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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


eso76 said:
still around 20% in, i was wondering if there are other mobile phones to unlock/buy in the game, and if so, do they include a camera ? i need to take pics of liberty city

Playboy X
gives you one when you start doing work for him. At 20% I'm sure you already knew that though. ;)


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
eso76 said:
still around 20% in, i was wondering if there are other mobile phones to unlock/buy in the game, and if so, do they include a camera ? i need to take pics of liberty city

You get another phone later. I has background themes
and a camera, yes. You can take pictures, but the screen is so small that I didn't bother with it outside of the story mission that uses it. Plus, sometimes people from your phonebook will send you pictires
Vyer said:
GAH. Man I HATE racing in GTA. I always have. It's the one thing that if they took it out of the series entirely I wouldn't miss it.

So annoying.
I looooove GTA racing, racing in GTA 4 has now surpassed Gotham 4 for me in terms of fun, it's so much more fun driving through the traffic and pedestrians and navigating the streets, just be sure you have a fast car before-hand, bye bye muscle cars, my Turismo says hello.

I miss my Comet :(


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Well, I beat the game after all last night, looks like practically no one else is near the end either from what I read in this thread... let's just that the thing that what keeping me from beating it all that time was the biggest real complaint I have about the game - super-strict scripted scenes... (yes, SSSS)...

I'm glad I waited till today to post my review or else it would have been more negative, because I gotta say that I loved, absolutely LOVED the story of this game, man, Niko Bellic is one hell of a guy - love his character, his voice, he's someone I'd hang with, really...

Funny, cold hearted if you cross him, straight up no BS when it comes to business, and has love for his family and friends...

The dialogs in this game, even with the internet and mail stuff is pure genius - some random stuff you hear on the street or read just made me burst out laughing out loud - so tempted to post my favorite one, but it's somewhat of a story spoiler so I won't...

These guys sure know how to make characters believable, and likable - Lil Jacob is another dude I'd chill with, probably because I'm one of the few who understands everything he says :lol Brucie is funny as hell too, yet I love it when Niko gives him shit everytime too...

Roman, what can I say - hilarious guy who's full of it, but wouldn't hurt a fly - can't hate on him...

Controls still tick me off now and then, especially the annoying post up against a wall that Niko does for some reason if you're walking while zoomed in with the L trigger and messes with the camera... making it hard as hell to shoot in a hallway/doorway, but hey, it's a MASSIVE improvement compared to the rest of the 3D GTA's that made me hate them - still have a long way to go control-wise, but good enough to keep me playing till the end of the story...

Now to tie up all the loose ends in the game now that I finished the story in 23 hours... to think I almost passed up on this game - if it weren't for that live stream and those vids, I would have...


Fun [multiplayer] improvised gametype:

Designate one player to be "the Fox" and give that player a motorcycle. Everyone else [the Hunters] loads up as many helicopters as is needed. The Fox gets a headstart. Hunters need to kill the Fox. Nothing more. Within reason the Fox must stay outide of overhead cover.

It's damned fun chasing a motorcycle through the streets of Algonquin in a chopper ten metres off the ground.


DaCocoBrova said:
Lay off the right stick while driving...
The camera doesn't keep up with sharp turns very well. I'm always nudging it left or right so I don't accidentally crash into an off-screen car or whatever.


Brilliant game thus far. Going across town from mission to mission doesn't get old because the driving is so much fun (and don't like many race games.) Stunt driving at top speed at all times is great fun and practice.

Tom Penny

Great game. It grows on me more and more. Graphically its weird. Sometimes i'm playing and it's looks just ok then other times it's like i've never seen a game look as good. I think it's basically the lighting. There is one time of the day were it's seems to shimmer and look real jaggier than any other time it's great especially when it rains and you drive in first person. I haven't even been doing missions i've been just blowing up cars trying to get the longest chain recation of explosions I can and seeing how many buring people I can cause..too fun :lol


GQman2121 said:
It seems like many of you are not taking advantage of the cab system much. I find that I'm taking them to go everywhere now.
Yeah, I'm around 35% and don't really drive myself around unless necessary. The cabs work great and keep me from going insane when having to do lengthy missions multiple times.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
epmode said:
The camera doesn't keep up with sharp turns very well. I'm always nudging it left or right so I don't accidentally crash into an off-screen car or whatever.

try toggling the hand brake cam on and off, see which you prefer.


Tom Penny said:
Great game. It grows on me more and more. Graphically its weird. Sometimes i'm playing and it's looks just ok then other times it's like i've never seen a game look as good. I think it's basically the lighting. There is one time of the day were it's seems to shimmer and look real jaggier than any other time it's great especially when it rains and you drive in first person. I haven't even been doing missions i've been just blowing up cars trying to get the longest chain recation of explosions I can and seeing how many buring people I can cause..too fun :lol

The graphics are truly stunning, possibly the best looking experience so far this gen when you see the whole of Manhattan in sunset. You get the whole orange look, totally jaw-dropping.

The worst graphical moments is when it's night and you're doing a specific task or something in a back alley where you don't see the whole city, in those moments it's easy to think that the lightning hasn't improved much over the previous games.

GTA4 has possibly the best shadows I've seen in a next game yet. It's simply amazing that everything in this vast world cast shadows and they're very precise and smooth as well. Things you wouldn't ordinarily know is close by you notice due to shadows (be that a train or chopper going by, cables..etc).


In this one mission, I used Little Jacob for weapons, Dwyane's goons for backup, and I called up Kiki to clear my wanted level during the escape.

It really does pay off to build up these relationships.
Darunia said:
You get another phone later. I has background themes
and a camera, yes. You can take pictures, but the screen is so small that I didn't bother with it outside of the story mission that uses it. Plus, sometimes people from your phonebook will send you pictires

I was hoping the new cell phone would be blackberry-like.


