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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours

raYne said:
Depending on the person it varies from 60-75%+. For Jacob it's 75%.

No idea how you, "tried pretty much everything", and still have a percentage that low however.. since he likes "pretty much everything". Cluckin Bell and some club in Northwood being his favorites.

Thanks. Guess I was just calling at the wrong time or something. Didn't come with last time I offered to take him to play darts. I'll keep trying.



OK so I'm up to the second to the last(?) mission where you hunt down Dimitri in the Old Casino.

Follow the baddies to the Old Casino? Not a problem. Get rid of the baddies once you get there? Not a problem. Get in the boat and chase Dimitri flying away in the chopper? Not a problem. But now.....Jacob comes in with his own chopper, and ladies and gentlemen, we have a problem.

The problem is, how the HELL do you catch up to Jacob and fly under his chopper? The guy only flies in front of you for a few seconds and then flies off!!!! WTF?????? Why is it that as I'm approaching his chopper, he seemingly descends to the water, then *immediately* takes off without me, causing me to lose Dimitri and fail the mission!! Is this a glitch?

I've failed this mission during this scene almost TEN times already, trying to reach Jacob's chopper. Is there something about the boat that I'm not doing right? Is there some sort of turbo button to go faster and catch Jacob?

Please help! :mad:


Thanks. Guess I was just calling at the wrong time or something. Didn't come with last time I offered to take him to play darts. I'll keep trying.
Whoa.. That's not how it works. The only time you get denied is when you're calling during a time that they aren't free or are alseep. They'll never deny you just based on what event you choose.
They really failed to make me care about Kate. and in general the further into the story the less interesting the characters. i think it peaks with 3 leaf clover.


BobFromPikeCreek said:
That's why the other ending is ten times better.
Arguable since I never liked
, so I'd rather have
Roman be alive
. :lol

notjackbauer said:
They really failed to make me care about Kate. and in general the further into the story the less interesting the characters. i think it peaks with 3 leaf clover.
Yep. I've said it a bunch of times.
The game story goes downhill after you leave Dukes and the entire last half (save for TLC is meh).
raYne said:
Arguable since I never liked
, so I'd rather have
Roman be alive
. :lol
Oh, I 100% agree the outcome where
Kate dies
is better.:lol As an ending though, it sucks.

Still haven't gotten zombie Kate calls though, and I played a couple hours today


BobFromPikeCreek said:
Still haven't gotten zombie Kate calls though, and I played a couple hours today
Haven't you seen any
flicks? They only come when you least expect it.

*lightning strikes*

XGuNn3rX said:
But it fails to have any impact, which is the whole point, right?
Sure, if you want to use logic... *rollseyes* :p



OK so I'm up to the second to the last(?) mission where you hunt down Dimitri in the Old Casino.

Follow the baddies to the Old Casino? Not a problem. Get rid of the baddies once you get there? Not a problem. Get in the boat and chase Dimitri flying away in the chopper? Not a problem. But now.....Jacob comes in with his own chopper, and ladies and gentlemen, we have a problem.

The problem is, how the HELL do you catch up to Jacob and fly under his chopper? The guy only flies in front of you for a few seconds and then flies off!!!! WTF?????? Why is it that as I'm approaching his chopper, he seemingly descends to the water, then *immediately* takes off without me, causing me to lose Dimitri and fail the mission!! Is this a glitch?

I've failed this mission during this scene almost TEN times already, trying to reach Jacob's chopper. Is there something about the boat that I'm not doing right? Is there some sort of turbo button to go faster and catch Jacob?

Please help! :mad:


isamu said:

Not directed at you personally isamu, but you'd think people never saw a boat before with the amount of trouble people have with this mission. :lol

Hold back. It keeps the nose out of the water and you go faster that way.


God girlfriends are such a chore..

I haven't rang
in agesss.

Is it just me or do only the more expensive cars have a GPS?

If it is true thats a really awesome feature.


Jamesfrom818 said:
And it gives Niko the chance to move in on

It'd be awesome if the next GTA has a female lead. Karen might be interesting.
I agree with both of these. A female lead would be a nice change (SR2 ftw) and I've thought that a
hookup would've been far better. Many times throughout the game as a matter a fact.

It's weird how everyone universally hates
. Myself included. :lol

Lobster said:
Is it just me or do only the more expensive cars have a GPS?

If it is true thats a really awesome feature.
Audio GPS? Yeah, that's right.


Lobster said:
God girlfriends are such a chore..

I haven't rang
in agesss.

Is it just me or do only the more expensive cars have a GPS?

If it is true thats a really awesome feature.

Yep, it seems the crappy cars do not have them.


Rockstar failed by dropping Karen/Michelle as the main heroine...

