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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


also stupid question: Francis mission, where you have to snipe the dude

How the hell do I even get up to the roof? There doesn't appear to be any open door or anything?

edit: Figured it out by looking at a video walkthrough. The door wasn't ...obvious. Bad game design. Boo, Rockstar.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Recoil said:
also stupid question: Francis mission, where you have to snipe the dude

How the hell do I even get up to the roof? There doesn't appear to be any open door or anything?

I thought there was a lift on the outside


People called Romanes they go the house?
Recoil said:
also stupid question: Francis mission, where you have to snipe the dude

How the hell do I even get up to the roof? There doesn't appear to be any open door or anything?

If I'm thinking of the right one.....There is an open door, took me a bit to find it. I think it's hidden into the color of the building.


Darkflight said:
I wish I could turn the police off while pigeon hunting.

Same here. The 'avalanche' effect of shooting off a gun gets annoying, especially when all I am trying to do is shoot a bird. You take one shot, and the next thing you know everyone within a 300 yard radius has abandoned their cars and run 1/2 a mile away from you.


Metroidvania said:
If I'm thinking of the right one.....There is an open door, took me a bit to find it. I think it's hidden into the color of the building.

Yeah, it was kinda camouflaged with the environment. Finally found it. It looked exactly like the three other completely unopenable doors right next to it. ::rolleyes::

HK-47 said:
I thought there was a lift on the outside

Wrong mission, dude. That's PlayboyX, iirc.
Finished it today, which is funny because I always wind up finishing games on Sundays (weird...). Anyway I really liked everything. It was very bittersweet with
Kate dying
because of my selfish choice of
getting back at Dimitri
. 68% done, but I don't know if I really feel like going for the other 32%. Mostly I think it's just car races and pigeons and whatnot.
Recoil said:
Yeah, it was kinda camouflaged with the environment. Finally found it. It looked exactly like the three other completely unopenable doors right next to it. ::rolleyes::

Dude I was running around that building for nearly 15 minutes. I had to up the brightness and contrast to even see the door.


Alright I just finished the mission for Gravelli where you have to escort the dude to his speech. Any idea how far through the game I am? I completed all of Ray, Phil, Pegorino, Bernie, and Gerry's missions (I think, Gravelli was the only one on my radar when I did it). I'm really getting anxious to kill those recurring bad guys.


Just finished it. 50 hours and change. Best GTA, no question, mostly because of Niko. His character binds it all together.

That said...
The first 2/3rds of the game's story were pretty great, but I didn't care for most of the mob stuff in the last 3rd. I just felt like so many games have done this before and I found it to be pretty flat. Only Niko's reaction to it all sorta saved me from being bored. When compared to the Irish and Russian parts. I sort of wish that the game started with the mob and moved to the russians after. This is just a story complaint, not a gameplay criticism.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Recoil said:
Yeah, it was kinda camouflaged with the environment. Finally found it. It looked exactly like the three other completely unopenable doors right next to it. ::rolleyes::

Wrong mission, dude. That's PlayboyX, iirc.

No there are multiple missions that use lifts. I just mixing them up


Holy christ @ Euphoria in the mission when you're driving the garbage truck for

The dudes hanging off the back of the truck. Looks so damn good.
Prvt.Pegleg said:
:lol :lol You're roleplaying in Grand Theft Auto:lol :lol

Do you have a bracelet that says "WWND" ?

i blasted through the game so i could get the sp off my mind and do some multiplayer. worst idea ever

What's the WWND stand for? I know its What Would but the last two are lost on me. And I'm not really a role-player, I just like trying to make the game seem as real as it can. Pretty tall task, but its how I find the game to be the most fun. There's nothing out for the next few months aside from MGS4, so I'm in no hurry to finish the game. I find that taking my time with it can really serve as a great way to unwind.

As for multi, I did a ton of that the first week. I don't want to say I'm over it, but I think I'm probably going to go back to R6V2, Halo 3, Gears, and Army of Two really soon. Gotta love Cops n Crooks though.


Uno Ill Nino said:
What's the WWND stand for? I know its What Would but the last two are lost on me. And I'm not really a role-player, I just like trying to make the game seem as real as it can. Pretty tall task, but its how I find the game to be the most fun. There's nothing out for the next few months aside from MGS4, so I'm in no hurry to finish the game. I find that taking my time with it can really serve as a great way to unwind.

As for multi, I did a ton of that the first week. I don't want to say I'm over it, but I think I'm probably going to go back to R6V2, Halo 3, Gears, and Army of Two really soon. Gotta love Cops n Crooks though.

What Would Niko Do?


Recoil said:
also stupid question: Francis mission, where you have to snipe the dude

How the hell do I even get up to the roof? There doesn't appear to be any open door or anything?

edit: Figured it out by looking at a video walkthrough. The door wasn't ...obvious. Bad game design. Boo, Rockstar.

Pretty easy to immediately blame Rockstar, hmm? Surprisingly, I, amongst many others I am certain, figured how to get onto the roof in mere seconds.


