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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


Is anyone else annoyed at how some of the fire escape stairs are not climbable? Im pretty sure its a glitch too.... its like the first step has a little gap or something that cause Niko to not be able to climb up... sometimes you can jump and glitch your way over it - but Im pretty sure it was meant to be climbable...
Himuro said:
To me this game is pretty much everything I've wanted from a GTA since III. From what I've played it's the ultimate GTA experience.

My sentiments exactly. I've said this before, GTAIV is by far the best game I've ever played. Every GTA after this is only going to go bigger and better because Rockstar has nailed down the formula to near perfection.


I've done 83 missions and my time played is 28:08:29 - thinking of going for the "beat game in 30 hour achievement" if it's possible. How many missions exactly do I have left (someone said 95 I think?), and are they long?


Tiduz said:
finish with a double
What the hell does that even mean? When I have 12 points left I have tried getting 2x 6 points and 2x 12 points but it doesn't end. What does finishing with a double mean?

Sean said:
I've done 83 missions and my time played is 28:08:29 - thinking of going for the "beat game in 30 hour achievement" if it's possible. How many missions exactly do I have left (someone said 95 I think?), and are they long?
I seriously doubt you have the time.
The number of missions are
*94* Some of the later missions are long though mostly in line from what you've encountered from the half-way point on
Iamthegamer said:
so did (back in Vlad's story:)
killing that guy for Vlad because he took Roman's money
have an effect on the game? Weird that it gave me a choice. Seemed pretty small time.
Not sure if it mattered, but I made the compassionate choice. Later, when I
killed Vlad
it wasn't mentioned, so it seemed like I made an irrelevant, yet satisfying choice.


fistfulofmetal said:
I really don't care though. Not my problem that they couldn't get 4 to deliver the way SA delivered.

OK? Nobody said it was.

If you can't see WHY they were able to deliver the things they were in GTA:SA compared to IV then I don't know what to tell you.

Himuro said:
30 hours in and I'm 22%

I'm sittin' at 48.52% at 34 1/2 hrs.

Started going after pigeons earlier(got 15 of them) using the guide..and yeah..there's NO WAY anybody would be able to find some of these things on their own. No way.

sean said:
I've done 83 missions and my time played is 28:08:29 - thinking of going for the "beat game in 30 hour achievement" if it's possible. How many missions exactly do I have left (someone said 95 I think?), and are they long?

You've got 9 missions left I think.


Iamthegamer said:
so did (back in Vlad's story:)
killing that guy for Vlad because he took Roman's money
have an effect on the game? Weird that it gave me a choice. Seemed pretty small time.

I saw him in Aldernay as a random person. You get a cutscene, drive a block, kill some people with him, and get some money. I don't know if there's more after that though.

Eric WK


You will be mine. I seriously hope the Social Club being slow doesn't prevent me from getting it.
Wollan said:
What the hell does that even mean? When I have 12 points left I have tried getting 2x 6 points and 2x 12 points but it doesn't end. What does finishing with a double mean?

The smaller circles on the board are worth triple and double the number you land on. So if you have 12 points left, you must get the OUTER circle in the 6 section of the board. Its the very outer part. For a triple, you'd get the middle ring that runs around the mid-section of each number.


I think the reason I like GTA more than Crackdown and Saints Row is the difficulty. Granted I never played the actual release of SR (good couple of hours in the demo though) but still, I like the difficulty presented is GTA. Free aim is glorious and reminds me how boring/easy Crackdown became, even on the hardest difficulty.

Heck, I can still get on top of most buildings in GTA and the pay off is way better than that of climbing the agency building.

GTA may have some technical issues, most that I don't notice, but I acknowledge that they exist for everyone and it is a shame, but the experience provided is still better than Crackdown and Saints Row despite those issues.'

Pushing someone off a ledge they where sitting on into the water is way cooler than anything I did in Crackdown and funnier than getting hit by a speeding car in SR.

I don't know what everyone was expecting out of the game but I love it and it is only going to get better for me when a good pal of mine gets it and we're doing god knows what.
Smokey Bones said:
Started going after pigeons earlier(got 15 of them) using the guide..and yeah..there's NO WAY anybody would be able to find some of these things on their own. No way.

