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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
LJ11 said:
Did you check to see when it expires? Mine did the same thing, but the expiration date got bumped to Oct. from Sept.

Pardon my ignorance but where I can see this expiration date?


Darunia said:
Pardon my ignorance but where I can see this expiration date?

If you click on your subscription it should bring up a blade that gives you the details. I'm away from my 360, so I'm going on memory. They should send you an email telling you that you've extended you subscription as well.

Edit: You can also go to the XBL website and check there. Go into your profile, select modify membership, and it should tell you the expiration date.


Can someone who has beaten the game answer my spoilerific question below:

Is the game over after you decide whether or not to kill Darko Brevic (spelling?). I elected not to kill him, and I just dropped Roman home, and gave Benny (is that the gay characters' name?) a call. Is that the end of the game? If so, what the fuck?
voltron said:
See - reading awesome shit like that that is the reason I cry myself to sleep every night because there is no save replay feature - ala Halo 3 - included.

Im crying right now actually.

Yeah, I generally go meh when people want that save highlight feature from Halo 3. People bring it up in the COD threads and it honestly isn't that big a wishlisht for me but in a game like GTA that is so cinematic anyway it seems ashame that some of the awesome things that have happened to me in the single player can't be saved off and edited as a highlight reel to save off and watch later or show to others. Wasn't it Driver that had that create a reel feature?

A "virtual director" element while a pretty hardcore feature would certainly be nice in the next one if they have time.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
LJ11 said:
If you click on your subscription it should bring up a blade that gives you the details. I'm away from my 360, so I'm going on memory. They should send you an email telling you that you've extended you subscription as well.

ah yes I was checking xbox.com but you can't see it there.

Guess the coast is clear, my Live account is still active til december


rabhw said:
Can someone who has beaten the game answer my spoilerific question below:

Is the game over after you decide whether or not to kill Darko Brevic (spelling?). I elected not to kill him, and I just dropped Roman home, and gave Benny (is that the gay characters' name?) a call. Is that the end of the game? If so, what the fuck?
No, there's a couple more missions


rabhw said:
Can someone who has beaten the game answer my spoilerific question below:

Is the game over after you decide whether or not to kill Darko Brevic (spelling?). I elected not to kill him, and I just dropped Roman home, and gave Benny (is that the gay characters' name?) a call. Is that the end of the game? If so, what the fuck?

That's not the end :)

I'm replaying it now, trying to get the story under 30 hours achievement :p. And I don't mind doing the missions again either hehe


Scotch said:
No, there's a couple more missions

Are these missions given out through phone calls? I've been sitting for 30 minutes now waiting for some calls to come in, and nothing. The only icons I have left on my map are the ransom and assassination missions.
Ok I am done the game but I am only 60% done, I did some Jacob and Brucie missions but it won't go past 60, are the rest of 40% just assasination missions, or have I missed some side missions by skipping just to the story ones, but it shows I am 100% done in my stats for everybody.

also in one the first trailers to the game, you see Niko dive out of the car and into the gas station with an explosion to follow through, which mission is that?


rabhw said:
Are these missions given out through phone calls? I've been sitting for 30 minutes now waiting for some calls to come in, and nothing. The only icons I have left on my map are the ransom and assassination missions.

Go to bed, sleep, save whatever, go to a show do something

Rapping Granny said:
also in one the first trailers to the game, you see Niko dive out of the car and into the gas station with an explosion to follow through, which mission is that?

No mission. They removed alot of stuff from the trailers or reworked it actually.

You never see that one lady on firefly island sayin "please no more killing"


Scotch said:
No, there's a couple more missions

This is after the credits, after receiving a number of phonecalls?

MMaRsu said:
You never see that one lady on firefly island sayin "please no more killing"

You do, it's a random encounter. She hangs around the entrance of the boardwalk. Look for her sometime after Faustin is dead.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
MMaRsu said:
You never see that one lady on firefly island sayin "please no more killing"

hmm, wasn't that Faustin's wife? Wonder what that scene would have been.
So I ended up (midway spoiler?)
killing Dwayne
and now I totally regret it. Hope I can
get back at Playboy X
sometime later on in the game...


The game is starting to grow on me, even though the combat is absolutely horrible.

Slowest start for a GTA game.


Greg said:
The game is starting to grow on me, even though the combat is absolutely horrible.

Slowest start for a GTA game.

besides the cover system (moving from cover to cover) I fail to see how the combat is "absolutely horrible"

my guess is you're just bad at it.


mileS said:
besides the cover system (moving from cover to cover) I fail to see how the combat is "absolutely horrible"

my guess is you're just bad at it.
Yeah, the game is perfect in every way, and I'm bad at video games.