Does anyone else find it annoying how hard it is to tell between the striped and solid balls in the pool game? It's simply impossible, at times.

At least on an SDTV. :/


I'm at 87.17%, going for the key in the contest. Rockstar better get the social club working right before the deadline because it has yet to show anything for me. No stats, no story progress, no ZiTs.


suEcide said:
Pretty easy to immediately blame Rockstar, hmm? Surprisingly, I, amongst many others I am certain, figured how to get onto the roof in mere seconds.

And yet, both fistfulofmetal and Metroidvania agreed with me. Funny how that works, huh? ..|..


Recoil said:
Does anyone else find it annoying how hard it is to tell between the striped and solid balls in the pool game? It's simply impossible, at times.

At least on an SDTV. :/

indeed that's why when they're like..Niko lets play pool...i'm like the fuck ever
Arg. I think I got a glitch and don't have a game save far enough back to fix it.

Mild 30%ish spoilers for those being careful.

So I'm waiting for
friend message so I can hang out with him, but it's not coming. I've done a bunch of missions (story and optional) since then and probably passed at least 2 in-game days and nothing.

Originally I had him trying to get me to hang out right before I had an appointment set for a mission, so taking him out would have made me miss that and fail the mission, and I didn't want to tell the poor guy no since he seemed so sad... so I loaded up an older save and avoided answering his email until after that mission. Either I must have accidentally sent a negative response to his email and caused him to not call me (can that happen? He's still listed at over 60% likes in my stats) or it's glitched since I've gotten tons of messages from everyone else since then. I try calling him all the time too, and all I ever get is his answering machine.

Anyone else have this happen? I hope his friendship isn't required for 100%. This is the first GTA game I wanted to do that in :(


jasonbay said:
indeed that's why when they're like..Niko lets play pool...i'm like the fuck ever

Yeah, it's a shame, because the pool uh.. "engine" itself is really good. Like, it feels right, the rules are all correct... and it's very flexible, even allowing you to angle the cue to create spin. (!)

I just have to squint, hem, and haw to tell what I'm supposed to be aiming at every single turn.


Recoil said:
And yet, both fistfulofmetal and Metroidvania agreed with me. Funny how that works, huh? ..|..
I also struggled to find that door. I wandered around the back alley for several minutes before just deciding to try every door on the street. It just seemed too crappy to be the actual solution.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
ThirstyFly said:
I had more trouble
reading the phone number on the guy's phone display
on my crappy, small TV than I finding the door.

I couldn't even see that on my HDTV.


yeah. i had trouble finding the door too. it doesn't help that i did the mission at night time, and couldnt see shit. i had to turn on the car headlights just to see what was going on. i spent a bunch of time trying to jump onto one of those fire escape ladders :lol

ThirstyFly said:
haha. How'd you beat it then? Was there more than one way to do it?

Edit: For the record, I'm playing on a HDTV too, it's just smaaaal (24").

i shot the satellite dish, and the guy got up to check what was wrong with the TV


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
ThirstyFly said:
haha. How'd you beat it then? Was there more than one way to do it?

Edit: For the record, I'm playing on a HDTV too, it's just smaaaal (24").

Oh...well mine was 37" and I still couldn't see it. :p

You can shoot the satellite dish, the TV, anywhere that'll get his attention really.


ThirstyFly said:
haha. How'd you beat it then? Was there more than one way to do it?

Edit: For the record, I'm playing on a HDTV too, it's just smaaaal (24").

42" here and I couldn't read it either. I would of dialed the right number eventually. I was off by like 2 digits. 8 and 0 you can't tell apart. Eventually Frankie just texts you his phone number.


ThirstyFly said:
I had more trouble
reading the phone number on the guy's phone display
on my crappy, small TV than I finding the door.

I managed to see it well on my 22" LCD but I sit literally 1ft from the monitor.


Where can I find a good list of the different dates/friends likes and dislikes as far as the activities go?

-also how do I give money to tramps? Ive been to the stripclub many times as well as picked up a few hookers...


Recoil said:
also stupid question: Francis mission, where you have to snipe the dude

How the hell do I even get up to the roof? There doesn't appear to be any open door or anything?

edit: Figured it out by looking at a video walkthrough. The door wasn't ...obvious. Bad game design. Boo, Rockstar.
Haha, it probably took me a whole hour to find out how to get up there. I was parking cars to jump onto fire escapes, looking for a helicopter, etc.

I felt like such a dumbass when I finally stumbled through that door.


ThirstyFly said:
I hope his friendship isn't required for 100%. This is the first GTA game I wanted to do that in :(

His friendship is not required for 100%


Story Tiem:

I wanted to just mess around and see how high I could get my wanted rating. I took the Annihilator and landed it on the roof of Grand Easton Station. I had already maxed out ammo for everything and had a bullet-proof vest so I was expecting to last awhile.

I inched out to the very end of the roof and sniped a guy on the street corner. His friends fled and an ambulance soon came roaring around the corner, but blew by the guy, who by now was dead as a door nail. This first victim didn't arose suspicion so I looked for another one.

