmaking is broken on 360 as well, this is happening to (almost?) everyone.

I've noticed that it seems to vary by playlist - Cops & Crooks is always broken, and GTA Race usually works.

Any interest in a multiplayer discussion thread?
The day the game came out some of the gaf crew got together and the party system worked just fine on the 360. I think we had 6-7 people and we played cops & crooks and TDM while I was there. Haven't played MP since so I don't know if issues have popped up since.
Wow, random encounters on the street is one of my favorite additions to this game.

Not only did
Jeff make me spy on his wife and then dump her body, I just ran into him and he was trying to have me kill his new wife. When I said no, it switched into gameplay and I see him going across the street to kill her himself, then a Turismo pulls up and rams him in the side. A message pops up saying he is dead and the game saves while I hear the Turismo driver calling 911 about the accident. Mission well done.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Wtf at that Playboy X/Dwayne thing -- you guys know what I mean if you've played far enough.

Yeah, I shot Dwayne cause I thought there would be more missions and I prefered Playboy X's up till that point at least. Seriously, you get too much for choosing Playboy X over Dwayne there, because the 25k ain't nothing after you've done the bank job compared with what you get if you choose the other way around.
darkpaladinmfc said:
Long story, but basically my mum dosen't want me to play this game because there's too much swearing. So I have until next Monday to beat it and I've just
rescued Roman from the Warehouse
. How long do I have left roughly if I just do the main story?
You're about halfway through, give or take. Maybe a little less.
Did anyone one else feel the ending was anticlimactic? Great game, I just managed to get the Liberty City Minute achievement. Only an hour or so to spare.
ItsInMyVeins said:
Wtf at that Playboy X/Dwayne thing -- you guys know what I mean if you've played far enough.

Yeah, I shot Dwayne cause I thought there would be more missions and I prefered Playboy X's up till that point at least. Seriously, you get too much for choosing Playboy X over Dwayne there, because the 25k ain't nothing after you've done the bank job compared with what you get if you choose the other way around.
I did the same, but I didn't like the outcome at all. Too bad the game already had saved at that point ;_; Do you get any extra missions if you
would've made the other choice?[/spoiler
Teknoman said:
:lol at the movie references, yeah its definatly got that feeling in alot of places.

But no I was just wondering if you balanced MP with SP, or just went straight through the single player. Just seemed kinda fast from release to now, then again you may have been playing non-stop and just been focusing on missions than just fooling around and finding extra stuff. Thats cool about the after-game though.
I beat it at 44 hours logged, with just doing one most wanted mission and no other side missions and no exploring. I still have plenty to do!


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Banzaiaap said:
I did the same, but I didn't like the outcome at all. Too bad the game already had saved at that point ;_; Do you get any extra missions if you
would've made the other choice?

No, but you can hang out with Dwayne and eventually get his perk of calling bodyguards to help out, while I think Playboy never talks to you again.


ItsInMyVeins said:
Wtf at that Playboy X/Dwayne thing -- you guys know what I mean if you've played far enough.

Yeah, I shot Dwayne cause I thought there would be more missions and I prefered Playboy X's up till that point at least. Seriously, you get too much for choosing Playboy X over Dwayne there, because the 25k ain't nothing after you've done the bank job compared with what you get if you choose the other way around.

If you check the general information the game pretty much tells you who to 'choose'. Dwayne had a likability and respect meter for Niko unlike Playboy which pretty much signifies Dwayne would be the better choice. That's how I picked Dwayne.
ItsInMyVeins said:
Wtf at that Playboy X/Dwayne thing -- you guys know what I mean if you've played far enough.

Yeah, I shot Dwayne cause I thought there would be more missions and I prefered Playboy X's up till that point at least. Seriously, you get too much for choosing Playboy X over Dwayne there, because the 25k ain't nothing after you've done the bank job compared with what you get if you choose the other way around.

It doesn't really matter. I don't think I went into PBX's apartment once. Dwayne is a little bitch too. I killed PBX, but I have my regrets.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Kusagari said:
If you check the general information the game pretty much tells you who to 'choose'. Dwayne had a likability and respect meter for Niko unlike Playboy which pretty much signifies Dwayne would be the better choice. That's how I picked Dwayne.

Unfortunately I didn't, and I did not even know I had a friend meter with Dwayne until just recently while checking some other stats. I didn't think the choice would have such an impact on what you get from the mission either.
Linkzg said:
Wow, random encounters on the street is one of my favorite additions to this game.

