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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours

Wow, multiplayer is a blast. I'm loving the heck out of the races and Cops n' Crooks.

Nothing like pulling up to the boss in an Infernus, blasting across the map and riding a boat out to safety as the cops close in.
funkmastergeneral said:
What's really bugging me about them is I'm apparently over shooting the magic landing spot apparently, according to a video on youtube. I've had some really cool stunts with perfect landings and they get nothing because they don't land in the right spot.
The magic landing spot is usually pretty hard to miss if you hit the ramp straight; the exception is when you're supposed to land on a freeway. In those cases it seems like you have to do the jump in a Faggio or something, because at top speed in a decent car or bike you end up clearing the other side of the freeway by like 30 feet...


I finally beat it. I saved at the pivotal decision and went for the bad ending first. It was terrible. The last mission was ridiculously hard too.

Now I'm going for the good ending...


So anyone else get the glitch I had today?

on the mission Undress to Kill for Dwayne... I start the mission off and go up to the 2 guys to find where Jose...then I realize I can't stealth kill cause I have no knife...so I just leave the strip club and go try and buy one and my luck they didn't sell them...so I go back with a bat and figure that's good enough but once I enter his room he's not there..I'm like the fuck..so I look at the GPS and see his red blip is still active so figure perhaps he in that other room and casually walk but halfway there I decide to click the map and notice he's outside and I'm like jackpot I can kill him without fighting the other goons yet..so I go out there and start laying clip after clip of SMG into but he isn't dieing ...I get ever closer and then when just about finished off my body armor I decide fuck this I'm going to run his ass over... I try like 5 times..each time my car stops like it hit a fucking cement wall.. I'm more than pissed at this point I get out give him 3 rocket launchers...he's still alive...In the end I let him kill me so I could start over...I end up beating so no harm to 100%..just a little pissed off time...so avoid what I did or you'll just end up wasting lots of bullets and time on a rather simple mission


glitches coming thick and fast

Francis spoiler

mission to go to projects and get a guy who is goign to tell all on francis. Sposed to have heaps of guys helping him and then a execution choice. Not only did i not get the guys, but i didn't get the execution choice as he ran away and tried to get in a car, crazy!
anyone else?


you can't put a price on sparks
so i was doing a vigilante mission, and it said at the bottom "you have become a vigilante"

do i get anything for that? what i seem to read about it is that it just adds to %age complete, but is that it?
Woo, that's the pigeons and stunts done finally, 90.50%, got
car missons to finish off and then the most wanted missions and then ensuring I've took everyone to everything. The social club is up to 57%, if I do get 100% it better well recognise I have before the 19th.


Speaking of the races I just did them all(I think) can you do them forever, because I just did all 9 including No 1 of course and I called Brucie and he gave me another race. I backed out because I wasn't sure. So, does he stop giving you races if your done! or am I just stupid and can't count because it said I won 10 races!


neoism said:
Speaking of the races I just did them all(I think) can you do them forever, because I just did all 9 including No 1 of course and I called Brucie and he gave me another race. I backed out because I wasn't sure. So, does he stop giving you races if your done! or am I just stupid and can't count because it said I won 10 races!

Did you do 3 on each island? He sends you a text message after you finish the main 9 races.


After about an in-game week,
Kate's Zombie wized from her gwave again and called me up. We went out on a date again and had an interesting conversation. She said she's at a point in her life where it's stuck in a rut. She's basically, just "living" for her friends, family and me with nothing inbetween. :lol!
So Niko's trying to convince her to go back to school and become a teacher.


Also, :lol @ Kiki's ex being in jail for a triple homicide. Killing a mother and her two kids in "self-defense". "It's a conspiracy!"


I never did any of Roman's cabby missions at the beginning of the game, and
after he gets his new business up and running
the option no longer seems to be available. Will I eventually get it back or something equivalent? That could have been fun.


stewacide said:
I never did any of Roman's cabby missions at the beginning of the game, and
after he gets his new business up and running
the option no longer seems to be available. Will I eventually get it back or something equivalent? That could have been fun.
Nope, but they weren't all that to begin with.


raYne said:
After about an in-game week,
Kate's Zombie wized from her gwave again and called me up. We went out on a date again and had an interesting conversation. She said she's at a point in her life where it's stuck in a rut. She's basically, just "living" for her friends, family and me with nothing inbetween. :lol!
So Niko's trying to convince her to go back to school and become a teacher.