I found my next shootee in a taxi driver who had stopped at a red light. I put a round through his neck and he grabbed up at his throat and pushed down on the gas, slowly meandering into traffic. He did a half circle and lightly tapped into a building. This got the cops attention. But for the life of them they could not find out where I was. They all gathered on the deck around the station, never even thinking to look up. I took this time to pick off some of them and blow up some cop cars. This got helicopters involved. I used my remaining rocket rounds to take out 2 helicopters. That really pissed off the authorities.

Eventually the helicopter gunners and the cops on the ground took all of my vest and enough of my health to concern me. So I jumped in the Annihilator and flew off. Unfortunately, you apparently can't outrun a 6 star rating in a copter. The zone was always centered around me no matter what. So I bailed out into the ocean and swam to a speed boat and managed to out run the police with that. I hid among some piers on the west side of Algonquin and waited until the rating disappeared.

Long story short: I out ran a 6 star rating. I didn't even know you could do that. And I <3 this game :D

P.S. You can just shoot the TV in that sniper mission for
That's what I did. I didn't even know about calling his phone until some people here mentioned it.
voltron said:
Where can I find a good list of the different dates/friends likes and dislikes as far as the activities go?


There may be some small character spoilers there, so use at your own risk.

voltron said:
-also how do I give money to tramps? Ive been to the stripclub many times as well as picked up a few hookers...

I think you just walk into them and sometimes a prompt comes up.


Oozer3993 said:
Long story short: I out ran a 6 star rating. I didn't even know you could do that. And I <3 this game :D

holy shit - thats good work!

I always thought it would be possible if you could just get a tiny bit of space around you to slip unseen into a pay'n'spray but I havent managed to do it yet.

Howd you pull it off?
How the hell do you outrun a 6 star? I was flying around in an Annihilator and the I never moved from the middle of the large search area even when I was over water and there were no helicopters or boats around.

To escape, I landed on the roof of
my safehouse and just slept.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
MrTroubleMaker said:
achievement question

spoiler tagged just in case

how many time do you have to take the heli tour to get that achievement, I've done 6 now and still haven't got it :( I'm using the only heli tour that I came across on the main island south

"Sightseer Fly on all helicopter tours of Liberty City"


You need to ride each different tour once, I believe there's 5 different ones. Only 2 or 3 will be at the landing pads at a certain time, just come back later and see if any helictopers are in different spots.
Papercuts said:
You need to ride each different tour once, I believe there's 5 different ones. Only 2 or 3 will be at the landing pads at a certain time, just come back later and see if any helictopers are in different spots.
cool, thanks! I didn't do that


ThirstyFly said:
Haha. Man, I love the attention to detail the game has.

I just shot his TV since I couldn't write down the phone number quickly enough. I figured that he would freak out and I'd fail the mission immediately but, he got up, stood right in front of the window and I shot him. It doesn't make much sense the someone hiding out from potential assassins would do that, after seeing a bullet fly through his window and blow up his television set.

Funny how what impresses one person as attention to detail can totally take another person out of the game.



Ok! Where's my key?

Actually... where's my free gamerpic/theme? There is not even a pop-up in the game to tell you about the reward (
takes the ammo limit away, buy as much as you want

And I doubt I'll get my limited edition key thing because I got the game about 4 days earlier from an independent store :( We'll see...
border said:
I just shot his TV since I couldn't write down the phone number quickly enough. I figured that he would freak out and I'd fail the mission immediately but, he got up, stood right in front of the window and I shot him. It doesn't make much sense the someone hiding out from potential assassins would do that, after seeing a bullet fly through his window and blow up his television set.

Funny how what impresses one person as attention to detail can totally take another person out of the game.

I shot at the closed window that he was sitting behind and he did the same thing and walked up to the TV. Honestly that part wasn't very impressive.
HK-47 said:
Anyone done the friend mission with Chelise? How do you beat up her boyfriend without killing him?
I killled him too not even remebering the cutscene with her mother and felt really guilty after i got her call.
So I ran into
Clarence, the guy you that begs for his life in Holland Nights. I spared him b/c I didn't like Francis and wow was it disappointing. I should've iced the bitch beforehand. At least he dropped some money this time around


Ok, I give up. How do fuck do you get a 6 star rating without going onto an island that's off limits? I've unlocked all the islands and don't have a save point far back to go back and go that route.

I've tried everything. Getting to 5 is easy, very easy. 6 doesn't come up no matter what I do. 3 or 4 helicoptes. Taking down 20-30 police/swat/whatever the fuck. Ofcourse then I log on to youtube to see someone use the fire hose on the truck to about 2 cars and force a 6 star rating that way... seems fair. o_O

EDIT: couldn't do it without breaking the game. How annoying. I guess the good ol days of shooting down helicopters and blowing shit up to get the highest rating are over. Now to get it you just find a building with one entrance to funnel them into and blast them one by one...
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