They could have made an awesome storyline around her and Niko (either Niko taking revenge on her or trying to save her from United Paper)


raYne said:
Hold back. It keeps the nose out of the water and you go faster that way.



so awesome you can deliver cars to
stevie after you steal the cars for him...now I won't have to worry about money when I go on my shooting rampages after I reach 100%


The audio GPS annoys the crap out of me. Thankfully I can turn it off in the menus.

And I have to say, that Statue of Happiness/Hillary Clinton comparison pic is disturbing and not something I needed to see after drinking a bit.....



The cops made it really annoying but I finally got it. :D
The missions in Alderney are such an improvement over the Algonquin missions. I was getting bored of the main missions in the middle section of the game, now they are finally mixing things up and even showing off new gameplay elements. I can tell the ending is going to be amazing.


BobFromPikeCreek said:
That's why the other ending is ten times better.
*Ending spoilers here*
Nobody gives a flying fuck about kate, we all think that, and that is why the "real" ending is that, in my opinion.
I mean c'mon, Roman is alive, married, he's going to have a son and all that shit and that bitch Kate is dead.
Best ending!
Ok, i just read you all think this one is the best as an outcome:lol


Wizpig said:
*Ending spoilers here*
Nobody gives a flying fuck about kate, we all think that, and that is why the "real" ending is that, in my opinion.
I mean c'mon, Roman is alive, married, he's going to have a son and all that shit and that bitch Kate is dead.
Best ending!
Ok, i just read you all think this one is the best as an outcome:lol
Pretty much. Plus Niko gets
his revenge
... Which was the whole point in the first place.

Win win win win all around.


For the whole vigilante missions thing,how do I know when I've done the 20 in a row?
I'm on the ps3 and I have no idea if I've done it yet-I did get a message "You are now a vigilante"
I should of kept an eye on my percentage

Jedeye Sniv

domlolz said:
For the whole vigilante missions thing,how do I know when I've done the 20 in a row?
I'm on the ps3 and I have no idea if I've done it yet-I did get a message "You are now a vigilante"
I should of kept an eye on my percentage

I'm guessing you've done it then, don't think it would tell you you're a vigilante if you'd not finished the vigilante missions.


raYne said:
Pretty much. Plus Niko gets
his revenge
... Which was the whole point in the first place.

Win win win win all around.

Yeah, I see it that way now, having completed the game.

I did everything for Roman, and
doing the deal so that he and Mallorie could have a good life, only to lose him
, was such a low blow. ;_;

When I play the game through again, I'll definitely be taking the alternative route.

Kate, while nice at times, was a bit of a bitch. :p
I wouldn't wish death upon anyone, but least of all, Roman, given the choice.
I think they missed a big opportunity to make date's and friendships more interesting by occasionally giving you random missions (via phone) while on the date or hanging out with someone. Something like Jacob calling for help while you're on a date with Alex... "If it's ok with you we need to run a quick errand..." "Ok... oh my god they're shooting at us!"

Also the ability to take out more than one friend at once would have been nice, and a bit of a time saver. That would be awesome to be able to get Jacob, Roman, and Brucie into a car headed for the strip club and the possibilities for the conversations would have been great.


XGuNn3rX said:
I'm sorry but the ending
where Kate dies sounds piss weak to me. Who gives a fuck about her? She was as boring as bat shit and hardly spoke.

Kate was insanely forced, evne if you did bother going on dates with her, there's absolutely no character devlopment on her part. And my god, the dialouge during the ride to the church...I wanted to drive off a cliff. I'd go as far as saying the game may have been better off not giving you a choice at the end, as the narrative works so much better and I'm glad I took the deal my first playthrough.


I actually felt bad about
Kate getting shot
, the only reasonable character if you ask me and I wanted Nico to start a normal life now that all the crap was dealth with. Roman is such a 2 dimensional fuckbag
I wish he got shot instead
. Which in turn brings me to the people saying this game might just have the createst story in videogames yet. You people are fucking insane. The story started of great with a ton of potential but ultimately it crashes and burns as soon as you get to second part of the first island.

I'm now at the final mission and it is utter fucking shit. I've made around 4 attempts so far. The first time I didn't get to the bike soon enough and
got away. The second time I made it all the way to ramp only to have my bike hit some random piece of garbage on the beach which in turn launched my bike 100 feet into the air causing me to do a bunch of flips and die.... The third time I made it into the chopper only to have the helicopter controlls to be somehow even worse than they normally are, needles to say I died. I'm tired of having to do the whole damn boring shootout section again just so I get to attempt to finish this damn game.