Also, :lol @ Kiki's ex being in jail for a triple homicide. Killing a mother and her two kids in "self-defense". "It's a conspiracy!"

I get calls from Zombie Kate all the time. I dunno wtf is up with that.


kylej said:
Did you do 3 on each island? He sends you a text message after you finish the main 9 races.

All the ones listed in the Guide I've done. It says I have 1 won race in all races listed in the the score under stats. and I didnt get any message from brucie other than the heli perk.

NM, stop wasting your time, the bitch finally messaged me. I restarted my system. lol!
Thanks for the reply though, sometimes this game just takes to long. I love it though!!
First GTA sense 3 where I cared about getting 100%, funny thing is I only had one damn thing left in GTA3 for 100%. I had to get an armored car for the garage, and I couldn't find it ever again! :( But thanks anyway!


Brashnir said:
I get calls from Zombie Kate all the time. I dunno wtf is up with that.
Yeah, this about the 5th call/date I've been on with her since I beat it a week ago.

I thought she left for good the last time, but a week later and in classic horror movie form, SHEEEEE's BAAAAACK....


Im loving reading Alex's blog after every date:lol Also, getting them drunk is great... the drunk dialogue is pretty hilarious.


voltron said:
Im loving reading Alex's blog after every date:lol Also, getting them drunk is great... the drunk dialogue is pretty hilarious.
Drunk dialog is one of the reasons why I dumped someone after the first date. I don't remember who it was (might've been Sobohoe), but she was laying into Niko for like the entire time. She was an uptight bitch before, but became 100x worse when she was drunk.

The hilarious thing was when we went to get in the car to leave the bar, Niko threw the car door open and smacked her in the face with it. Then she stumbled for like 3 feet and fell into a pile of garbage. *cue Seinfeld BBO ep flashback* :lol
Fucking hell :(

there is a pinch point with a rocket launcher spawn on the airport race track. people camp there and get kill after kill. its so cheap.


Paper or plastic?
I'm getting sick of those smart ass comments by the game everytime I don't complete a unique jump the right way:

GTAIV: "Nope. Not good enough"
Me: "Who the hell are you talking to like that?"

:lol. Seriously, at some point it begins to sound like a judgemental father...


Yesterday I started searching for pigeons, adamant I would never cheat to find them.

4 hours and 5 pigeons later, I'm ready to ask that question too.


AkuMifune said:
Yesterday I started searching for pigeons, adamant I would never cheat to find them.

4 hours and 5 pigeons later, I'm ready to ask that question too.

Since they put the map in the game, I'd argue that guides aren't cheating.

I wish the in-game map showed you which ones were left though. That would be awesome because I went through an entire run and got all the birds but three. :(

The prospect of searching for three damn birds is soul crushing.

Gamesradar has a great guide with pictures of each location.


Lobster said:
Is there a way to turn my phone off or something??
Otis redux..

There's a sleep mode in the phone options. Just turn it on and it'll block all incoming calls, as well as postpone everything story related until you turn in back off again.

However, if you do a mission while it's enabled, it'll turn the sleep mode back off and you'll have to turn it back on again manually.


Stabby McSter said:

i can't find all the stupid bridges to fly under :(
Hmm.. You only have to fly under the bridges that attach the islands together. Basically, the ones that go across the water. Just look at the map, it shouldn't be that hard.

Speaking of which, you do know that there's an icon that pops up on the map that shows you what bridges you have left right? They aren't there all the time, but as soon as you fly under one with a heli, the remainder will be highlighted.


voltron said:
Are the vigilante missions the ones where you check the cop computer for current crimes?
As in the past games, yes.. and like the other games, these never end. So you can do them forever. There's an achievement for 20 of 'em, I think.

Then there are the Most Wanted missions, which are also found in the police computers. Those are finite and have a set for each island you're on.


Just beat the game, a few questions. Do not read if you haven't beat the game yet.

I chose to work for Dimitri instead of taking revenge, does Roman still die if you take that path?


burgerdog said:
Just beat the game, a few questions. Do not read if you haven't beat the game yet.

I chose to work for Dimitri instead of taking revenge, does Roman still die if you take that path?