Not only did
Jeff make me spy on his wife and then dump her body, I just ran into him and he was trying to have me kill his new wife. When I said no, it switched into gameplay and I see him going across the street to kill her himself, then a Turismo pulls up and rams him in the side. A message pops up saying he is dead and the game saves while I hear the Turismo driver calling 911 about the accident. Mission well done.

I agree about the random street characters. I hope someone puts together a little map so I don't have to driving around aimlessly to find them.


I've decided that this is probably the second best GTA game I've played. San Andreas is still the top dog IMO. I think this game lacked a lot of the really unique missions that SA had. There's only a few that really stick out in my mind. Most were just drive here and kill the dude or chase this person.

I also don't feel the story was any where near as good as people have been talking about. It's the third best in the GTA's I've played. Vice City and San Andreas were better, but 4 is better than 3 in this regard. As I was playing it felt like the game had a hard time nailing down a purpose. It kind of weaves around different plot lines without ever getting to close. Characters came and gone and I never thought it did a good job making anyone seem important.


WTF? I was hailing a cab in the intersection just south of the safehouse in South Bohan, pulled out the passenger - a big, bald hispanic dude that proceeds to assault me. I pull a gun on him to scare him off, but he does the same... so I shoot him in the face. Now, I don't know if it was there before or not - I didn't see it - but now I notice a big-ass graffiti mural on the wall beneath the "Whiz!" ad. It has the face of a guy that looks pretty much exactly LIKE THE GUY I JUST SHOT, with a "RIP Hernan" below the portrait.

Was this just a huge coincidence or was this texture applied to the wall after I had shot this Hernan-lookalike down?
I like that the consequences for decisions actually make sense and that there are sometimes wrong answers.

For example, I decided to spare one of the guys that
sent me after. I thought about it afterwards and realized that if he decided not to disappear like he told me he would, he could easily put him in jail, which would likely bring Niko down too.
basically tore me a new asshole a couple of missions later, calling me retarded for letting him live and sending me back to finish the job.


I swear the clue for Paper Trail said to keep the helicopter on your right... I ended up re-doing the mission like 6 times until I noticed that Jacob was out the left side of the helicopter. Obnoxious.
fistfulofmetal said:
As I was playing it felt like the game had a hard time nailing down a purpose. It kind of weaves around different plot lines without ever getting to close. Characters came and gone and I never thought it did a good job making anyone seem important.

Hit the nail on the fucking head my friend. I felt the exact same way...almost all the characters in the beginning are dead, not important, or just disappeared. I am especially confused about how
gives you some great missions (
Snow Storm ftw
) then just gets
after like 3 missions. Still a great game but not enough staying characters.


slept with Malkin
I did the Blow your Cover mission last night, but now
mission icon is no longer on the map. I know the next mission in the string is the Puerto Rican Connection--how do i get it? The only requirement is the mission I already completed.


Unconfirmed Member
fistfulofmetal said:
I agree about the random street characters. I hope someone puts together a little map so I don't have to driving around aimlessly to find them.


I've decided that this is probably the second best GTA game I've played. San Andreas is still the top dog IMO. I think this game lacked a lot of the really unique missions that SA had. There's only a few that really stick out in my mind. Most were just drive here and kill the dude or chase this person.

I also don't feel the story was any where near as good as people have been talking about. It's the third best in the GTA's I've played. Vice City and San Andreas were better, but 4 is better than 3 in this regard. As I was playing it felt like the game had a hard time nailing down a purpose. It kind of weaves around different plot lines without ever getting to close. Characters came and gone and I never thought it did a good job making anyone seem important.

QFT. The mission in SA where you had to sneak onto the boat was fucking brilliant. Sure it was out there but thats what a GTA game is, out there. No real limits on the missions, it seems they forgot that in 4 and decided to go with "Chase........" missions.
Saren is Bad said:
Hit the nail on the fucking head my friend. I felt the exact same way...almost all the characters in the beginning are dead, not important, or just disappeared. I am especially confused about how
gives you some great missions (
Snow Storm ftw
) then just gets
after like 3 missions. Still a great game but not enough staying characters.

I'm incredibly disappointed that
never reappeared.

And I'm also confused as to why nothing ever came out of
Mr. Bulgarin's
storyline. It seemed like they were setting him up as the final bad guy. But he... disappears.


Meier said:
I swear the clue for Paper Trail said to keep the helicopter on your right... I ended up re-doing the mission like 6 times until I noticed that Jacob was out the left side of the helicopter. Obnoxious.

Nah, the clue said to keep to the right of the helicopter.
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