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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours

Darunia said:
There's no way you know what to do sometimes.

Yeah, it's a big problem. I wasted all my ammo shooting at one of the guys in the subway chase, and it turns out they both only ever fell at specific moments. It doesn't stop that being a fun, memorable mission, but it does taint it.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
disappeared said:
Speaking of that biker chase mission through the subway, it took me three tries to pass it because twice I rammed head-on into an oncoming train. :lol

let me guess, you were shooting while driving :p Same thing happened to me, didn't even see the train coming, was focused on taking them down


Weenerz said:
Three Leaf Clover is by far my most favorite mission in the game.

Definitely, they did heat better than kane and lynch.

Wollan said:
Regarding Bulgarin,
you don't actually ever see or meet him do you? I see some people here raising questions around him but he was just a business partner to Dimitri, Bulgarin was in charge of the people smuggling in the Mediterranean and he thinks Niko needs to pay due to one ship sinking in the Adriatic.

At the beginning when you go to get your pay off from Dimitri for killing Mikhail Faustin and little jacob comes to back you up. Bulgarin is there with Dimitri and says he wants his money back and also mentioned later on during the kidnap arc he turns up saying the diamonds where his Bulgarin will be the DLC definitely


Prvt.Pegleg said:
judging by GTA, Katt Williams > Rick Gervais
Eh I didnt think either were that funny (from what I've seen so far). I mean Kat Williams went on forever about that damn music. It reminded me of Kenny Bania from Seinfeld who had a 15 minute bit on Ovaltine.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Anybody know where all the bridges you have to fly under are? I need one more

Also what is the best way to get the four star wanted achievement


Coop said:
Eh I didnt think either were that funny (from what I've seen so far). I mean Kat Williams went on forever about that damn music. It reminded me of Kenny Bania from Seinfeld who had a 15 minute bit on Ovaltine.
His stuff on Libery City was way better than Ricky's "I was thoroughly examined by a doctor" skit.


I've seen three acts from both.
I've seen ads on the tv for a fourth act from both.

I think the Rockstar guys did Ricky Gervais a slight disfavor in the modeling. He looks kinda bitter actually in the game, and maybe a bit too thick around the thighs. /metro


slept with Malkin
So where is this comedy club at? I have the first 2 islands unlocked but haven't really explored the 2nd yet.


It's called Split Sides. Lower left (south west) of Times Square kinda. Check your paper-map you got with the game (should be a fake moustache/nose/glasses photo).

Question: Can you actually visit Club Bullshit (Katt Williams disses it)?


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Went to the cabaret with Roman.

not as but gusting hilarious as I imagined. Niko/Roman's blank expressions were the funniest parts.


Phthisis said:
God, this is pissing me off. Nobody else is having multiplayer issues with the 360 version?
I'm having tons of problems, I can hear voices then get dropped back to singleplayer. Fucking dumb


slept with Malkin
TheGreatDave said:
Any tips on doing a wheelie? I seem to only be able to pull one off 10% of the time.

Use a lighter motorcycle and push forward then back on the analog stick as you apply the gas. Once you get to a decent speed, the wheelie should be easy to maintain. If you are going for the achievement, the airport is easy place to do it. At the northern runway there is an NRG--that's what I used.

Side note-If you don't have the walk free achievement you can easily get it there too. Drive to the end of the runway and get full speed to the other end and hit the red and white ramp at the end into the water and swim out of the radar range. I got both achievements in about a minute.


TheGreatDave said:
Any tips on doing a wheelie? I seem to only be able to pull one off 10% of the time.

If you're going for the achievement the easiest bike to use is the Sanchez. Think there's always one at Francis Airport.
Phthisis said:
God, this is pissing me off. Nobody else is having multiplayer issues with the 360 version?

Lots of us are. Not to mention the horrible menu structure and set up of it. I decided to just focus on the single player and save my frustration and not waste my time in case they get a quick patch up or something.

Even if they did, the multi-player section needs a total revamp and re-patch effort similar to what happened to the original Call of Duty on 360 but I doubt they are going to do that and to really fix it would have to go beyond even the effort that occurred on Call of Duty.
I finished the game and the ending was
really sudden. I killed Jimmy like it was nothing and we walked away and credits began to roll.

also, no tanks? or is there one that I havent seen. I only got upto 5 stars.

all in all I really hope that GTA5 or the alternate game like vice city or SA comes out soon similar similar to the gap between 3 and VC. There are a lot of things I really like about this game, but I think they came close to doing some things perfectly and ended up dropping the ball before reaching it.

Gonna try out multiplayer...but damn, these are some long credits.


What the fuck. It's impossible to run away from a six star wanted rating. My little adventure was pretty anticlimactic, unfortunately. After a ten minute standoff in a large alleyway, I got my six stars, escaped via a back staircase and sprinted through empty streets and alleys looking for a getaway vehicle. The first car I saw was a minivan and I was like, "Alright whatever," got in and floored it, carefully watching my radar to see which streets the cop cars were spawning on. Had those cop cars not spawned out of nothing I could have easily gotten away, but I luckily ended up at the Helitour anyway. So I pulled ol' Vicki out of his helicopter and flew into the sunset for about five minutes, got bored after noticing that the wanted-circle was staying on my arrow even though no cop choppers were following me, and spawned a speedboat below me. Once I got in, seven police boats appeared around me and shot Niko to death. Fucking sad face.


slept with Malkin
Linkzg said:
also, no tanks? or is there one that I havent seen. I only got upto 5 stars.