Kate dies if you go the revenge route


Gully State said:
Anyone here playing multiplayer? It seems like the majority of people in this thread are working through single player only.
Played it on and off. Other than the Free Roam, I'm pretty "eh" on it. I'm mostly done with the SP though, so I'll probably be online with it more.

As for the SP being the threads focus, well of course it is. The online forum has had the threads for the gamertag/psn names since the beginning. I'd guess that people already have their usual groups set up and meet up online instead of having to post here.

That's how it is for my online games at least.

VOOK said:
When do I get off the first island :(
When you finish the requirements? :p
Ugh, the pigeons... If there's a game design practice that needs to die, it's the trinket hunts in open world games. All they do is make people spend an afternoon with a location map and an FAQ page.
Shockgamer said:
Wow, multiplayer is a blast. I'm loving the heck out of the races and Cops n' Crooks.

Nothing like pulling up to the boss in an Infernus, blasting across the map and riding a boat out to safety as the cops close in.

Looks like the community is starting to learn the nuances of Cops and Crooks. I played a few matches tonight where when I was a crook, the cops would successfully guess where the extraction point was. Nothing more disheartening than driving to your escape boat/copter only to find 4 cops camping it.


Shockgamer said:
Ugh, the pigeons... If there's a game design practice that needs to die, it's the trinket hunts in open world games. All they do is make people spend an afternoon with a location map and an FAQ page.

Well the really annoying thing in this GTA is that they've really lowered the incentives for finding them. In previous games, you'd get a bonus after every 10 or so..now there's just one, after 200. Ok, that's the last time I'll bitch about this. It just really annoys me that they couldn't have thrown something else in there.


has anyone else noticed that over in the suburbs in Leftwood(or whatever) you can drive up to any house and the left hand side garage will open? weird.

When it first happened I thought I had stumbled upon a future house that Niko owns in the game. But lots of them do it. While Im on the subject does Niko end up getting a big mansion with the usual car/boat/heli access?

Bit of a shame if he doesnt. Thats a GTA staple.
voltron said:
has anyone else noticed that over in the suburbs in Leftwood(or whatever) you can drive up to any house and the left hand side garage will open? weird.

When it first happened I thought I had stumbled upon a future house that Niko owns in the game. But lots of them do it. While Im on the subject does Niko end up getting a big mansion with the usual car/boat/heli access?

Bit of a shame if he doesnt. Thats a GTA staple.

Uhm.. is it?


So I was messing around in the city yesterday, and Niko flew out of the car on of the narrow connectors to the freeway. His feet somehow got stuck on the side rails of the freeway, so as Niko was doing his getting back up motion, he was doing the moonwalk all the way down until the rail ended.

It was quite strange at the time, and I wish I had my video camera to show it.


Kureishima said:
Uhm.. is it?

umm, what?

All other previous GTAs the main character ends up with a sweet pad with like a heli pad - garages - and boat access.

So you dont in this one? Im almost finished but not quite.... trying to drag this out.


I love the drunk dialogs, especially Dwayne's, it reveals a hidden aspect of his character I never thought I'd see. Well, yeah, getting people drunk (apart from getting ladies laid >>) is one way to get secrets out in the open.

I thought I'd just list a superficial compare and contrast list between GTA 3, VC and 4, and my goodness, I'd come to realize how much GTA as a series has evolved...