There are some you can't hear from street level?


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Wollan said:
What the hell does that even mean? When I have 12 points left I have tried getting 2x 6 points and 2x 12 points but it doesn't end. What does finishing with a double mean?

Yeah, 2x 6 should work. You're getting the outside ring on 6, right? Not actually hitting 6 two times?

And I have trouble remembering where I met two people(If you've done 3 leaf clover you should know) -
I don't remember who Saint Micheal is, and Ray something I have to do missions for.


Lil Jacob is awesome!

I just finished the mission
where you meet Dimitri at the warehouse for your pay after killing off Mikhail. Lil Jacob isn't some snob that cares only for himself but he cares for you. Yeah it's scripted but he's awesome nonetheless. Brucie is pretty crazy character though

This game is so awesome.
Himuro said:
In what way did IV not deliver what SA did? An actually good story?

Story wise, mission wise. The actual city. As I've said in a previous post, I feel 4's story is disjointed and lacks a real focus. SA's story also failed to deliver when it was all said and done too, though.

Mission wise... it's not even a contest. 4 is completely lackluster for the most part. It feels like I've went back to 3. There are far too many "Chase ____" or "Go here and kill ____" missions. They all blur together to me and weren't very memorable. There were so many of those in SA.

City wise, it's a matter of opinion. I like the country side and all of that, and I've always disliked that we were only getting a city in 4.

Smokey Bones said:
OK? Nobody said it was.

If you can't see WHY they were able to deliver the things they were in GTA:SA compared to IV then I don't know what to tell you.


Well you were trying to justify why they weren't able to deliver. I understand why, but I don't care. They weren't able to and that makes the game inferior. If the next game is better because this is a test bed then awesome.
Linkhero1 said:
Lil Jacob is awesome!

I just finished the mission
where you meet Dimitri at the warehouse for your pay after killing off Mikhail. Lil Jacob isn't some snob that cares only for himself but he cares for you. Yeah it's scripted but he's awesome nonetheless. Brucie is pretty crazy character though

This game is so awesome.

Seriously. He texted me after some serious shit went down just to see how I was doing. I real breda.


GAH. Man I HATE racing in GTA. I always have. It's the one thing that if they took it out of the series entirely I wouldn't miss it.

So annoying.

Eric WK

BenjaminBirdie said:
There are some you can't hear from street level?

Dude, there are some so tucked away in recesses of tall buildings you'd have to be fucking Ponce de León to find them. I honestly think it would take 4-5 hundred hours to find them all if you were to use no outside help.


Himuro said:
Yeah you can just push him over into the water and he dies. You don't have to fight at all. My brother took his knife and ended up pushing him into the water to his grave

Eric WK said:
Dude, there are some so tucked away in recesses of tall buildings you'd have to be fucking Ponce de León to find them. I honestly think it would take 4-5 hundred hours to find them all if you were to use no outside help.

I laughed really hard for some reason.

"My lord, did you check the Burger Shot manager's office? Thoroughly?"


Wollan said:
What the hell does that even mean? When I have 12 points left I have tried getting 2x 6 points and 2x 12 points but it doesn't end. What does finishing with a double mean?

On the dart board the coloured sections on the outside of each "number" section are double the value of that number - and the interior coloured sections of the section are triple.

So take the number 20 ... the coloured section close the outside will get you 40pts if you hit it - whereas the interior coloured section would get you 60pts. So when it says to finish on a double you have to get the correct amount of points while hitting the double of a number.

If you need 12pts then you would have to aim for outside coloured but on the 6 section. That would get you 12 by hitting a double.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Himuro said:
Early on, when he had a knife, instead of fighting him/taking the knife from him (which no doubt would've killed me) I kept punching and pushing until the glass behind him shattered and i kicked him out of the building. Very nice.


Wollan said:
What the hell does that even mean? When I have 12 points left I have tried getting 2x 6 points and 2x 12 points but it doesn't end. What does finishing with a double mean?