Captain Glanton said:
I like Carmen. She's a classy lady.
I got so tired of this bitch clowning on my shoes. I tried taking her to a back ally and putting one in her brain, but it just scared her. :(


I swear I read there was a phone that recieved all the radio stations too. Infact there is alot of shit I read about that seems to be absent in GTA4.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I have my first date with that Carmen chick in about 2 GTA days, what kind of clothes does she like? Girls like Kate and Kiki have picky taste, they hate practically everything I put on, even classy Perseus stuff


Darunia said:
I have my first date with that Carmen chick in about 2 GTA days, what kind of clothes does she like? Girls like Kate and Kiki have picky taste, they hate practically everything I put on, even classy Perseus stuff

Kate and Kiki want casual stuff.

Carmen wants pimp shit.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
WrikaWrek said:
Kate and Kiki want casual stuff.

Carmen wants pimp shit.

That is odd, since Kiki literally said that some Modo outfit made me look 'like a pimp'. Maybe it's all just random
Darunia said:
I have my first date with that Carmen chick in about 2 GTA days, what kind of clothes does she like? Girls like Kate and Kiki have picky taste, they hate practically everything I put on, even classy Perseus stuff
Whatever costs the most should do you good with Carmen. Be sure to get a nice car, though.

Take her to the club for your first date.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Captain Glanton said:
Whatever costs the most should do you good with Carmen. Be sure to get a nice car, though.

Take her to the club for your first date.


Has anyone else received a picture from Kiki that depicts her 'thinking about how much I love you Niko' :lol


WrikaWrek said:
Kate and Kiki want casual stuff.

Carmen wants pimp shit.

Carmen, Kiki and Kate all look like dogs. The only one worth dating is Alex Chilton. She blogs about the sex with Niko (literally! You can read it on the computer) and she even sends you pics of her underwear. And she's funny to boot! Kate is just too plain. Carmen is a crazy bitch. Kiki is a needy bitch.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
ElyrionX said:
Carmen, Kiki and Kate all look like dogs. The only one worth dating is Alex Chilton. She blogs about the sex with Niko (literally! You can read it on the computer) and she even sends you pics of her underwear. And she's funny to boot! Kate is just too plain. Carmen is a crazy bitch. Kiki is a needy bitch.

whatwhat? Where would I find this magic Alex? Is she also one of the girls on love meet?
DMPrince said:
If i mess up on a date with a girl from Love-meet.net can i still date her again?

Yeah. But you can only be dating one girl at a time, so you'll need to dump over the phone anybody you've picked up since then.
TheGreatDave said:
Yeah. But you can only be dating one girl at a time, so you'll need to dump over the phone anybody you've picked up since then.

Does that include Michelle or just the people from the internet.

I dated Carmen and I dressed up in the clothes that were in the first area I lived :lol and drove a garbage truck to a burger joint. I guess that was just bad taste and a bad impression for a first date :lol

I'll try again though.


DMPrince said:
Does that include Michelle or just the people from the internet.

I dated Carmen and I dressed up in the clothes that were in the first area I lived :lol and drove a garbage truck to a burger joint. I guess that was just bad taste and a bad impression for a first date :lol

I'll try again though.

To be fair to Carmen, she made fun of my clothes and called me an asshole when we left the club, and slept with me anyway.


ElyrionX said:
Carmen, Kiki and Kate all look like dogs. The only one worth dating is Alex Chilton. She blogs about the sex with Niko (literally! You can read it on the computer) and she even sends you pics of her underwear. And she's funny to boot! Kate is just too plain. Carmen is a crazy bitch. Kiki is a needy bitch.
Kate fucking sucks. I've had her at 100% for what seems like forever and she has yet to give it up. No more darts or pool for her.


TheGreatDave said:
Yeah. But you can only be dating one girl at a time, so you'll need to dump over the phone anybody you've picked up since then.


No you dont. Im dating 3 girls right now. I got a call from Kiki then from Carmen a minute later both looking for dates.
TheGreatDave said:
Yeah. But you can only be dating one girl at a time, so you'll need to dump over the phone anybody you've picked up since then.

What do you mean here? You can date Carmen and Lawchick at the same time.
Chemo said:
Kate fucking sucks. I've had her at 100% for what seems like forever and she has yet to give it up. No more darts or pool for her.

I'm not finished with the game yet so I may be wrong but I've come to the conclusion that she is set up this way to not be a "whore" and give it up because she is the one Niko is into storywise. I'll guess we'll have to save the sex for the DLC ;)


ElyrionX said:
Carmen, Kiki and Kate all look like dogs. The only one worth dating is Alex Chilton. She blogs about the sex with Niko (literally! You can read it on the computer) and she even sends you pics of her underwear. And she's funny to boot! Kate is just too plain. Carmen is a crazy bitch. Kiki is a needy bitch.

Alex chilton? Didn't date her.

Heck, how do i date her? Is she on the love site?

Kiki is cool, her dialog is cool and she also sends photos, thong and stuff, and her perk is awesome.


So does anyone else remember that big damn that was in GTA3? It was over on the west island(up north I think). That didnt make the cut this time huh?
Tobor said:
To be fair to Carmen, she made fun of my clothes and called me an asshole when we left the club, and slept with me anyway.
On our second date, she liked my clothes and car, and then on our way home she tried to get me clean her patients for her and got shitty with me. And she still slept with me. As I said, she's an intriguing girl.

And now she just sent me a pic! Alright.
Tobor said:
To be fair to Carmen, she made fun of my clothes and called me an asshole when we left the club, and slept with me anyway.

Does she scream annoying things like Michelle? I mean i can't tell if she's having sex or just screaming to Niko to tell her interesting things.
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