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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


BobFromPikeCreek said:
Which ending does that come from??? I didn't play much after getting either one.
Well, considering
Kate has to die, it'd be the Revenge arc. Basically, if you keep playing you'll start to get calls with an "unknown caller" ID and if you answer it it'll be her apparently calling you from the grave. You can then take her out as normal and she'll behave like she never died in the first place. She's also removed from your phonebook (since she's "dead") and you won't be able to contact her, she'll always contact you.

No clue if it's a glitch or they meant for it to happen, but myself and others have spoken about it a lot. It's hilarious either way.
raYne said:
Well, considering
Kate has to die, it'd be the Revenge arc. Basically, if you keep playing you'll start to get calls with an "unknown caller" ID and if you answer it it'll be her apparently calling you from the grave. You can then take her out as normal and she'll behave like she never died in the first place. She's also removed from your phonebook (since she's "dead") and you won't be able to contact her, she'll always contact you.

No clue if it's a glitch or they meant for it to happen, but myself and others have spoken about it a lot. It's hilarious though.
:lol :lol :lol
That just makes that ending that much worse. Oh well.


Wizpig said:
So guys, i can take missions from
Phil Bell, Gambetti and Jimmy Pegorino... oh and that Assassin guy, but i think he's not part of the main story
I'm at 58.86% of the game.
How much am i far from the ending?
Anyone? =o
epmode said:
Or you can
ignore the boat entirely and just fly to Happiness Island. It works.

Not for me. The moment I got there, it failed the mission.

EDIT: And the second time
I tried to stay close, and instead the first rocket just blows up the helicopter in a single shot.

Fuck it, I'm done. Nice game but they completely screwed up the scripting at the end.


So what's the deal with the FIB, why do they only appear sometimes?
I'd really like to get ahold of one of those FIB Buffalo's, the one time I managed to steal one it felt like an awesome car.
Crazymoogle said:
Not for me. The moment I got there, it failed the mission.

EDIT: And the second time
I tried to stay close, and instead the first rocket just blows up the helicopter in a single shot.

Fuck it, I'm done. Nice game but they completely screwed up the scripting at the end.
Don't stay close, I tried that and I got taken down, then I just stayed above him and dodged all the rockets until the last scripted one.


Fuck Cancer
I don't get the Rockstar Social Club thing. I registered before the release and linked it with my PSN account. However, my standing is still "New Guy" and I cant access "The Story Gang". The only thing that works is ZIT. Does the club features actually work with the PS3 version?
kamorra said:
I don't get the Rockstar Social Club thing. I registered before the release and linked it with my PSN account. However, my standing is still "New Guy" and I cant access "The Story Gang". The only thing that works is ZIT. Does the club features actually work with the PS3 version?
There's a delay of several days because of the server load. I've had 100% for over 3 days and the reading on the site only jumped to 80% this morning.


You guys are talking about different endings?
This game got multiple endings?!?!
How many?
Spoiler-tag your answer, please.


Waht. o_O
I'd rather have 1 ending =(

Should i save before the final mission [whatever that is] or can you do that how many times you want?
Woo 100% finally, now to wait for the bloody social club to get past 60% and realise I have finished the story, great, the site has to let you in to the 100% club before you can win according to the rules, how wonderful, so what, the probably 2 people its updated for will win?


agh... i haven't looked at my email in a while, and i just checked it to find that my last email containing a
car theft request from brucie
is gone. is there any way to start these missions up again?


Undeux said:
agh... i haven't looked at my email in a while, and i just checked it to find that my last email containing a
car theft request from brucie
is gone. is there any way to start these missions up again?
You don't have the scroll down button on the right side? I haven't had the game automatically delete email for me yet.


Undeux said:
agh... i haven't looked at my email in a while, and i just checked it to find that my last email containing a
car theft request from brucie
is gone. is there any way to start these missions up again?
You can't delete them until you do the job and as far as I know, they don't delete themselves.

More than likely, you just received more emails which pushed the one you want off the screen. So delete the excess (the ones you can see) and it should scroll up automatically.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
raYne said:
Well, considering
Kate has to die, it'd be the Revenge arc. Basically, if you keep playing you'll start to get calls with an "unknown caller" ID and if you answer it it'll be her apparently calling you from the grave. You can then take her out as normal and she'll behave like she never died in the first place. She's also removed from your phonebook (since she's "dead") and you won't be able to contact her, she'll always contact you.

No clue if it's a glitch or they meant for it to happen, but myself and others have spoken about it a lot. It's hilarious either way.



I beat it awhile ago and this hasn't happened yet, I did the revenge path too.


Law of the West
I felt like a complete psycho doing this last night but I had to post to see if anyone else had given it a try...

