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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours

Anyone playing multiplayer this weekend? I posted in the online forum, but that thread is pretty dead. I'll be on XBL a fair bit, gt: Cornballer. Send me a FR if you want to play some. :)


Krypton Zod said:
System link play? What's that?
You never heard of Sys link play? Really?

It's when you hook up two consoles together so you can play multiplayer/co-op. Sorta like PC LAN setups.
raYne said:
You never heard of Sys link play? Really?

It's when you hook up two consoles together so you can play multiplayer/co-op. Sorta like PC LAN setups.

Oh, that. That last i've heard people talking about that was back when GT3 was released, heh. I don't think many games used it at all.


Anyone else feel like there's way less freedom when you just want to go on a rampage? Like there's less places to hide and you can't really make great death and mayhem scenes like you could in the past games.


Goldrusher said:
I am surprised by the lack of screenshots / photos in this thread.

The game is beautiful.





ok. Enough of this shit. Big rant coming.

I am on
Out of commision to kill that idiot and this is maked by monkeys, really. Hey great cover system, do you know what? we aren´t gonna use it. Also, if you use it on this mission we are gonna do like you are not behind anything and let you be shooted from 100 meters with a fucking shotgun. Also, we are gonna give you 3 stupid things to do. The first, go out of a door with no protection and face 2 guys in front of you. Second, a get down from a ladder and 5 guys shooting at you. Third but not last no fucking checkpoints so the difficulty just ramps up. fun? what is that?

Fuck gta, fuck r* and fuck stupid missions designed by monkeys. Iñm selling the fucking game and go get something fun

I give up on this. I don´t want to play more gta, enough with the +15 tryings for this.
jestro said:
Anyone else feel like there's way less freedom when you just want to go on a rampage? Like there's less places to hide and you can't really make great death and mayhem scenes like you could in the past games.

There are too many cops around to pull it off, yeah.


Fuuuuuck, hit the side of the ramp on Out of Commission and it ended it for me. Could there be anything more frustrating in the history of the world?

Jedeye Sniv

You see, I feel a bit the opposite. Police chases and chaos are much easier in this game than they have ever been. Previously, if you got out of your car and tried to fight at three stars or above, you were fucked. Now with the cover system (which i love) you can quite easily spin your knackered car in the road, jump out, kill all the police in the area, grab a nice shiny new police car (because you headshotted all the police) and you're off again to escape. Drive in a straight line for a couple of minutes to lose 4 stars. Find a corner to hole up in, like the pay-and-spray in Algonquin and you can get 6 stars easily.

Fun, but I wish it were slightly more of a challenge, like when you turn a great song up just that little bit too loud so you can feel it properly. I wish the police were that little bit more mental so I could do more crazy shit with them. At 5 stars I should have at least 3 cars on me at all time, trying to ram me the fuck off the road. The police aren't nearly as aggressive in this game, so you can effectively 'win' that much easier.

That said, I think that the emphasis in this game has changed now that you can 'win' chases. Especially now that dying costs a shitload of money, it wouldn't be quite as fun to be having your ass handed to you every time you get a little kill-happy. And now I can be satisfied because I gutted a Cluckin' Bell, killed a whole platoon of police and lived to get home and watch the Men's Room. For the prostate advice, obvs.


Jedeye Sniv said:
You see, I feel a bit the opposite. Police chases and chaos are much easier in this game than they have ever been. Previously, if you got out of your car and tried to fight at three stars or above, you were fucked. Now with the cover system (which i love) you can quite easily spin your knackered car in the road, jump out, kill all the police in the area, grab a nice shiny new police car (because you headshotted all the police) and you're off again to escape. Drive in a straight line for a couple of minutes to lose 4 stars. Find a corner to hole up in, like the pay-and-spray in Algonquin and you can get 6 stars easily.

Fun, but I wish it were slightly more of a challenge, like when you turn a great song up just that little bit too loud so you can feel it properly. I wish the police were that little bit more mental so I could do more crazy shit with them. At 5 stars I should have at least 3 cars on me at all time, trying to ram me the fuck off the road. The police aren't nearly as aggressive in this game, so you can effectively 'win' that much easier.

That said, I think that the emphasis in this game has changed now that you can 'win' chases. Especially now that dying costs a shitload of money, it wouldn't be quite as fun to be having your ass handed to you every time you get a little kill-happy. And now I can be satisfied because I gutted a Cluckin' Bell, killed a whole platoon of police and lived to get home and watch the Men's Room. For the prostate advice, obvs.

I don't mind the fact that you can kill all of the police in the area and speed away. I like the aproach of actually sending out police cars from different areas without having the o so obvious COD4 style spawn fest.