This game is the prime example of piss poor game design. It does a number of things very well but there is also so much wrong with this game, it's not even funny. All the sorry excuses for game critics need to be fucking ashamed of themselfs. This game doesn't even come close to warranting a 10/10, 5/5 stars or whatever the fuck they use to indicate the highstest possible recommendation.


Will Eat Your Children
Has anyone had their Rockstar bag ripped apart yet? Seriously, the quality is CRAP! One of the hangers where you attach the strap has teared off. Also, when I tried to open the side, the yellow inside stripped off. Did they make these bags for 20 cents a piece?


just bought a PC .. so haven't played for a while.. i couldn't figure out what do do with the pigeons for the longest time :lol


Speaking of pigeons, I was skimmed through one of the location vids posted yesterday and there's NO WAY some of those would've been found without a guide and through normal gameplay means.

One that stands out the most is the one in a hole on the 2nd story of the Airport terminal. Basically you can only reach it by throwing a blind grenade into the area. Though I suppose you can sorta hear that one if close enough.

However, there's another that you have to toss another blind grenade 3 stories up, through a window and into some random abandoned apartment. WTF is that shit? :lol
So I've decided to beat the story today.

Cot DAMN these missions are getting harder. I'm basically down to last two mob threads (unless another one creeps in, which I doubt). Lots of fun, varied, multi-tiered missions in all types of different environs. Fun stuff.


raYne said:
Speaking of pigeons, I was skimmed through one of the location vids posted yesterday and there's NO WAY some of those would've been found without a guide and through normal gameplay means.

One that stands out the most is the one in a hole on the 2nd story of the Airport terminal. Basically you can only reach it by throwing a blind grenade into the area. Though I suppose you can sorta hear that one if close enough.

However, there's another that you have to toss another blind grenade 3 stories up, through a window and into some random abandoned apartment. WTF is that shit? :lol

The airport hole is actually a spot, where I would have looked, if I did it all by myself. (with the sniper rifle of course)

Most ridicolous pigeon was probably 26 on the Gamesradar map. You either jump out of a helicopter there, or you make an epic overcomplicated climb tour over the train station roof on the opposite side. :lol

Also did a bit more multiplayer. Can be fun, if the host gets the setting right, but there are so many ways to fuck it up........


Danielsan said:
I actually felt bad about
Kate getting shot
, the only reasonable character if you ask me and I wanted Nico to start a normal life now that all the crap was dealth with. Roman is such a 2 dimensional fuckbag
I wish he got shot instead
. Which in turn brings me to the people saying this game might just have the createst story in videogames yet. You people are fucking insane. The story started of great with a ton of potential but ultimately it crashes and burns as soon as you get to second part of the first island.
Hoo-ray! I'm not the only one!

I find Roman to be an annoying fucker. I think he works for what he's supposed to be (big dreamer, etc.), but it felt like
Kate was the only who was actually trying to help Niko live a normal life. The only person trying to pull him out of a life of crime.

It's such a shame that the game started out with the whole "Niko's trying to start anew in America!" theme but then quickly dragged him into the usual GTA sociopath stereotype. I mean, the first five or so missions and the last five or so seemed like they were connected. Everything in between just said "fuck you!" to consistency. Robbing a bank? Really? Trying to start a new life, and you decide to rob a bank? As awesome as that mission was, it didn't fit with the story. Almost nothing did.

Oops. I ranted. D:

Also fucking stunt jump 22. I can't do it. ):


Last mission took me six times to complete, done with the story and I'm at 65% now.
Found two pigeons in 34 hours of gameplay :(

Jedeye Sniv

Finished the last mission in one go, you guys suck! :lol Enjoyed it thoroughly, was real seat-of-the-pants stuff. But
poor Roman! I was gutted when it happened, I had no idea. I just stood there afterwards, looking at his body, I was in total shock.
I love it when videogames make me feel really shitty, that depth of emotional response is something new to modern games and it's a trend I wish to continue.

It took 40 hours and I did 70% in all. Now onto the side missions and lots and lots of multiplayer. Whee!!


Hey guys, i already asked this, but got no answers: how do you delete a saved file of GTA 4 on the 360?

I want to delete the awful ending and just keep the awesome ending, sounds good to you guys?
You know, i'm asking because maybe there are things you can only do after a certain ending, but i don't think so.


Oh, by the way, i didn't think so at the beginning, but ultimately... it was a good choice to put there 2 endings.


Well, because *ending spoilers*
some people hated Roman, some people like me liked him! So you can keep "in your heart :lol" the ending you liked the best, meanig i want Roman to be a good father and have the kid.


So anyone close(already have)to completing any tasks off the social club? My goal was to reach the driving first and am 38% done with that...but I'll probably be reaching jacked cars first.
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