So I grabbed a Homeland Security chopper and was flying along the waterfront when I found the driving range. Intrigued, I flew inside to see if anyone was practicing, but when I found them lined up in front of me I couldn't help but spray the entire building. What surprised me was that the civilians were so terrified they began jumping from the upper floors to their death before I could hit them with my cannons. Incredible moment which made me understand why Rockstar is still pulling user videos from the web! :lol


Doc Evils said:
You know I just revisited nearly all 200 locations and I did not find the pigeon. :(

Do you think my game has a bug or something?

Two bits of pigeon advice:

1. Hunt them at night so the red glow is more obvious
2. Use your ears. The pigeons I've found I've heard long before I've seen. Then again, I live in nyc, I know what flying rats sound like. :)


I'm taking a little brake from the final mission. Wonna know why?

because there's an army standing between me and pegarino? NO. Because it was hard to chase the SUV down, fuck no. Because I've now had to retry 4 fucking times because the 30 second dirt bike ride has to be completed without the slightest mistake? YES. What the fuck is wrong with people. 800 of them working on the game and nobody caught this? All fucking game the guy you're chasing could be a mile away from you and it won't fail the mission. Now you need the grace of a ballerina on a bouncy bike on some dirt track to get past that point. Awesome playtesting guys....


TTG said:
I'm taking a little brake from the final mission. Wonna know why?

because there's an army standing between me and pegarino? NO. Because it was hard to chase the SUV down, fuck no. Because I've now had to retry 4 fucking times because the 30 second dirt bike ride has to be completed without the slightest mistake? YES. What the fuck is wrong with people. 800 of them working on the game and nobody caught this? All fucking game the guy you're chasing could be a mile away from you and it won't fail the mission. Now you need the grace of a ballerina on a bouncy bike on some dirt track to get past that point. Awesome playtesting guys....

Wow you're going to be real pissed at the next part of that mission! :lol

just go slower with the dirtbike


daw840 said:
Wow you're going to be real pissed at the next part of that mission! :lol

just go slower with the dirtbike

Ahhh if only it was that simple.

Attempt 1. Instead of zig zagging up the hill i hit a side of the cliff. Fail

Attempt 2. Pushed forward on the stick thinking it would stabilize the bike. Got the opposite. Fail

Attempt 3. Hit a wire fence. Fail

Attempt 4. Wanted to go around the stunt jump thinking that was the right direction. Fail

Attempt 5. Bike in the water. Fail



The only thing that was truly upsetting for me was the scripted chases, nothing like unloading 300 bullets onto a car, shooting all its tires out and it still out-maneuvers you. Either way, I absolutely enjoy playing this game. One other thing, wasn't all your money supposed to be in the bank and you'd be able to take out of ATMs? Oh! Another thing that I don't like is dying in this game, you lose a shit ton of money when you do, I don't recall losing this much in other gta games.


And it's not like I've been struggling along the way. I've had 11 retries the whole game before this horseshit.


TTG said:
And it's not like I've been struggling along the way. I've had 11 retries the whole game before this horseshit.
Took me four tries, only I got to the end every time and went off the jump, but the helicopter was long gone. It's counterintuitive, but going slower really was the answer for me. I'm not sure how it's scripted, but somehow going as fast as you can only seems to work against you.
TTG said:
Ahhh if only it was that simple.

Attempt 1. Instead of zig zagging up the hill i hit a side of the cliff. Fail

Attempt 2. Pushed forward on the stick thinking it would stabilize the bike. Got the opposite. Fail

Attempt 3. Hit a wire fence. Fail

Attempt 4. Wanted to go around the stunt jump thinking that was the right direction. Fail

Attempt 5. Bike in the water. Fail

If you get too fed up you could always go back to a previous save and
work with Dimitri. You get a boat instead of a bike on that part if you do.


Salmonax said:
Took me four tries, only I got to the end every time and went off the jump, but the helicopter was long gone. It's counterintuitive, but going slower really was the answer for me. I'm not sure how it's scripted, but somehow going as fast as you can only seems to work against you.

Wow, I only failed the
portion of this once. Of course I failed the
portion repeatedly.

edit: Has anyone got the "Rolled Over" achievement?


Papercuts said:


I beat it awhile ago and this hasn't happened yet, I did the revenge path too.
It might take a while. Lets say a few in-game days to a week. It seems to work like the normal friend stuff where you'll get a call if you don't talk to them for a while and they'll call you to see what's up.

burgerdog said:
The only thing that was truly upsetting for me was the scripted chases, nothing like unloading 300 bullets onto a car, shooting all its tires out and it still out-maneuvers you. Either way, I absolutely enjoy playing this game. One other thing, wasn't all your money supposed to be in the bank and you'd be able to take out of ATMs? Oh! Another thing that I don't like is dying in this game, you lose a shit ton of money when you do, I don't recall losing this much in other gta games.
Yeah, I wondered about this a bunch of times. I don't remember who said it, meaning if it was a dev of just someone from the media making a guess just because they're there.