There SHOULD be more and better police though. I'm guessing there were a lot of conversations at Rockstar about something like a Weazel News helicopter and your chases being followed on the radio. Spike strips, gas/granades, snipers, anti terrorist teams with shields and shit, the army... and a whole bunch of other things I haven't thought of. The main problem that I see is that the game barely runs WITHOUT all that stuff. You already can't get through 30 seconds of driving through the populated parts of the city without seeing some slowdown, this would just make things worse. Maybe in the next game?

Ploid 3.0

Anyone made a list of fun things to do in the game that aren't missions?

In trying to deal with the small amount of useful gta codes, and other things from the ps2 versions, I have tried to make lemonade out of this game. I don't usually like gta missions, and definitely wouldn't buy one just for missions. I'd be happy about doing them if they had awesome rewards however. Stuff like not having to wait on the backup to be rested, but rather having them show up at the snap of a finger anytime I feel like it. All of the friend perks being available instantly and not some realistic wait, not available, or you should hang out with me more type stuff would be a great reward. I'd even consider unlocking the code that allow yo to lock your warning level on whatever star amount you have a great reward for getting 100% complete in this game. I'm nowhere near that now but if it free me up from having to spam the "lower wanted level code" on the cell phone each time something happens, or when I have to do it over and over again for some reason, I'll unlock it.

So far I have tried getting people in trouble by making them shoot at me either by shooting at them first, or whatever. If I get a star I just use the remove star code. If a cop isn't around I call 911. It get kinda old after seeing how the person/s I call the cops on can't seem to get a star rating over level 1, and if the cop catch them with no police car around the guy can just run away after a while and it's a endless chase-capture-chase until I stop following them (they disappear or stop the show).

I did some stunt jumps but they weren't something you'd rush back up to the top of the hill for.

The shotgun is a great weapon to blow up a car quick. Two shots at the driver seat from the front of the car should get the flames starting. Great for creating chain explosions at a traffic jam. Yea you can use a rocket launcher but it causes more than one to blow up at a time. less interesting I think.

Ploid 3.0

Don't try to shoot the boat. That's where I messed up at. Just try to avoid the rockets it shoot at you and try to follow it a while. People in the chopper are shooting at it.


Do you guys think that the social club may not work when you have multiple saves? I'm at 0% according to the social club even though I associated my account even before I got the game, and my PSN always works flawless.


Ploid 3.0 said:
Don't try to shoot the boat. That's where I messed up at. Just try to avoid the rockets it shoot at you and try to follow it a while. People in the chopper are shooting at it.

Yeah I ended up beating it next time I got in the chopper. "I Won!"


keyrat said:
Do you guys think that the social club may not work when you have multiple saves? I'm at 0% according to the social club even though I associated my account even before I got the game, and my PSN always works flawless.
Nothing to do with that. Rockstar's servers are reportedly overloaded.


The first Phil mission was awesome.
A little shootout took place, but the truck chase showed a new gameplay mechanic. Hanging on the truck and then learning to balance yourself on top of it was intense.

I was just hoping another truck doesn't come along and take me out from the side when I was hanging.
Is it 80% "Like" that you get the perk from any particular relationship?

On a related note, what else does Jacob like to do besides hit up Cluckin' Bell? I tried pretty much everything else with no luck. I have his Like at 60% and Respect at 100% atm.


Is it 80% "Like" that you get the perk from any particular relationship?

On a related note, what else does Jacob like to do besides hit up Cluckin' Bell? I tried pretty much everything else with no luck. I have his Like at 60% and Respect at 100% atm.
Depending on the person it varies from 60-75%+. For Jacob it's 75%.

No idea how you, "tried pretty much everything", and still have a percentage that low however.. since he likes "pretty much everything". Cluckin Bell and some club in Northwood being his favorites.


keyrat said:
I would take Jakob playing darts almost every time cause thats what he initially called me for.
This is also much easier.

In the beginning, I'd just let them call me and suggest something. That way they'll always enjoy themselves.


Just finished.

Loved almost every minute. Some missions were annoying/dull but the overall experience is one of the best.

And now to finally browse through this thread...




Eriatarka said:

Ooh, thanks for the guide. Had not seen one where the pigeons were numbered. Should make it easier to keep track of which have been found and killed.

Ploid 3.0

rc213 said:
How do you get the secret t-shirt in the PS3 version? I went inside the statue but nothing happened. =\

It's outside the bulding on a high floor. Like the highest you can get to by walking iirc.

Ploid 3.0

rc213 said:
How do you get the secret t-shirt in the PS3 version? I went inside the statue but nothing happened. =\

It's outside the bulding on a high floor. Like the highest you can get to by walking iirc.
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