- no fullmap in GTA 3? @_@ big wtf here. Man, all you GTA junkies who are hardcore enough to complete 100% in this game without a fullmap gets respect, as Little Jacob will say.
- wow@ how hard the Paramedics missions in GTA 3 are. Auto fail if the player attempts to change a damaged Ambulance during level 5? uh... I'd pass on the infinite sprint then. kthxbye. :lol
- no cab rides (fast travel), but this is true for VC as well, not sure about SA.
- Niko can climb buildings and fences like a certain Persian Prince, sucks that Claude and Tommy never had a chance to work on their upper limb muscles, and they can't swim as well! Niko +2, Claude + Tommy: - 20.
- no GPS. A double edged sword, since GTA IV's GPS system takes the legal route to your destination, but shortcuts against incoming traffic can prove to be faster.
- I think this is true for both VC and III, if the player enters a Pay 'N' Spray with the police hot on their tail, they come out of it unrecognized and the Police are like dumb fucks who cannot identify a masked paint job of their suspect. Not true any longer in IV, the player has to enter Pay 'N' Spray without the police's presence in the vicinity. + 1 to IV for realism by giving the uniformed chaps some brains.
- no more hidden packages to unlock weapons/armor at safe houses. I think this is balance at work, since it does make the game harder by forcing the player to spend on ammo, or to locate the freebies in town...
- more armor/health packs during missions, which makes life easier.
- better auto-aim, snaps on to hostiles instead of generic pedestrian 101 which makes missions easier as well.
- Niko is the only protagonist who knows how to take cover while under fire.
- the street races are easier. Much lesser traffic and the AI opponents tend to crash against each other, giving the player multiple shots at getting ahead. Compare the street races in GTA IV to VC's "Malibu Club: The Driver", damn I hated that Saber Turbo which is ammo and rocket proof, and I remember it so well because I tried every trick advocated by faqs - sniping Hilary through the windscreen as he comes in, using trucks to make his Sabre Turbo crash at corners, getting 2 stars wanted level to stop Hilary (ended up making life way more difficult for myself >.>), I even drove the Hotring Racer for this mission and NOTHING worked. Eventually I accepted there is no easy way out and won 1/20 + attempts by sheer skill at cornering.

"The Driver" essentially murdered all enthusiasm for street races in GTA games for me.

- speaking of fair play, I like how R* responded to cheaters trying to rig a race by shooting at the competition's tires. Pull this shit off in GTA IV = instant disqualification.

On the whole, I noticed GTA IV is shooting for mass market appeal, by empowering players with more options for an easier time through the game, while discouraging legit cheating techniques in the process. I like some of the new mechanics - swimming, climbing fences and rooftops are great, but at the same time I wish R* had crafted challenges around these features.
Gully State said:
Looks like the community is starting to learn the nuances of Cops and Crooks. I played a few matches tonight where when I was a crook, the cops would successfully guess where the extraction point was. Nothing more disheartening than driving to your escape boat/copter only to find 4 cops camping it.

Those can make for the best endings! Like one time, I was speeding towards a helicopter placed dockside, a cop car on my tail when I realized that the compound I had taken a shortcut through lead to a dead end and a body of water between me and the helicopter. So I just got out of the car, jumped into the drink and swam for it. I climb onto the platform and a cop's already trying to take the thing, so I shoot him through the windshield, throw his body out and lift off before the rest of the cops can get out of the ocean. :lol Multiplayer is worth a thousand single player 'it can only happen in GTA' moments.

Fifty said:
Well the really annoying thing in this GTA is that they've really lowered the incentives for finding them. In previous games, you'd get a bonus after every 10 or so..now there's just one, after 200. Ok, that's the last time I'll bitch about this. It just really annoys me that they couldn't have thrown something else in there.

Yeah. That was disappointing. In previous GTAs, all the side missions gave you some sort of tangible reward. Most side tasks in IV just give you achievement points.

voltron said:
While Im on the subject does Niko end up getting a big mansion with the usual car/boat/heli access?

Bit of a shame if he doesnt. Thats a GTA staple.

Nope. No rags to riches here. No triumpant ending. :(


voltron said:
umm, what?

All other previous GTAs the main character ends up with a sweet pad with like a heli pad - garages - and boat access.

So you dont in this one? Im almost finished but not quite.... trying to drag this out.

Nothing like that in this one. As I was nearing the end, I expected that the story would have me take over Pegerino's house, but that does not happen. It will make sense why when you get to the end of the story.
sennin said:
- speaking of fair play, I like how R* responded to cheaters trying to rig a race by shooting at the competition's tires. Pull this shit off in GTA IV = instant disqualification.

Just wait until the race starts, then do it. No problem.


Shockgamer said:
Ugh, the pigeons... If there's a game design practice that needs to die, it's the trinket hunts in open world games. All they do is make people spend an afternoon with a location map and an FAQ page.

But do they?

I think the design of the pigeons is pretty clever.

You're not just collecting things. You have to shoot them. And when you shoot them you draw aggro. And when you draw aggro you have to run or fight.

So the collectibles are like a second tour through the city. One that you do with a faq or a map and one that leads to more adventures. I think it's a find secondary or tertiary way to approach a game -- especially one that you've already beaten once and want to approach from a different angle.
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