I was wondering the same thing last night while playing free roam. Maybe it will be in the DLC?
Exarchos said:
What the fuck. It's impossible to run away from a six star wanted rating. My little adventure was pretty anticlimactic, unfortunately. After a ten minute standoff in a large alleyway, I got my six stars, escaped via a back staircase and sprinted through empty streets and alleys looking for a getaway vehicle. The first car I saw was a minivan and I was like, "Alright whatever," got in and floored it, carefully watching my radar to see which streets the cop cars were spawning on. Had those cop cars not spawned out of nothing I could have easily gotten away, but I luckily ended up at the Helitour anyway. So I pulled ol' Vicki out of his helicopter and flew into the sunset for about five minutes, got bored after noticing that the wanted-circle was staying on my arrow even though no cop choppers were following me, and spawned a speedboat below me. Once I got in, seven police boats appeared around me and shot Niko to death. Fucking sad face.
Yeah, not sure if 6 stars is escapable. I couldn't find a way earlier so I just let the cops shoot me to death. I'm not exactly low on funds right now. Thank god you don't lose your weapons when you get wasted now.


Darunia said:
holy shit it's unreal what kind of backlash this game is getting here and on other forums

it seems I'm part of the minority who absolutely loves the game, despite its flaws

it's the first gta game I'm gonna finish since the 2D days, so much more impressed by this than the ones in the III-family

Fuck what others say this game is some of the most fun I've had this gen and I love it. It has flaws like everything else, but they aren't big enough to stop me from enjoying the hell out of this game.
Smokey Bones said:
Fuck what others say this game is some of the most fun I've had this gen and I love it. It has flaws like everything else, but they aren't big enough to stop me from enjoying the hell out of this game.
The flaws are very minor considering the other titles in the series and genre- NeoGAF just blows things WAY out of proportion. This game is better than Crackdown, Saints Row, and all of the other sandbox games in existence. And the graphics really are incredible.


slept with Malkin
Himuro said:
There's a backlash going on here?


Whatever. goty.

Of course it's in the "What DON'T you like about GTA4" thread...

Whatever, there are flaws, every game has them. Doesn't make this a bad game by any means.
Himuro said:
I'm pretty sure the people backlashing are folks who don't like GTA in the first place and got caught up in the hype.

Not here. My backlash is from the fact that this game is very clearly inferior to it's predecessor to me.
fistfulofmetal said:
Not here. My backlash is from the fact that this game is very clearly inferior to it's predecessor to me.

The Magna Carta? I can't think of anything else on the same level that might have "preceded" this game.

The Sea Scrolls? Talmud? My Haftorah portion from April 15, 1989?


Diablos said:
WTF :lol

But, wait... is THIS why some areas are so dark?

Could it be that it blacks out really black areas so it doesn't have to render them, therefore allowing a better framerate?
:lol :lol R* forever


fistfulofmetal said:
Not here. My backlash is from the fact that this game is very clearly inferior to it's predecessor to me.


50% done here. I think this is going to be the first GTA I try to 100%
WOOOOOOOW! That was so awesome! OMG! I cant believe that just happened! That was crazy!

I shot an RPG by a taxi at the same time the guy was opening the door to get out, the door opening hit the side of the rocket and caused it to fly towards the sky and explode.

this is seriously amazing.


fistfulofmetal said:
Not here. My backlash is from the fact that this game is very clearly inferior to it's predecessor to me.

Hmm...considering it's predecessor was the THIRD title on the PS2 and was running on a modified engine of GTAIII which came out years earlier I'm pretty sure it was easier for them to get everything up and running and add in all of the other stuff that made SA awesome.

GTA IV is the first on next-gen systems. Look at GTA III compared to GTA:SA.

Everybody always wants things now, now, now.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
so did (back in Vlad's story:)
killing that guy for Vlad because he took Roman's money
have an effect on the game? Weird that it gave me a choice. Seemed pretty small time.

REV 09

UncleGuito said:
The flaws are very minor considering the other titles in the series and genre- NeoGAF just blows things WAY out of proportion. This game is better than Crackdown, Saints Row, and all of the other sandbox games in existence. And the graphics really are incredible.
the story and characters may be better than those in Crackdown and Saints
Row, but the actual gameplay of both of those titles easily eclipses
that of GTA's. The shooting mechanics, though improved, still have about as much quality in them as the mechanics found in Kane and Lynch.
Smokey Bones said:
Hmm...considering it's predecessor was the THIRD title on the PS2 and was running on a modified engine of GTAIII which came out years earlier I'm pretty sure it was easier for them to get everything up and running and add in all of the other stuff that made SA awesome.

GTA IV is the first on next-gen systems. Look at GTA III compared to GTA:SA.

Everybody always wants things now, now, now.

I really don't care though. Not my problem that they couldn't get 4 to deliver the way SA delivered.
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