I think it would have pissed me off to have to go to an ATM to get money out. Every time you go to the weapons store you have to go to an ATM first? That would be annoying.

edit: Has anyone got the "Rolled Over" achievement?


daw840 said:
I think it would have pissed me off to have to go to an ATM to get money out. Every time you go to the weapons store you have to go to an ATM first? That would be annoying.
Perhaps, but it's certainly not the only annoying thing in the game. ;)

edit: Has anyone got the "Rolled Over" achievement?
Yep. Airport ramps are your friends.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
At first I thought it was just me struggling over the last mission but apparently there are more. Once you get to the dirt bike section there are just too many trial and error bits. Only mission next to Clothes, Boots & Motorcycle that I had to redo a bunch of times. My deaths were:

- accidentally landing in the water after a jump with the bike. fission mailed immediately
- taking the high instead of the low road with the bike, also resulting in failure because you miss the ramp
- being confused with heli controls in the last part. first the game says I should focus on shooting the machine guns, then suddenly I get control. I was so focused shooting I didn't hear Jacob saying this and suddenly the chopper's in the water
- loading my save once I got rocketed in the last part

they had the opportunity to go out with a bang there, but it was an annoying piece of work

raYne said:
Yep. Airport ramps are your friends.

I've spent a bunch of time there with a Turismo and then cop cars when it gets destroyed and it's so frustrating. I clearly make a whole bunch of flips when I drive over the ramps but it never unlocks, I'm almost certain I've had 5 flips multiple times, dunno what I'm doing wrong


kill playboy x or dwayne?

Having a hard time deciding.
darkjacob said:
kill playboy x or dwayne?

Having a hard time deciding.
If you kill Playboy then you get his apartment and Dwayne as a friend, which is worth it just to hear Dwayne moan about his pathetic life, he'll also let you call some of his buddies to help you, though I never used it, so I don't know if they're any good

If you kill Dwayne, I think you just get some cash


Man, I just about blew a gasket when I saw my helicopter catch fire. :lol

The first thing that I want to talk about is the storytelling and the choices you have to make. GTA throws so many things at your story wise, things that 99% of games don't even attempt. For one, there's no clear cut good and evil here when you make decisions and these things have a real impact on the story and world around you. And how about the choice at the end when you meet that special someone? When was the last time you've seen a game just give you the main villain like that? No struggle to get to him, nothing to be gained from killing him or letting him go. Here's this pathetic human being you've been blaming all your problems on the whole game. He's not putting up a fight or making speeches and here's a choice. Do you walk away and let him rot in his filth, or do you kill him anyway. What does that say about you? Most of the time you feel bad if you do and feel bad if you don't. Which leads me into the next point. The main character is broken as a human being. At first I was having doubts about how Rockstar was handling him and the inconsistancies, but now it all seems clear to me.... but anyway all of this has been said already, I'm sure.

Some questions:

1. Are there 2 endings or 3? I killed Dimitri when given the chance for revenge and I killed Darco as well. I'm guessing there's a different ending if I make a deal with Dimitri. Is the last section worth replaying to see what that is? is it a completely different mission? And does it make a difference if you leave the guy who betrayed you alive?


Darunia said:
I've spent a bunch of time there with a Turismo and then cop cars when it gets destroyed and it's so frustrating. I clearly make a whole bunch of flips when I drive over the ramps but it never unlocks, I'm almost certain I've had 5 flips multiple times, dunno what I'm doing wrong
I used a Turismo as well and got it on the 3rd or 4th pass. In my case I wasn't exactly "rolling" either. The car was sliding on the rear bumper and spinning around like a top while sliding at 50mph.

It actually surprised me when it popped up because I was about to get ready to do another pass.


franke8568 said:
I bought the PS3 version and a brand new Dual Shock with this game and I am getting no rumbling out of my dual shock. Is this normal? I know the game supports the rumble feature, yet when i get into fights or get hit by a car no rumble. Is my game defective? I know that the controller is able to rumble because when i switch rumble from OFF to ON it gives me a quick rumble to let me know. Any help or advice would be appreciated.
Did anybody else experienced this? I just bought a Dual Shock 3 and I already had a savegame
(just decided to kill Playboy X)
and I have NO RUMBLE WHATSOEVER. It is activated (actually, the controler rumbles when it is activated) but never rumbles afterwards; even after crashes, getting hit, dying, etc.
Beat the game today. Missed out on the 30 hour achievement by about 20 minutes.

Overall I thought the game was pretty fun. Probably my second favorite GTA, behind only GTA3.

Multiplayer wasn't really what I was expecting/hoping for. Hopefully it gets better as I play more of it.
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