The last game that was combat heavy that I played was Uncharted - can you understand my frustrations now?

Anything indoors is ruined when it comes to camera management, Niko controls like a stick is up his ass, and the cover system is broken - I call that absolutely horrible.

Oh, and hand-to-hand or any melee combat close range? :lol


I have 280k, and I already did
Three Leaf Clover
am I going to be able to get my half million achievement with doing regular missions or do I have to go around and kill random civis?


Weenerz said:
I have 280k, and I already did
Three Leaf Clover
am I going to be able to get my half million achievement with doing regular missions or do I have to go around and kill random civis?

I didn't get that achievement yet, because I spent way too much on guns and shit..everytime I died I bought weapons and armor etc again :lol


JCtheMC said:
This is after the credits, after receiving a number of phonecalls?

You do, it's a random encounter. She hangs around the entrance of the boardwalk. Look for her sometime after Faustin is dead.

Ah cool man, thanks I'll look for her :)


Greg said:
Yeah, the game is perfect in every way, and I'm bad at video games.

yup.. because I said that and all right? :lol

Hand to hand is perfectly fine, you just got to know what buttons to press and time your dodges right. It boggles my mind that people are still making such a big deal about the hand to hand.

Anyways I could go on and on about how much better the combat is but i'm not going to bother. You may not be bad at all video games you're just probably terrible at GTA :D
Some awesome multiplayer moments I've had:

GTA race: We were playing a relatively short track (about 3 min per lap) and had weapons turned on and at one point a bunch a couple of guys stopped racing and set up a massive roadblock using a bus and some other cars then proceeded to try and ambush people as they tried to drive around it.

16 player team deathmatch is everything I hoped for. At one point both teams were gathered together approximately 1-2 blocks away from each other, just trading fire and using parked cars and brick walls as cover. The other team would occasionally send cars charging through us to try and kill a few guys then escape... I got in a car and hung back trying to intercept the cars as they rushed in. Several times I managed to block the car which let my teammates run up and gun down the driver and passengers.

Mafia and Team Mafia: This mode has great potential, when it works - two evenly matched teams - it works very well. At one point during a delivery mission me and two other guys set up a roadblock on a blind corner near the delivery point. We caught 3 opponents trying to make a drop and a massive gun fight ensued. More and more players on both teams started showing upand it escalated into all out urban warfare... each side had an RPG, cars started exploding left and right. Epic.

Bomb da Base II: I tried to land the copter on top of the ship directly (seems better to land away from the ship and approach it with 1-2 people sniping the deck guards from a nearby roof or the shipping crates). The copter got hit and started leaning to one side, the propeller blades hit the deck and started slicing up guards... one of them got thrown off far into the water and was the last thing I saw before the copter exploded killing my whole team. It was worth it. :lol

I hope they plan on releasing more co-op missions... over time this is going to need some more variety and maybe they'll even try some 8 player ones.

Best moment so far... was playing 16 player team mafia work and the other team was so far ahead of us there was little chance we could catch up. My team was unorganized and I was by myself looking for a vehicle. Suddenly a bus pulls up loaded with 4 of my teammates and the driver says "Get in we're going to go stomp them". We drove around for 10 min chasing the other team around in a giant bus, smashing through cars and 5 gunners inside shooting everything that moved. Think we had 3 star cops on us constantly and we still stayed alive forever. We still lost in the end but managed to make a good deal of cash for our team just off kills.

Speaking of cash, once you level up once or twice it's pretty cool to be wearing something unique in multiplayer mode. Makes you stand out a bit especially in team modes and is a nice reward which doesn't imbalance the game at all.

So far the multiplayer exceeds every expectation I had about it.
Weenerz said:
I havent even touched the MP of this game yet, I am too addicted to the single player.

Jesus, NEVER play the multiplayer or you'll never see your loved ones again. Make sure if you do try multiplayer, do it in a room with a window so as not to forget what the outside world looks like.

Eric WK

Multiplayer is so painfully mediocre it isn't funny.

Oh, Team Deathmatch to $10,000 on Algonquin with six people? That's a good idea, host. Or the alternative, oh Happiness Island with auto-aim on so people can sit in bushes and shoot me as I spawn despite the fact that they can't even see me? Another great idea, dude.

Free Mode is fantastic, but the Ranked portion of multiplayer needed a matchmaking system from the start. Leaving this many options in the hands of the Xbox Live community was the dumbest thing Rockstar could have done.


Eric WK said:
Multiplayer is so painfully mediocre it isn't funny.