This is a double:

Lets say i need 40points to win, i need to throw the dart at the piece i marked as DOUBLE, this is the only way to finish my score and win, if you need 8 throw it in double 4 etc.


edit: Beaten, Badly :(


Wollan said:
I seriously doubt you have the time.
The number of missions are
*94* Some of the later missions are long though mostly in line from what you've encountered from the half-way point on

I figured... I wasn't even trying for the achievement and instead taking my time and doing a lot of side stuff, but then I looked in the stats screen and saw I was very close. Now it kind of sucks to realize I missed it by so little. Thanks for letting me know though, I won't bother rushing to beat it now.

Choc said:
What was the last mission you did Sean?

To Live and Let Die in Alderney
Wollan said:
What the hell does that even mean? When I have 12 points left I have tried getting 2x 6 points and 2x 12 points but it doesn't end. What does finishing with a double mean?

If you have exactly 12 points left and hit the outside ring of the 6 then you should win the game. Hitting the outside ring of the 12 would put you over though. If the 2x6 doesn't work then it may be a bug, or it registered as a single . . .


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Himuro said:
I don't understand the kill ______ or Chase ______ complaint. GTAIII was made up of missions like that, yes, but there was a lot more to it than that. I'm pretty sure IV evolves past that as well.

Personally, I felt San Andreas had the weakest mission DESIGN, while Vice City and III hold that crown. I'm too early in IV to judge.

I'm around mid 50 percent and see where he's coming from, so many of the missions are similar to the point where they blend. It's either kill a ton of people then escape from the police, or some sort of chase. While they're all "different" none of it has been really memorable, only a handful have stood out to me so far.


While were on the subjects of darts... for people on 360 there is an achievement for 180pts... so yeah obviously hit the interior 20 section 3 times in one go.

Pretty easy really. Way easier than that bowling achievement.


BenjaminBirdie said:
There are some you can't hear from street level?

No. Even then they are in little crevices in buildings and in so many obscure parts of the city that I could honestly not see how anyone w/o a guide could do it. You'd probably be looking at times in the 1,000hr range w no guide to find all 200 of them.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Smokey Bones said:
No. Even then they are in little crevices in buildings and in so many obscure parts of the city that I could honestly not see how anyone w/o a guide could do it. You'd probably be looking at times in the 1,000hr range w no guide to find all 200 of them.
200 was overkill, lemme tell ya.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Is there any way to get back the car Brucie "gives" you from street racing if you lose it? And what are good cars for racing?


y'all should be ashamed
Wow, people were complaining about Snow Storm? Really?

That was so easy. Sniper some dudes, take out the rest, do some awesome driving, bam. Beat it on my first time.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
chubigans said:
Wow, people were complaining about Snow Storm? Really?

That was so easy. Sniper some dudes, take out the rest, do some awesome driving, bam. Beat it on my first time.

I tried to play it safe the first time, the police don't stop coming and eventually a few snuck to the side and destroyed me. Then I tried to escape, could only find a crappy car, got knocked off the bridge and killed by police beats. Then I eventually beat it but was mainly complaining about the lack of checkpoints because redriving there and rekilling everything wasn't fun the fifth time. :p
TheGreatDave said:
I've got nothing.

Go after the Kiki. She's awesome.

i've railed them all except kate. i like kiki too.

i don't know if this has been said already or not but:

buy three lapdances in a row at the strip club and on the third lapdance you get a 2 for 1 ; thoroughly enjoyed that.


BenjaminBirdie said:
I thought Niko didn't do drugs? You can blow rails? Bumps? Lines? Chops?

Hes the straightest mother fucker Ive ever met. I wish theyd make him dip in occasionally - like before a big job or something.
voltron said:
Hes the straightest mother fucker Ive ever met. I wish theyd make him dip in occasionally - like before a big job or something.

Nah, I like that about him. Barely drinks too. But he's funny. I like that about him. He doesn't need to snort bumps. Rails. Lines. Creases. Rock. Pandemic.

What were we talking about again?


voltron said:
Hes the straightest mother fucker Ive ever met. I wish theyd make him dip in occasionally - like before a big job or something.
I like that about Niko. He doesn't get into the drugs and stuff. I think that's cool. Kinda adds to his character.
multiplayer kind of sucks.

maybe I just need to play against gaf people or something. I got invites when I was first playing, but they dropped off and now that I want to play multi I aint getting none.
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