Oh, Team Deathmatch to $10,000 on Algonquin with six people? That's a good idea, host. Or the alternative, oh Happiness Island with auto-aim on so people can sit in bushes and shoot me as I spawn despite the fact that they can't even see me? Another great idea, dude.

Free Mode is fantastic, but the Ranked portion of multiplayer needed a matchmaking system from the start. Leaving this many options in the hands of the Xbox Live community was the dumbest thing Rockstar could have done.

I always play multiplayer with coworkers (we are always like 10 players) and it is fucking awesome.

TDM and Cops and Crooks are my favorites.

Coop modes are OK 1 time, but I dont think Ill ever do them again...
woohoo just found out that my country's represented in Liberty City somewhere in Alderney City now all it needs is a PC port.....anytime soon....
_leech_ said:
So I ended up (midway spoiler?)
killing Dwayne
and now I totally regret it. Hope I can
get back at Playboy X
sometime later on in the game...

i did the opposite and killed
playboy x. mostly because i remember niko telling dwayne that he saw some of himself in him. that struck a chord with me. usually whenever i have to choose to kill one guy or the other, i go with whoever i think is a better person and more like niko.

what do you mean get back at playboy x? you killed dwayne and playboy turned on you? fuck i have to play this game over and make all the opposit choices i made the first time. glad i killed playboy then. even if dwayne is an annoying negative nancy bitch sometimes.

derrick and francis spoiler -
i knew i was going to kill francis from the first moment i met him


Unlimited Capacity
Multiplayer is beyond epic in this game. Eric WK is right though, a terrible host can completely ruin a game. That being said, the MP for GTA 4 has completely eliminated the need for any other online game. I actually started doing some regular races, not GTA Race, with super cars and it plays out a lot like midnight club. Its actually a lot better than midnight club online used rto be because of the traffic, which was missing in the old midnight club games online.


I was doing
Most Wanted Mission 9 and i was getting riddled with bullets and near death, but the cops showed up and started shooting (not only at me, but at the most wanted guys)...so I decided to step out of the fight hiding behind my stolen police cruiser. The cops finished off the bad guys...my wanted status went away and I was free to collect the dropped weapons/cash and a new cruiser from one of the fallen officers...this game rocks.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Question about the choice between killing
Derrick or Francis. What's the difference? Is there any plot differences, or perks? I killed Francis (obviously. Fuck that guy), but I'm not seeing any obvious benefit.
JCtheMC said:
You neglected to answer my question :)
Are there more missions after the credits roll and you receive those 2 phonecalls?
Story missions? No. But you can still do assassination missions, races, dates, and pigeon-hunting.


Eric WK said:
Multiplayer is so painfully mediocre it isn't funny.

Oh, Team Deathmatch to $10,000 on Algonquin with six people? That's a good idea, host. Or the alternative, oh Happiness Island with auto-aim on so people can sit in bushes and shoot me as I spawn despite the fact that they can't even see me? Another great idea, dude.

Free Mode is fantastic, but the Ranked portion of multiplayer needed a matchmaking system from the start. Leaving this many options in the hands of the Xbox Live community was the dumbest thing Rockstar could have done.

Cops & Crooks with a room filled with Gaffers is great fun. Actually pretty much anything is. As long as you have a good host, I hate going into public games with moron hosts -_-.

JCtheMC said:
You neglected to answer my question :)
Are there more missions after the credits roll and you receive those 2 phonecalls?

No but you can keep playing. I'm doing vigilante missions right now, looking for random questgivers and stuff. I want to finish this game ( 100% is actually possible this time around, just gotta find all those damn pigeons lol ).

I'm 76,50% done.


y'all should be ashamed
I really, really hope RS does a good job with the DLC for all consoles. It would be brilliant if there was a DLC pack and they threw random things in the city and said, "122mb, DLC pack 1, explore and have fun!" Maybe some new weapons, cars, and a new mission or two.

Episodic content is nice, but I hope they supplement that with fun packs too. :(


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
MMaRsu said:
Cops & Crooks with a room filled with Gaffers is great fun. Actually pretty much anything is. As long as you have a good host, I hate going into public games with moron hosts -_-. .
MMArsu, you wanna go tonight? I'll be on about 6:30-7 PM EST if youre down to ride.

This is an open invite to all 360 gaffers, btw.
Iamthegamer said:
MMArsu, you wanna go tonight? I'll be on about 6:30-7 PM EST if youre down to ride.

This is an open invite to all 360 gaffers, btw.
I'll join you guys. I had a fun time last time we all played together- hold down the Burger Shot!
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